Quitting because of stress



  • kazza2cats
    kazza2cats Posts: 87 Member
    If you are loosing on the calories you have been set then stick with it. If not maybe up date your settings as they change as you loose weight. You've lost 46 pounds which is amazing!!!
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    Your loss so far is amazing!


    That being said I understand the confusion..I weigh more than ever being here...but I also look better and have way more definition and tone going on.

    I will not say the scale doesn't get the best of me b/c it does. I haven't been out of the 120s for almost a decade..but can't break back into them for the last few months.

    Do what feels right. Only u know what's working and what's not.

    Quiting is such a strong word...only quitters quit. Someone who has lost 47 lbs is not a quiter!!

    Take a break...mfp will be here when u are ready.
  • iwantahealthierme13
    iwantahealthierme13 Posts: 337 Member
    Stay away from the forums and just eat when you're hungry but eat good choices of foods.

    I don't even know what BMR or TDEE really is. I just follow the macros the site gave me and don't eat back all my exercise cals, I only eat them if I'm still hungry. I'm still losing weight.
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    Just do what works for you and stick with it. It's just like exercise if you hate running but you make yourself do it you'll never stick with it and have long term success.

    I don't worry about any of the new fancy science stuff that's out there. I eat 1200 calories, I exercies and I lose so it's working plain and simple!!!
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    ****About to be blunt, and thusly will come across harsh*****
    You have spent some time watching Biggest Loser and believe that someone can lose 100 lbs in three months right? Here is a spoiler alert, they are not doing it in three months and their diets are very closely monitored by a Dietitian and Physician. They are also doing physical activity in excess of six hours a day.
    You have been on the website since March 2012, we will call it two months. You did not get to the point of an unhealthy lifestyle in two months; you are not going to reverse and become healthy in two months.
    You have two choices and only you can make the choices, either toss in the towel and call it quits or pick that dang towel up and wipe the sweat from face and move on.
    Set realistic goal; the only thing that is consistent from person to person who are on this journey is move and eat right. What is eating right, you gotta find that answer for yourself. Is it a Paleo; Atkins; Twix diet, that would be yours to discover.
    Move more, if you are having issues walking {and I am only making a factually guess} maybe you need to find an exercise that keeps your legs from rubbing together {swimming, shorter walks; Yoga; stepping} or a different type of work-out attire.
    Everyone is different and there are a lot of different plans that work for different people. You are heading in the right direction by consulting trained personnel {Nutritionist and Physician} but in the end the work is yours alone.
    Good luck on whatever you decide to do.
  • agriffitts85
    agriffitts85 Posts: 38 Member
    dont give up you have lost weight and that in itself is awesome. as for the bleeding issue id get to a dr that sounds like a seperate issue all in its self. i personally use the sight just to keep track of the types of things i eat not how much nothing like that, i eat if im hungry, and dont eat if im not hungry. i take my supplements, and drink plenty of fluids all day long. i have only lost 12lbs in a month i wish i would have been more but hey a loss is a loss, and its still a step in the right direction in the right direction to getting healthy again for me....

    keep your head up you can do it, people words are just that WORDS... you need to do what feels right for you. it is a new month start over take it day by day, eat what you like, trying to keep it balanced, and smaller portions. and just remember to keep fluids in you. and move as much as you can how ever you can any kind of movement you can even for 5 minute incraments is still movement and an effort, put this journey into your time... and take it slow you can do this...... add me if you would like i will support you if you would like a supportive voice that is non judgemental....
  • optbal12
    optbal12 Posts: 1
    Hi there,

    First and foremost: YOU HAVE LOST 46lbs :):):) Well done you :)

    I know what you mean about confusion. I started off 'full of the joys of spring' and then got bogged down with TDEE numbers etc....and the amount I should/should not be eating.

    What I decided to do, having researched here and WW, was to try and stick my MFP allocated calories of 1200 (to lose 1.5llbs per week...using the flexibility of eating back exercise calories if I feel hungry). I also decided to have a 'weekly bank' of calories (based on MFP calculations to lose 1 lb per week) in case I go over. That gives me a great sense of reassurance and flexibility so that I don't 'obsess' over every calorie! So basically I can eat 1200-1440 per day and if I have a 'bad' day it's all ok. BUT knowing that I CAN go over makes in less likely that I will...if that makes sense. Basically I know that if I stick to 1200 I can lose 1.5 per week. If I eat 1440 I can lose 1 lb per week both of which are good :)...and if I go WAY over 1 day its not the end of the world :)

    You obviously have had great success so maybe keep doing what you are doing :)
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    See your doctor about the bleeding, use the default settings on MPF and reeelax. You've lost 46 pounds thats great - everything else you will figure as you go. There's nothing to be stressing over just slow slow chipping away.

  • Drastiic
    Drastiic Posts: 322 Member
    No offense but it sounds like you are looking for reasons to quit rather than reasons to keep going. You can't tell me that you haven't had positive exprriences from what you have lost so far. Stay strong!

    All those calculations are estimates. Pick any number you want and stay at that amount for 3-4 weeks. If you're losing, keep doing what you're doing. If you're not, then adjust accordingly. The whole process is trial and error. You're not the only person struggling. Lots of people are going through this process.
  • Silverstar46
    Silverstar46 Posts: 187 Member
    I'm sorry but what the hell were your goals that you aren't excited about a 46lb loss in TWO MONTHS?! Good God, if everyone lost that much that fast then we would all be skinny minnys by now!

    Look, I've been losing about ten pounds a month by following MFP's calorie guidelines and saying, "Screw the advise from fellow MFPers". WHY? Because it's just their opinions on what is right or wrong and they have no medical background to back it up so they're basically blowing smoke up someone's butt. Yeah, their diet works for them - does NOT mean it will work for you.

    However, whatever you have been doing is obviously working. Now if it took you two years to get to 46lbs gone - then I'd be damned upset. If you'd only lost 2lbs in 2 months - I'd be damned upset.

    Get your butt to the doctor and figure out why you are bleeding when you're not supposed to be and then figure out why you want to quit so bad.

    If you want to quit - go ahead. It's not going to prevent me from continuing to lose weight. However I think it would be enormously selfish of you to quit - selfish to yourself and your family! You have the chance to change your life forever and you're letting other people's opinions make you go batty. That's just not right.

    Get off the forums, and go to your doctor who went to med school for five years to learn how to help you - THAT is the one you should listen to and no one else!
  • DogsK
    DogsK Posts: 94
    ****About to be blunt, and thusly will come across harsh*****
    You have spent some time watching Biggest Loser and believe that someone can lose 100 lbs in three months right? Here is a spoiler alert, they are not doing it in three months and their diets are very closely monitored by a Dietitian and Physician. They are also doing physical activity in excess of six hours a day.
    You have been on the website since March 2012, we will call it two months. You did not get to the point of an unhealthy lifestyle in two months; you are not going to reverse and become healthy in two months.
    You have two choices and only you can make the choices, either toss in the towel and call it quits or pick that dang towel up and wipe the sweat from face and move on.
    Set realistic goal; the only thing that is consistent from person to person who are on this journey is move and eat right. What is eating right, you gotta find that answer for yourself. Is it a Paleo; Atkins; Twix diet, that would be yours to discover.
    Move more, if you are having issues walking {and I am only making a factually guess} maybe you need to find an exercise that keeps your legs from rubbing together {swimming, shorter walks; Yoga; stepping} or a different type of work-out attire.
    Everyone is different and there are a lot of different plans that work for different people. You are heading in the right direction by consulting trained personnel {Nutritionist and Physician} but in the end the work is yours alone.
    Good luck on whatever you decide to do.

    This is very well said. Take heed madam. See a doctor and get a total physical. Then do what you can. Eat sensibly. The formula is very basic without all the changes people put it. What you burn must exceed what goes in your mouth. I hope you decide to continue in trying to get a healthier life for you. Its your calland the alternative isnt that flash
  • cherbapp
    cherbapp Posts: 322
    Don't quit watching what you eat...don't quit MFP.

    QUIT reading all the things that make it confusing. QUIT reading posts. QUIT overanalyzing and stressing yourself out.

    Talk to your doctor, use the MFP tool for what it is, a calorie tracker. Have your doctor help you set it up correctly for YOUR goals and current fitness level.

    My parents, husband and a few close friends have lost well over 200 pounds combined using ONLY MFP's phone and iPad apps. Never once going on the forums. They are never confused, or stressed about any of this.

    You lost a huge chunk of weight!! Don't give up on yourself!
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    You are doing great, You have lost an amazing 46lbs so far. Keep going.

    Perhaps take an average for your BMR and TDEE from a few sites and stick with that.
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I don't use anything but the basic stuff on my home page. I don't have a heart rate monitor or watch my TDEEs or worry about my BMR or any of those things. First and foremost you do need to see yourOB-GYN that is not normal. As was said repeately do what works for you. 46lbs. is nothing to sniff at!! Well done. Go to the nutritionist but then don't compare it to anything else. I won't even weigh on any different scales. Simple works best. Remember opinions are not facts. Use what is relevent or useful to you and ditch the rest. One wonderful thing about computers, all it takes is a click of the mouse and poof it is gone. Be good to yourself. I wish you the best.
  • Meg177
    Meg177 Posts: 215 Member
    46lb loss in TWO MONTHS?!

    A nutritionist is a great idea. Mine sent me here in addition to her help. She is great. Calories are different to balance when you're eating real food rather than crap. She'll help you with that. btw...mine says never mind bmr, eating back exercise. She gave me 1100 - 1400. Makes things very simple (or basic mfp numbers allowing 100 under to 200 over). Three food groups in each meal. If I miss a meal for any reason I will get the evil eye and the shame of knowing I have dissapointed her... Your nutritionist can tell you what's right for you.

    If walking 2 hrs is hurting that much walk 1 1/2 hrs. Walk out 45 min, turn around and walk back.

    Start from where you are.
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    Aww, whatever you do, don't give up. See a registered dietician because they can help you. A doctor knows some stuff but they only take a short less on weight loss (you should see my hubby's doctor at the va, he is so over weight and he tells my hubby you gotta lose 10lbs, hellooooo, how about you trying that yourself) so please see a dietician, they can help.
  • xButterflyEffectx
    xButterflyEffectx Posts: 40 Member
    Nutrition and weight loss advice can be very confusing. There's so much information available. I find the best thing is to stop reading. When you do read something, take from it what will work for you, and leave the rest.