Creeps... Ew.

NaiaNZ Posts: 72 Member
I don't often rant on here BUT this just creeped me out and want to know if anyone else has been in this position and what they did about it....

Late Thursday night I recieved a text message from a random number saying "Is this Renee?"
I didn't reply because 1) I didn't recognise the number, so it was obviously someone I didn't know. And 2) They didn't say who they were or what they wanted, so why reply?
Anyway, I ignored it, and on Friday morning I got another saying "I saw you at the gym, I've been checking you out when you come in and think youre so sexy". Again, I didn't reply, and I got another... "I love watching you workout".
I asked how the heck they got my number, and they replied saying that they got it from the person working at the reception desk at the gym! WTF!
So I pretty much told them to leave me alone (using alot more swear words I must admit lol).
Only to get another one saying "So I shouldn't text you then?"
Oh naaaah bud, I just told you to leave me alone so you'd keep texting me!! Then half an hour or so later "Hello? Have I done something wrong?" Cummon, some people have no clue!

Anyway, I normally tend to turn a blind eye, and don't let things get me worked up. I don't like to make a big deal of things so I tried to ignore it. But then the texts continued and it just creeped me out so I went into the gym to lay a formal complaint. Because anyway, isn't it illegal for staff to give out members details?? That's a privacy issue isn't it?

After talking to the boss, giving them the phone number, showing them the messages etc, I found out that my phone number hadn't been given out to another member of the gym, but it was actually a staff member who had been messaging me! Ew.
Not only that, but it wasn't the first time he had done this, there had in fact already been TWO complaints made against him, and he was on his final warning. Needless to say, the staff member will be getting let go...
But I went in for my workout on Sunday and he was working, I could just feel him looking at me, so I had to leave. It just creeped me out! So now it's affecting my workout routine because I am avoiding the gym!!

Why do some men have to be so creepy?? I mean he went onto my file and got my phone number (I must add that he has NEVER spoken to me in person! Which I think makes it that much creepier, just watching and salivating from afar - EW!). By going into my file, it means he now has my address etc too! It's just made me feel gross! Aren't these people meant to be there to help you and encourage you? Not to make you feel uncomfortable and NOT want to go there at all!

Has anyone else experienced this at their gyms? And how do you deal with it? I mean it's easy to say ignore it - But it's hard to when you feel almost violated in a way!!

And for the creeps out there - Just a tip. You have much more of a chance with a woman if you tell her to her face that she is looking good, and that the hard work she is doing is paying off! She will be appreciative, thankful and it'll make her feel good!
If you tell her "The way you sweat makes me want you so bad" or anything of that nature, she is going to want to throw a dunbell at your head!

Rant over! Xxx


  • _hi_hat3r_
    _hi_hat3r_ Posts: 423 Member
  • terri0527
    terri0527 Posts: 678 Member
    I would throw the dumbbell at him anyway :laugh: I mean better safe than sorry, right? :ohwell: but seriously that is WAY creepy!
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Yuck, I can see why you'd be so freaked out about it.
    I've never had this happen, but I think the way you handled it was the best.
    Hopefully, he'll be gone soon. If not, I'd go talk to the manager again and point out that you don't feel safe working out there anymore as long as the creep stays; and they should refund your membership. It's not fair for you to be dealing with this cr*p.
    Good luck!
  • migoi357
    migoi357 Posts: 173 Member
    I'm thinking your demand to the owner is ... The creep is gone now and free lifetime membership for you.
  • migoi357
    migoi357 Posts: 173 Member
    But I like the dumbbell thing too...gym accidents happen, oops.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    Ugh, that is terrrible. Oh man, sorry you had to go through that.
  • Warmbloodwear
    Warmbloodwear Posts: 387 Member
    That is really scary! Im so sorry that happened....
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    That is super creepy! I have never had any employes at my gym do that (might I add I go to the YMCA) but I have had creeps stare at me when I workout. I actually caught a boy staring at my butt when I was on the elliptical! So creepy......

    The way I have dealt with it is I either:

    1) Report the creepier to the staff (but you can't really do that since he IS staff)

    2) Bluntly go over there and inquire "What are you staring at?" (tip: be as intimidating as possible)

    3) Give them my famous "death glare", which normally makes them go away

    I am so sorry that happened to you and you may need to just ignore him until he is fired, which I know can be hard :ohwell: Or you could use him as motivation to go harder and give him something to really look at!

    Either way, I wish you the best of luck and don't let morons get in your way :flowerforyou:
  • RikanSoulja
    RikanSoulja Posts: 463 Member
    You know it is not only men that are creeps. There are a bunch of woman creeps out there too.
  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member
    File a police report, get a personal restraining order, if you don't carry you should at least buy and learn to use pepper spray. If you are married talk to your spouse, if you have kids have the personal safety discussion (don't open the door to strangers...)

    I don't think you will have any problem but you can't be to careful especially since Creeper may blame you for getting him fired.
  • DavetheHYNIC
    DavetheHYNIC Posts: 318 Member
    I don't often rant on here BUT this just creeped me out and want to know if anyone else has been in this position and what they did about it....

    Late Thursday night I recieved a text message from a random number saying "Is this Renee?"
    I didn't reply because 1) I didn't recognise the number, so it was obviously someone I didn't know. And 2) They didn't say who they were or what they wanted, so why reply?
    Anyway, I ignored it, and on Friday morning I got another saying "I saw you at the gym, I've been checking you out when you come in and think youre so sexy". Again, I didn't reply, and I got another... "The way you sweat makes me want you so bad".
    I asked how the heck they got my number, and they replied saying that they got it from the person working at the reception desk at the gym! WTF!
    So I pretty much told them to leave me alone (using alot more swear words I must admit lol).
    Only to get another one saying "So I shouldn't text you then?"
    Oh naaaah bud, I just told you to leave me alone so you'd keep texting me!! Then half an hour or so later "Hello? Have I done something wrong?" Cummon, some people have no clue!

    Anyway, I normally tend to turn a blind eye, and don't let things get me worked up. I don't like to make a big deal of things so I tried to ignore it. But then the texts continued and it just creeped me out so I went into the gym to lay a formal complaint. Because anyway, isn't it illegal for staff to give out members details?? That's a privacy issue isn't it?

    After talking to the boss, giving them the phone number, showing them the messages etc, I found out that my phone number hadn't been given out to another member of the gym, but it was actually a staff member who had been messaging me! Ew.
    Not only that, but it wasn't the first time he had done this, there had in fact already been TWO complaints made against him, and he was on his final warning. Needless to say, the staff member will be getting let go...
    But I went in for my workout on Sunday and he was working, I could just feel him looking at me, so I had to leave. It just creeped me out! So now it's affecting my workout routine because I am avoiding the gym!!

    Why do some men have to be so creepy?? I mean he went onto my file and got my phone number (I must add that he has NEVER spoken to me in person! Which I think makes it that much creepier, just watching and salivating from afar - EW!). By going into my file, it means he now has my address etc too! It's just made me feel gross! Aren't these people meant to be there to help you and encourage you? Not to make you feel uncomfortable and NOT want to go there at all!

    Has anyone else experienced this at their gyms? And how do you deal with it? I mean it's easy to say ignore it - But it's hard to when you feel almost violated in a way!!

    And for the creeps out there - Just a tip. You have much more of a chance with a woman if you tell her to her face that she is looking good, and that the hard work she is doing is paying off! She will be appreciative, thankful and it'll make her feel good!
    If you tell her "The way you sweat makes me want you so bad", she is going to want to throw a dunbell at your head!

    Rant over! Xxx

    I just got the impression that u posted this to let everyone know that a guy at your gym thought you were hot cause most women wouldn't be posting on mfp something like this but contacting the better business Bureau. Smh creepy attention seeking mfp chicks
  • Jmstill300
    Jmstill300 Posts: 239 Member
    Even from a guy's point of view...CREEPY! I would be making some demands as stated above. Also, I would bring this to someone's attention outside the company (i.e. law enforcement, local news station, etc.) if it continues and I would also tell the owner that this will occur if the treatment continues and if said creep stays.
  • amanda52488
    amanda52488 Posts: 260 Member
    That is creepy!! I would def talk to the owner again and ask WHEN exactly he is being let go...
  • Emv79
    Emv79 Posts: 245 Member
    You did the right thing though. I'm more concerned with the gym's Management. I manage a business unit (not in fitness) and if one of our employees took the personal information of a client to make a call of any personal nature (other than "sexual" nature), than it would be a warning, a second and they would be out the door. Now in this case, if the gym had proof of the sexual nature of the texts (yours or the 2 before) it would be an instant suspension (with pay...just for the company to build it's case...but his can be as little as 24h), followed by an investigation and termination of employment.

    If the guy is still working at your gym even 1hour after you made the complaint, I'd find a new gym! Unreal...
  • dianacannon89
    dianacannon89 Posts: 235 Member
    That is terrible. You have no idea about him he could be stalking you. This could turn to something very serious. I would definitely be speaking with the management at the gym. I am sure that is against their company privacy policy. If the texting continues I would take it a step further some men can be JUST creepy but some can be dangerous take it seriously. He is an adult and he is crossing lines.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
  • lickmybaconcakes
    lickmybaconcakes Posts: 1,063 Member
    This person is definitely a contender for creeper of the year award.
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    If he's there again the next time you go, tell the manager/owner that you'll be canceling your membership because you don't feel comfortable and you want your file's information because it has your address, number, etc. Hopefully he'll be gone next time and he won't bother you anymore. That is weird though and very uncomfortable! Sorry that happened to you.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    I'm thinking your demand to the owner is ... The creep is gone now and free lifetime membership for you.
    This. Especially since they let him get away with it two previous times. That is not only victimizing women, but using his authority to gain personal information from the gym records. How do they know he isn't a rapist? The guy has your personal information. I would raise holy hell about this.
  • ryansgram
    ryansgram Posts: 693 Member
    File a police report, get a personal restraining order is in order, if you don't carry you should at least buy and learn to use pepper spray. If you are married talk to your spouse, if you have kids have the personal safety discussion (don't ope the door to strangers...)

    I don't think you will have any problem but you can't be good careful especially since Creeper may blame you for getting him fired.
    This..........Please be careful.