BodyBuilding-Weight Gain And I'm Not Sure Why



  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    But those that say they eat a lot more - are they able to do that because they have a lot more muscle mass and increased metabolism. When you start weight training I imagine you have to eat a bit more but not a lot? I am asking questions as not experienced in this topic at all.

    As an example see this weight lifting programme and the very low calories. You can scroll all the way down to see the diet and lifting plan. This is a muscle building programme. Can you build on low calories:
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    But those that say they eat a lot more - are they able to do that because they have a lot more muscle mass and increased metabolism. When you start weight training I imagine you have to eat a bit more but not a lot? I am asking questions as not experienced in this topic at all.

    As an example see this weight lifting programme and the very low calories. You can scroll all the way down to see the diet plan and nutrition. This is a muscle building programme. Can you build on low calories:

    I wasn't clear but even when I started weight training I ate more.

    1200 calories net is far too low based on her height regardless of muscle mass. And she will end up losing muscle with too large of a deficit.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    But those that say they eat a lot more - are they able to do that because they have a lot more muscle mass and increased metabolism. When you start weight training I imagine you have to eat a bit more but not a lot? I am asking questions as not experienced in this topic at all.

    As an example see this weight lifting programme and the very low calories. You can scroll all the way down to see the diet plan and nutrition. This is a muscle building programme. Can you build on low calories:

    I wasn't clear but even when I started weight training I ate more.

    1200 calories net is far too low based on her height regardless of muscle mass. And she will end up losing muscle with too large of a deficit.

    What do you think of the Felicia Romero Muscle Building Program?
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I have not lost an ounce since I started lifting two months ago, but I fit back into my denim shorts that I last wore in November (when I was 7 lbs lighter) and could not get over my hips after Christmas...

    Frankly, I don't give a damn about the scale anymore - I look better, I fit into my clothes, so what does a number on the scale matter?? It's not on my resume, and neither is it tattooed on my forehead, so why even bother with it??

    Something like this happened to me a while back. I was doing body weight training and was able to fit into trousers that I wore at a lower weight. The pants shouldn't have fit me but I must have just weighed more because more muscle.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    But those that say they eat a lot more - are they able to do that because they have a lot more muscle mass and increased metabolism. When you start weight training I imagine you have to eat a bit more but not a lot? I am asking questions as not experienced in this topic at all.

    As an example see this weight lifting programme and the very low calories. You can scroll all the way down to see the diet plan and nutrition. This is a muscle building programme. Can you build on low calories:

    I wasn't clear but even when I started weight training I ate more.

    1200 calories net is far too low based on her height regardless of muscle mass. And she will end up losing muscle with too large of a deficit.

    What do you think of the Felicia Romero Muscle Building Program?

    Felicia Ramero is 5'3. OP is 5'10. Big difference.
    I didn't go through all the exercises but to recommend everyone eat 1310 calories makes melong a fan of the program. Aside from newbie gains, which wouldn't be huge, she would not gain muscle on such a deficit.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    But those that say they eat a lot more - are they able to do that because they have a lot more muscle mass and increased metabolism. When you start weight training I imagine you have to eat a bit more but not a lot? I am asking questions as not experienced in this topic at all.

    As an example see this weight lifting programme and the very low calories. You can scroll all the way down to see the diet plan and nutrition. This is a muscle building programme. Can you build on low calories:

    I wasn't clear but even when I started weight training I ate more.

    1200 calories net is far too low based on her height regardless of muscle mass. And she will end up losing muscle with too large of a deficit.

    What do you think of the Felicia Romero Muscle Building Program?

    Felicia Ramero is 5'3. OP is 5'10. Big difference.
    I didn't go through all the exercises but to recommend everyone eat 1310 calories makes melong a fan of the program. Aside from newbie gains, which wouldn't be huge, she would not gain muscle on such a deficit.
    Yeh, I checked Felicia's profile and saw she was 5' 3" and low weight.
  • meeka472
    meeka472 Posts: 283 Member
    When I started strength training with my trainer I put on 2lbs and plateaued for about 2 1/2 weeks. Finally on the 3rd week I dropped like 4lbs and have been losing steadily ever since. My trainer told me that when I gained the 2lbs it was probably only water weight and that I shouldn't worry. Even though I wasn't losing weigh during that time my body fat percentage dropped 2% and I was still losing inches. I think it has to do with muscles holding water.
  • nasja1984
    nasja1984 Posts: 98 Member
    To those who say I'm retaining water....Isn't water retention temporary as long as you aren't eating too much sodium? I took a water pill because I DID have a few days of higher than normal sodium but even taking the lasix (i got it from mom RX) I did not lose the water. I only took a half a pill though.
    No. It also has to do with glycogen storage in the muscles that cause water retention.

    Honestly, no expert here, but I dont get the taking diuretics. In my experience messing with that can cause you to end up retaining water if you end up dehydrated. Like others have said, the scale is just a number and is not necessarily an accurate reflection of what you look like.

    Like someone else above, I maintained a higher weight for several weeks when I started lifting heavy bit saw considerable changes in my body. I'm in the throw the scale put club. And the diuretics (just because it is rx doesnt mean it is good for you to take)

    I don't typically take them (diauretics) That is why I had to find someone who had one (Mom). I was just so curious as to how I could retain water over multiple days. I drink over 10 Cups of water a day easily. I've been on 1200 +/- Calories since January and only started netting around 1200 when I was ready to do strength. I am solid muscle including the area where "love handles" typically are, except the tail end of my belly fat that lays on top of my muscular abdominal area and is shrinking daily. I called it my bagel but now it is more like a donut. I know I will need to increase my calories once my fat stores are depleted and I'm fine with that, I just want to get rid of all the excess fat first.
  • nasja1984
    nasja1984 Posts: 98 Member
    When I started strength training with my trainer I put on 2lbs and plateaued for about 2 1/2 weeks. Finally on the 3rd week I dropped like 4lbs and have been losing steadily ever since. My trainer told me that when I gained the 2lbs it was probably only water weight and that I shouldn't worry. Even though I wasn't losing weigh during that time my body fat percentage dropped 2% and I was still losing inches. I think it has to do with muscles holding water.

    Thank goodness! That is what I'm hoping for too. I got pretty brave until the scale went up......I knew it would go up a bit but it went up so much that it was not possible to be actual weight gained. I just needed some explanation and someones response who has been through this already. Thank you.

    There's comfort in numbers:)
  • nasja1984
    nasja1984 Posts: 98 Member
    ^What he said.

    Personally, I put on like 5lbs when I started and they stayed on for around a month. I'm eating way more than you though so it could be different.

    How much are you actually lifting? I would be starving if I ate as much as you. I lift twice a week and just started crossfit three times a week though.

    Well the max I net is 1200 and I still have body fat available so I doubt I'm in some sort of "starvation mode". I calculated it all out and I should get maybe 1600 maximum calories with my height 5' 10", age, and activity level which was set to sedentary until I upped-it for lifting and strength training. I can handle 5 pounds or even 7 but I still want to get down in body fat at least. I suppose I'm looking for some reassurance that I won't gain 10 lbs back.

    I doubt you're in starvation mode too but you'll have a hard time making strength gains if you're eating so little. Maybe you can try to net around 1800.You'll lose weight but it'll just be a little slower. That's better than stalling all together though.

    I'm 5'3 134lbs and I aim to net around 1700 but its really more like 2000ish cause I'm always going over now. I've been doing it this way since I weighed 135 and started to lift heavy. At first my weight went up with the increase in food but now its going down and I'm a lot smaller.

    If I ate 1800 calories a day, I'd probably weigh 180 pounds!! Maybe not. I will adjust up once the weight is off. Maybe 1800 is fine but according to my calcs, I should be around 1600 with my age and activity level..
  • NancyNiles
    NancyNiles Posts: 145 Member
    I'm having the same problem. I gained a few pounds when I started strength training regularly with heavy weights instead of the circuit machines with cardio mixed in. I upped my calories to 1,700 and changed to a 40% protein macro ratio. But I haven't lost any inches or weight in 2 weeks, so for me it's not about getting fitter but weighing more. I think I'm at a real "stall."

    I asked my friends on my wall about it and the suggestion I got was to stop eating back my exercise calories. It seems that the 1,700 is a maintenance level for me (no loss, no gain), so I should just eat at maintenance and let my exercise count as the calorie deficit. Problem is, when I exercise I get hungry, lol.

    Oh well, something's gotta give eventually. We'll get there Cyndi!

    P.S. you may not be eating more because of it, but is it possible quitting smoking has had some metabolic effect on you? I know nicotine is a stimulant. Not suggesting you start smoking again, but I think if maybe that's part of it, then you can write this off as a small speed bump on the road to better OVERALL health! Because quitting smoking is certainly one of the best things you can do for your health.

    Rock on, sister!!
  • vegamy
    vegamy Posts: 204 Member
    I would really like to hear from someone who has been THROUGH THIS EXPERIENCE a while ago and LIFTS A SUBTANTIAL AMOUNT OF WEIGHT and is familiar to this story.

    I strength train 4x/wk and also do a variety of other exercises. I noticed a little gain at first from fluid retention, but mostly my weight has been steady since really starting to hit the weights. I've gone down in terms of body fat percentage, but my weight is the same or slightly more (which is OK with me!!) If you're just starting, it's normal to see a temporary gain. Don't worry about it! You may also need to be eating more, 1200 net is really low for someone that's within a normal weight range (from your profile and info about your height, you're definitely in the normal weight range - once you get there, it's harder/slower to lose weight and you have to eat a little closer to maintenance to get results, maybe try switching your goal to .5 or 1 lb loss per week). Just for me personally, I get crazy hungry when I'm lifting heavy, I definitely try to net as high as I can!
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    I'm 5'2 and 168 lbs. I've been lifting since the beginning of February. I also do cardio like elliptical intervals, brisk walking, or even jogging. When I first started in Feb. I was lifting 4-6x a week. Now I'm down to lifting 3-4x a week. I lift heavy. I'm getting stronger because I used to bench at 45, 65, and now I'm at 80 lbs but I've gained 6 lbs. I feel like my stomach is getting bigger as well. And of course that is the only area I really want to lose weight from. Grrr.....

    Back in Feb I was probably netting around 1500 cals. Then I got worried and started netting anywhere from 800-1200 for a couple of weeks and started to get real cranky so I stopped that. Now for the last 2 wks I started netting 1750. I don't eat back my exercise calories unless I am really hungry and need them.

    I'm not losing inches or weight. What gives?! It is very fraustrating but I have to believe that at some point something has to change.
  • 4KatieLynn4
    4KatieLynn4 Posts: 27
    I didnt read thru all the comments so ill just give my personal opinion of experience. I started lifting or more heavy lifting about two months ago, I was shocked that after about three weeks i gained about 5 pounds, but looked way better. I decided to throw my scale away, because that stupid number is nothing but a dumb number. I went to the gym last monday and they were checking body fat percentage, so i decided to weigh myself first, and i had lost those 5 plus another 3!! And my body fat percentage dropped down to a 14.1!! But also in these last two months i have upped my calories to 1500 plus i wear a Heart rate monitor and eat most of my workout calories!! Im also 5'10!
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I didnt read thru all the comments so ill just give my personal opinion of experience. I started lifting or more heavy lifting about two months ago, I was shocked that after about three weeks i gained about 5 pounds, but looked way better. I decided to throw my scale away, because that stupid number is nothing but a dumb number. I went to the gym last monday and they were checking body fat percentage, so i decided to weigh myself first, and i had lost those 5 plus another 3!! And my body fat percentage dropped down to a 14.1!! But also in these last two months i have upped my calories to 1500 plus i wear a Heart rate monitor and eat most of my workout calories!! Im also 5'10!

    Sounds impressive. Is 14.1 a bit low or looks good on you?
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    Check out these groups b/c for lifting you may not be eating enough calories & your body is going to hold on to everything:

    You need to give your body more fuel, these groups are full of great info!
  • 4KatieLynn4
    4KatieLynn4 Posts: 27
  • 4KatieLynn4
    4KatieLynn4 Posts: 27
    I didnt read thru all the comments so ill just give my personal opinion of experience. I started lifting or more heavy lifting about two months ago, I was shocked that after about three weeks i gained about 5 pounds, but looked way better. I decided to throw my scale away, because that stupid number is nothing but a dumb number. I went to the gym last monday and they were checking body fat percentage, so i decided to weigh myself first, and i had lost those 5 plus another 3!! And my body fat percentage dropped down to a 14.1!! But also in these last two months i have upped my calories to 1500 plus i wear a Heart rate monitor and eat most of my workout calories!! Im also 5'10!

    Sounds impressive. Is 14.1 a bit low or looks good on you?

    ya, im pretty excited best i have been ever!! But i think it looks good, im a very small body frame for being 5'10, i weigh 135, so my weight is good, its actually more then i thought i wanted to weigh but since i got my body % down its perfect!
  • kylTKe
    kylTKe Posts: 146 Member
    Throw away your scale for a couple of months.


    If you're working hard and eating right, why do you care what the scale says? (For slimming down anyways)

    If you're trying to measure results over anything less than a few months you're doing it wrong.