Creeps... Ew.



  • Akijade
    Akijade Posts: 210 Member
    Sounds like either you get a free membership, or you tell the media what is going on at that gym. :D
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    I dunno, sounds like Harassment to me. I'd log a complaint with the police if you get more messages. You never know how much of a creeper they really are...
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    Why don't you just have sex with him. Maybe he's hot, and he thinks you're hot, and it might be fun? Just throwing that out there.
    I seriously cannot believe some of the things people post on this forum.
    I suppose you are trying to be funny. You are failing.

    You should be ashamed of yourself.
  • LLCoolBean
    LLCoolBean Posts: 40 Member
    Thats extremely violating and creepy! That would make me want to change my number and move
  • Lieberm
    Lieberm Posts: 51 Member
    I think a police report for stalking is in order, possibly a call to the local TV news crew. They might want to investigate this guy.
  • DavetheHYNIC
    DavetheHYNIC Posts: 318 Member
    I don't often rant on here BUT this just creeped me out and want to know if anyone else has been in this position and what they did about it....

    Late Thursday night I recieved a text message from a random number saying "Is this Renee?"
    I didn't reply because 1) I didn't recognise the number, so it was obviously someone I didn't know. And 2) They didn't say who they were or what they wanted, so why reply?
    Anyway, I ignored it, and on Friday morning I got another saying "I saw you at the gym, I've been checking you out when you come in and think youre so sexy". Again, I didn't reply, and I got another... "The way you sweat makes me want you so bad".
    I asked how the heck they got my number, and they replied saying that they got it from the person working at the reception desk at the gym! WTF!
    So I pretty much told them to leave me alone (using alot more swear words I must admit lol).
    Only to get another one saying "So I shouldn't text you then?"
    Oh naaaah bud, I just told you to leave me alone so you'd keep texting me!! Then half an hour or so later "Hello? Have I done something wrong?" Cummon, some people have no clue!

    Anyway, I normally tend to turn a blind eye, and don't let things get me worked up. I don't like to make a big deal of things so I tried to ignore it. But then the texts continued and it just creeped me out so I went into the gym to lay a formal complaint. Because anyway, isn't it illegal for staff to give out members details?? That's a privacy issue isn't it?

    After talking to the boss, giving them the phone number, showing them the messages etc, I found out that my phone number hadn't been given out to another member of the gym, but it was actually a staff member who had been messaging me! Ew.
    Not only that, but it wasn't the first time he had done this, there had in fact already been TWO complaints made against him, and he was on his final warning. Needless to say, the staff member will be getting let go...
    But I went in for my workout on Sunday and he was working, I could just feel him looking at me, so I had to leave. It just creeped me out! So now it's affecting my workout routine because I am avoiding the gym!!

    Why do some men have to be so creepy?? I mean he went onto my file and got my phone number (I must add that he has NEVER spoken to me in person! Which I think makes it that much creepier, just watching and salivating from afar - EW!). By going into my file, it means he now has my address etc too! It's just made me feel gross! Aren't these people meant to be there to help you and encourage you? Not to make you feel uncomfortable and NOT want to go there at all!

    Has anyone else experienced this at their gyms? And how do you deal with it? I mean it's easy to say ignore it - But it's hard to when you feel almost violated in a way!!

    And for the creeps out there - Just a tip. You have much more of a chance with a woman if you tell her to her face that she is looking good, and that the hard work she is doing is paying off! She will be appreciative, thankful and it'll make her feel good!
    If you tell her "The way you sweat makes me want you so bad", she is going to want to throw a dunbell at your head!

    Rant over! Xxx

    I just got the impression that u posted this to let everyone know that a guy at your gym thought you were hot cause most women wouldn't be posting on mfp something like this but contacting the better business Bureau. Smh creepy attention seeking mfp chicks

    I just got the impression u were posting this to let everyone know that a guy at your gym thought you were hot cause most women wouldn't be posting something like this but contacting the better business bureau.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    im sorry i wont text you any more,but can i at least have your sweaty gym towels when your done with them?
  • paulpvf
    paulpvf Posts: 6
    I think you need to go a little farther than what I'm seeing in the replies here. I would find out if there are officers in your local police dept. that focus on woman’s safety and go in and explain and show them everything and if you are going to confront the owner have an officer there with you. Take it from a guy who is not the first to cry wolf. your safety is not an option and your privacy should never be less than the most important issue at hand. If you want to take these step and have trouble, look up support on the internet (like professionals at women shelters they will be able to point you towards resources).
    Stay well. safe and never let this kind of disrespect and threat go without challage.
    No women (or man) should have to "put-up" with any of it.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    File a police report, get a personal restraining order is in order, if you don't carry you should at least buy and learn to use pepper spray. If you are married talk to your spouse, if you have kids have the personal safety discussion (don't ope the door to strangers...)

    I don't think you will have any problem but you can't be good careful especially since Creeper may blame you for getting him fired.

    THIS!!!! ^ ^ ^
  • fuzz_pawz
    fuzz_pawz Posts: 106
    The gym shouldn't be giving out personal information of their users...perhaps you need to address that matter with the police too

    Sorry this person has been such a creep :(
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    File a police report, get a personal restraining order is in order, if you don't carry you should at least buy and learn to use pepper spray. If you are married talk to your spouse, if you have kids have the personal safety discussion (don't ope the door to strangers...)

    ..... you can't be good careful especially since Creeper may blame you for getting him fired.

    ^^^ This ^^^
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    My bad.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Wow... that's just borderline criminal. If it isn't already.
  • leafstucker16
    leafstucker16 Posts: 136 Member
    Go to the police station and as soon as possible. If he is doing something like that and has done it multiple times then he could be a little more messed up then you think, it's better to be safe in the end.
  • Frisky_CoastalNative

    I agree with above posts...file a police report showing text messages, report incident...etc. Also talk to your little one about stranger danger, he indeed could blame you for getting fired!

    Be careful sweetie :flowerforyou:
  • kurenaikumo
    kurenaikumo Posts: 271 Member
    I'd call your local police department and see if anything can be done legally. It's not worth taking a risk. If he got your phone number, he probably has your address, too. Don't mean to alarm you, but if this guy has a history of stalkerish behavior, he's just going to keep doing it...
  • NaiaNZ
    NaiaNZ Posts: 72 Member

    I just got the impression u were posting this to let everyone know that a guy at your gym thought you were hot cause most women wouldn't be posting something like this but contacting the better business bureau. Smh creepy attention seeking chicks

    Haha are you serious???????
    It was the privacy issue I was worried about, not that fact that he thought I was "Hot", and if you had read my post, you would see I had already made a complaint etc. I was simply seeing what other people had done in my situation. Go take your unhelpful 'advice' somewhere else. Thanks.

    And to everyone else - Thank you so much for your kind words and support! Xxx I don't think I need to go to the Police etc as he wasn't threatening or anything when I saw him on Sunday - Looked more nervous and embarrassed than anything. Still creepy though! Will definately go in tonight and see what has been done about it as they said they would meet with him today. I will be more weary with giving my personal details out in future though!!!
  • JessieArt
    JessieArt Posts: 275 Member
    File a police report, get a personal restraining order, if you don't carry you should at least buy and learn to use pepper spray. If you are married talk to your spouse, if you have kids have the personal safety discussion (don't open the door to strangers...)

    I don't think you will have any problem but you can't be to careful especially since Creeper may blame you for getting him fired.

    I agree with this. He has your personal information. Call the police please. If it was me, I would also demand a refund and change gyms.
  • CatseyeHardcast
    CatseyeHardcast Posts: 224 Member
    All kinds of wrong...soooo much wrong.

    Next time he is working I would wait at the reception desk and point out the creepy freak to everyone who enters the gym, showing them the weird txts. Making a scene about the germ might actually see the owner grow a pair and kick this guy out.
  • bunsen_honeydew
    bunsen_honeydew Posts: 230 Member
    I agree with people who have advised to log it with the police.

    You just can't know for sure that it won't turn ugly in the future. It will probably be fine, like you said, he looked embarrassed. But it is definitely a breach of privacy, and especially after you said "don't text me anymore" that he continued makes it stalking or harassment.