27 But Eat Like a 5 Year Old.



  • ilovesparkle
    ilovesparkle Posts: 127 Member
    Ok ok ok, I am not the best cook in the world Brad, but I have gotten substantially better over the years. I could make chicken and stuff if I wanted to.

    Now, I want to.
  • BAtobe
    BAtobe Posts: 93 Member
    Way too few calories and way too many microwaveable meals. Do you have a day off? Try freezing lean meats and meals in portions fit for yourself. Plan ahead, make yourself a meal plan for the next 3 days. Some of those weight watchers meals are fine, but every day and sometimes every meal is not. Go to the store, buy some fruits and veggies and put them in portion sizes. When you want a snack, try those first, while you make yourself a healthy meal. If the exercise is that unappealing to you now, I don't think I would push it. That will come as you start to feel better with better food. Usually when I push something I really dont want to do, I burn out faster and quit sooner. I think that is about the best advice I can come up. You can do this! :drinker:
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    YOU NEED TO EAT A LOT MORE holy cow!! you should up your calories ASAP, to at least 1500 i would say! find your TDEE and then take out 15-20% and eat that amount! you don't want to eff up your metabolism!

    im not much of a cook either, but what i do is buy baby spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes, grilled chicken (already cooked), canned tuna, protein burgers (u can microwave) or other high protein stuff thats easy to make, and i make myself massive salads! then i eat a nice big bowl of greek yoghurt with cereal in it, or fruit, or whatever i feel like putting in.

    but main point is, you need to eat more.

    as for exercise, start off lightly! go on a daily walk just around your neighborhood. then you can increase the pace/distance, and eventually start jogging! if you are consistent you will get in better shape pretty quickly!!
  • Bookchick887
    Bookchick887 Posts: 126 Member
    I walk w/ a friend on tue/thur schedule. We get to know each other and have accountability. I have to go bc she's waiting for me.
  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    I mean this as nice as possible, but my 2 1/2 year old eats better than you.

    Everyone here is right. You prolly need to learn to cook so that you can make healthier choices. You need to eat more!! Trust the system. 1800 is what I eat every day. I'm losing weight. Eating less than 1200 makes for some serious problems. Also, try just walking. It's a really good start towards getting into exercise a little more. That's how I started too. Just me and my iPod (and my babies in the double stroller, but that's my current lot in life).

    If you want to friend me, you can see my diary and learn a better way to eat 1800 healthy calories a day. Okay, I'm not always healthy. I drink too much coffee and enjoy pizza too much. But hey, we gotta enjoy life, right?

  • Tristis
    Tristis Posts: 288 Member
    You need to eat more...like twice what you are eating. Is this how you normally eat? Or just how you eat since you started MFP? Regardless, you aren't eating nearly enough. It isn't realistic or maintainable to consistently eat that little.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    You need to eat more.. If your having problems, that could be the main reason. There is no reason to eat below 1200. Even 1200 is pretty low..
  • terraskye
    terraskye Posts: 370 Member
    I know how to cook. I just don't do it often because it's only me, and by the time I get home from work, the last thing I want to do is cook.

    But I guess that has a lot to do with the energy levels. Vicious cycle.

    Its hubby and me but we don't often eat the same meals so I bake up a weeks worth now of chicken in my favorite marinade, a large pot of brown rice and one of bulger. I keep all kinds of frozen veggies on hand too so i can toss them in the microwave. I portion out the rice and bulger into once cup servings and toss them in the fridge...I also have frozen fish filets on hand too to vary my protein choices.

    I hate exercising too but I have decided that I'd rather do something i hate then staying the outter someone I hate now. This has been a great motivate for me.

    Friend me if you want:)

    Good luck!!

  • ilovesparkle
    ilovesparkle Posts: 127 Member
    MFP put me at 1200 calories, so I was going with that. It wasn't a choice, just what it said I needed.

    I told you all, I have awful eating habits. And I don't take offense to eating worse than a 2 1/2 year old. I believe it.
  • monylove24
    monylove24 Posts: 3 Member
    I think you definitely need to eat all if not most of your calories. And try eating less processed food and more veggies, lean proteins and whole grains. I noticed you have no water tracked. That was one big change I made in my life, I drink water throughout my day and I feel like i cleanse my body doing it. Track as you eat so you are always aware of where you are with calories. And I like you, hate exercising, BUT, I do walk at a pretty moderate speed and I love the rewarding feeling upon completion. Stay positive, find your inner WILL, and you will be closer to your goal week by week. :) Good luck!
  • PiperMommy11
    But you aren't even eating 1200 calories... the most I saw was 1000... So, at least try and meet the goal calories... and even zig zag it a bit. Your body is thinking you are starving and shutting down!
  • phoenixgirl81
    phoenixgirl81 Posts: 309 Member
    You've got almost no fruit and vegetables in your logs! They are low in calories but very filling and easy to cook (if at all!). If you don't "have time" to cook for yourself when you get home, you can easily overcome this by cooking in bulk and freezing meals (e.g. Make a pot of soup that would normally serve 4 people, eat one serve and freeze the other 3 in individual portions!) Much healthier for you than bought frozen meals! Also, you could chop up a pile of vegetables in (say) sunday and that way you just have to grab what you need and steam/microwave/bake/stir-fry them with some protein and you will have eliminated the excuse of "it takes too long to chop".

    If you don't eat enough, your body goes into starvation mode and it won't burn off the excess energy. You are starving your body. You are not giving it enough fuel to function, let alone exercise.
  • ilovesparkle
    ilovesparkle Posts: 127 Member
    Thank you all for the advice! I'm learning a lot by reading your responses and I will try to incorporate them into my life. I don't have many people in my life with positive thoughts and advice (with the exception of one or two people) so it really means a lot to me!
  • Back2Basic
    Back2Basic Posts: 69 Member
    I gained A LOT of my weight when my husband was deployed. It was just me, so why should I cook? It does make a HUGE difference. They don't have to be gourmet meals, and you can find some really easy recipes that take no time at all. I'm not a veggitarian, but last week I found a great recipe for spaghetti.{ Make noodles, add frozen broccoli, can of corn, can of tomato sauce, onion powder (I don't slice onions) then added some carrot shreds for fun.} The longest part was waiting for water to boil. So try to make meals with 4 servings. That's one for dinner. One for a lunch later in the week, and freeze the other two servings separately.
    Get rid of the junk food in the house. Take it to a food bank if you can, or give it to someone you know could use it. Don't go shopping hungry and stick to your list. A little self control in the store means not having to use it at home. Plan your meals. Pack your lunches the night before, and cook breakfast then too if you need.
    My mom was a bit of a binge dieter, so I DESPISE dieting. I'm changing my lifestyle. I don't deprive myself. If I want cake, I have some. Just a tiny bit though. But once you stop eating junk, you will find that you are hungry, have more energy, and are happier. I've been there before, and I can't wait to get back!
    PS I friended you. Anyone feel free to add!
  • ilovesparkle
    ilovesparkle Posts: 127 Member
    I forgot to mention. Well, not forgot, but I try not to reveal too much personal information.

    I have PCOS. So my weight is a lot harder to drop than most and I have an obscene addiction to sugar and carbs. I am trying to get to a place where I can be healthy enough to attempt pregnancy, so this time I REALLY need to stick to a healthy life plan.
  • happyharpreet
    happyharpreet Posts: 5 Member
    exercise is the best answer to all the problems.I have had knee arthroscopy but i love to walk the only exercise i love doing .So put on your shoes ,plug in your i pod and walk.keeping log of your eating again is very important since last 10 days I have been off MFP and my diet has gone awry. I logged in after long and saw your post.Dont worry we are all the same here just need to look forward to more committed ones to reach there!
  • mikewpg1ca
    mikewpg1ca Posts: 86 Member
    First thing you need to do is start eating more, a lot more, you've got a couple of days of 700-800 calories only, while MFP is recommending you eat 1800. Assuming you've selected that you want to lose a lb a week, the 1800 is already reduced by 500 cal from your MFP maintenance level. I know MFPs recommendations are not perfect for everyone, but it's a starting point. I can see why you have no motivation, you must have no energy and want to sleep or lay on the couch all the time only taking in that amount of calories. Based on where you are at and where you want to be, you need to think about this as something that'll take months and months, maybe a year, to get to where you want to be. This is not something you'll accomplish is weeks or only a few months. None of us got to where we're at in a few weeks and changing it won't happen quickly either.
  • larncy
    larncy Posts: 47 Member
    I know it can be a challenge to cook for just you but with some info and planning you can be on your way. I make batches of pasta sauce and freeze, I make batches or rice and meatballs and freeze in individual containers , etc...You need to get some single serviing freezer bags or containers and set aside a day and make a couple things and freeze them or bottle it. I buy salad stuff and spend an hour in the kitchen and cut it all up and make mason jar salads...makes all the diff when you dont know what you wanna cook and you can just grab something. Invest in a little grill and when u buy meats seperate them all individually so its not all froze together. It will take some time to get used to good choices and stuff but it will come naturally once u get used to it. Also with regards to exercise...anything counts...go for a walk, play the wii, something to get you movin...in time you will begin to enjoy that too once u start seeing results!! Good luck with it all...you can do it!
  • BatWoman2012
    I am the same height, weight as you currently. I have a public diary add me if you want. I try to make sure I get enough nuts, chicken or fish and veggies in each day. I have cut back on my sodium as much as I can and drink at least 10 cups of water. I always eat a minimum of 1200 calories a day which can be hard (milky way chocolate bars, mini size are 56 calories each, they help to up my calories lol). Im in New Zealand but my diary might give you some ideas. Im quite lazy with exercise and cooking. With exercise I do what I can on the weekends. I have a couple of dumbells at home that I use while watching tv. Swimming for half hour on the weekend burned 350 calories. Cleaning the house etc also burns calories. With chicken I bake it in some baking paper with sage, wholegrain mustard and chilli spices with soy sauce and cook for 30-45 mins. Very easy and sooooo yummy! Microwave some veggies and presto a healthy dinner. Looking at the nutrition labels when shopping and understanding them will help a lot too.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I have PCOS. So my weight is a lot harder to drop than most and I have an obscene addiction to sugar and carbs. I am trying to get to a place where I can be healthy enough to attempt pregnancy, so this time I REALLY need to stick to a healthy life plan.

    I'm going to be blunt. Every post is an excuse for why you can't lose weight. You don't like exercise. You can't cook. You have PCOS. Can't, can't, can't.

    How about focussing on the things you can do? Start trying new things. I have PCOS and used to make the exact same excuses. 'Oh I have PCOS and it's harder to lose weight. You don't understand' Well I understand and it's not true. You CAN lose weight you just don't want it enough.

    Microwave meals are fine if you're starting out. They are high on sodium though so you must drink your water. While its good to eat clean it's not as important as eating the right calories. I'm the same weight and am eating 1673 calories and am losing weight. You NEED to eat more.