Is there hope for thigh gap?



  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    Before I gained weight, my thighs didnt touch, I am hoping to get back to that!
  • ScientistStudy
    ScientistStudy Posts: 249 Member
    Pretty sure the thigh gap is just a dream for me, I'm a pear shape and have never had a thigh gap, even when I was quite thin as a 16 year old. It's not something that bothered me (and in fact the thigh gap kind of creeps me out, maybe I'm just used to not having one) and I don't really wear skirts or dresses without tights because I'm pasty white, so I've not had a problem with rubbing.

    I hope there is something you can find to help you. I remember seeing an advert for a type of cream that people use to reduce chaffing, but I don't remember the name :grumble: , so I hope theres something like this that you can find and that it works for you :smile:
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    I dont have thigh gap but I dont have any friction problems either. I run and walk a lot too so you dont need to see the sun shine through your legs to keep them from rubbing together.

    Same here. No gap and I haven't had a gap since I hit puberty, even when I was super-skinny. But I'm not going to cause a fire if I wear corduroy, either.

    Same as above.
  • jengigs
    jengigs Posts: 37 Member

    Guys would equate it to being "loose" when I was a teen, so I got teased a lot!

    Yep! That's exactly what I got teased about!
  • FoodieGal09
    FoodieGal09 Posts: 198 Member
    I can't even remember whether I used to have a thigh gap or not. I am bowlegged though, so I definitely don't have it as bad as some people. Hopefully I won't have to put up with chafing thighs forever!
  • frillypantz
    frillypantz Posts: 134
    My thighs have always rubbed together, even though i'm a size 8-10. It's purely down to your body shape/genetics ect. I have very narrow hips so my legs are very close set together, which causes the friction .... grrrr
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    The worst part is when the shorts ride up. I don't wear skirts as a rule because of the chub rub and yes SPANX will help so you can hear "swish, swish, swish" when you walk in them. UGH. I know that i"m the person that will NEVER get rid of the chub rub, and that's just the way it is.

    I will wear tights under my skirts if I wear a skirt. I'll try the deodorant as it sounds like it will work. Maybe next week when I hit the beach I'll have answers.