Is this true? Calories don't matter?



  • xtanyx
    xtanyx Posts: 53
  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    iam currently looking for women to be in my trail study of the no bra or underwear diet where you walk around bending over picking up imaginary pieces of paper all day
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member

    It says 1750 for food reduced to 1480 with the exercise I put in. I hope this makes sense, as I say, I don't count calories. I joined this site yesterday just out of curiosity, and obviously for the support.

    I just ask because I also eat paleo (well, more primal as I eat dairy and some rice) and I managed to gain weight eating paleo and not calorie counting. In fairness, the gains I've had have been pretty good, in that I havent gotten 'fatter' so to speak. Ive started to track my calories and macros in order to try and reduce body fat %, but am still eating 1600-1800 a day (not 'eating exercise calories' so to speak, but just eating a little more on the days that I workout).
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member

    Having said all that out of all this I have learnt not to fear the fat and get my protein in as a priority. No more freaking rice cakes ...

    I fecking love rice cakes. I had some last week after avoiding them for ages. I'd missed them so much,lol.
  • Shubbamoo
    Shubbamoo Posts: 10 Member

    I just ask because I also eat paleo (well, more primal as I eat dairy and some rice) and I managed to gain weight eating paleo and not calorie counting. In fairness, the gains I've had have been pretty good, in that I havent gotten 'fatter' so to speak. Ive started to track my calories and macros in order to try and reduce body fat %, but am still eating 1600-1800 a day (not 'eating exercise calories' so to speak, but just eating a little more on the days that I workout).

    The only dairy I eat regularly is butter, but I do eat small amounts of cheese and cream on occasion. I don't eat any grains or processed food and I don't mix high carb veg with high fat in the same meal. I know some people would say this is a restrictive diet but, for me, it's the easiest, most natural diet, I've ever had. IMO, it's far less restrictive than living off of wheat (cereal for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch, pasta for dinner, biscuits for snacks).
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    Your friend is right. Don't be afraid of fat and you say you are only doing this while losing weight - what happens when you start incorporating them into your diet once you have lost all you want? When your body is used to what you are giving it?

    Calories do matter - it matters how many you have in a day - but "diet" food is only produced for people on "diets". Losing weight should be something that develops into a lifestyle.
  • well form my own perspective, the main issue is not the statement but the sweeping genralisation, it can easily lead to misinturpation.

    calories do matter to a point, you have a certain amount you need to maintain a healthy body...excess calories are going to do stuff to your body regardless, the most common effect is to put on weight.

    as for the statement about fat...there are a good number of natural soruces of fat and these seem to indicate...from figures i have put into mfp myself (directley off the labels) to have a much better effect, i would still have around the same calories reamining but i would have a better weight loss prediction over a week.

    another point to consider how many times do you hear the words empty calories, particulay refernceing to processed foods, calories are only part of the battle the quailty of what you are getting for those is still the other part.

    ultimatly you have to find what works for you, but you are right to be cautious of anyone who seems to be offering you what appears to be soemthing for nothing.