C25K... Results...Sucesses



  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    NotAllWhoWanderAreLost Posts: 615 Member
    I'm a C25K grad and now a proud member of the "13.1 club" .. I started the c25k program a few months before my 40th birthday, overweight and with bad knees. I'd been walking fairly long distances /fast speeds regularly for several months prior to starting the c25k program, so i had fairly good cardiovascular endurance, though i still struggled with strength. I had been telling myself (and anyone who inquired) that i could never run because i had bad knees. I quickly found out that one of my main problems "learning to run" on my own was that i would run too fast (like 7+mph), for too long (at that point, too long could mean just 3 minutes) and i'd kill my knees, making it all but impossible to run for several days afterwards. You can't just jump into running like that. It will wreck you. You will hate running. Following the C25K forced me to scale back the duration/speed of my running segments so i could finish all of the intervals and get back to another run in a couple of days. It forced me to take rests so my knees could adjust to the new demands. A few times i "jumped ahead" of the program and then i'd really feel it (in a bad way). I highly recommend just sticking to the program, not fast-tracking it in any way. You may feel like you can jump ahead, but fight the urge to do so. Let your body have the time to adjust so you can remain injury free. Don't worry if you're not built for speed. Who cares. You're out there, you're doing it, thats all that matters :)

    For the record, my knees are still crap. I still need to be mindful of intensity, duration and recovery times. If you have any sort of injury, be mindful of it, but not fearful of it. Never let fear run your life <3 Surprisingly, my knees felt pretty ok after my half marathon last fall!

    I don't always love running WHILE i am running. Especially in that first mile or two. I've also found that i prefer slower running (jogging) over speed and that the run/walk mindset it what makes running still seem inviting to me. I run when i want to run, i walk when i want to walk. I take it day by day and song by song and i just enjoy myself when i'm out there. And i DO enjoy my "me time" very much!!!! :)

    (I do get competitive WITH MYSELF when its race time though lol!)

    Wanted to add that I am the featured runner this month on my runners' club's website... They did a little runner's profile thing on me, if you want to read more. Here is a link to our page: http://www.adirondackrunners.org/ The Featured Runner link is on the right side of the homepage (me!)
  • ggeise14
    ggeise14 Posts: 386 Member
    I have also never been a runner - could barely run a block! Last year at work I joined the C25K group and followed the program ending in a 5K the third week in Sept. At 47 y/o I completed my first 5K! What an amazing feeling to cross the finish line. My time was not great 34 min but I did walk a few times. The majority of my training was done on my treadmill and it didn't fully prep me for non-treadmill running.

    I am going to do another 5K in Sept this year but plan to do my training outside. My non-athlete 19 y/o son and neice said they'd run it with me.
  • maxybaby8
    maxybaby8 Posts: 17
    hi i never been a runner but started the c25k 6 weeks ago and love it i run outside on the road and every week go further i am doing week 6 tomorrow and can now run 20min without stopping i am doing my first run for life on the 20th of may wish me luck ha
  • Mollyisone
    Mollyisone Posts: 8
    Great post love all the motivation. I graduated the C25K twice and for various reasons stopped running. Back to start again only this time I have weight to shift too.

    Starting week 1 today.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I completed the C25K a few months ago and am working on the B210K now. I can run 3-3 1/2 miles easily now, my only issue can be boredom because I run on a treadmill. I turned 45 in December and am actually in better shape now than I have been in since I was in my teens.

    I was a runner in high school, did cross country and was the distance runner on the track team. I hated it back then. LOL. I was good at it, but didn't like it.

    I was on business this past weekend. Yesterday morning I woke up and felt like I needed a workout so I went down to the workout room at the hotel I was at and got on the treadmill. I was limited on time, so I decided to run 2 miles. It was so easy! I never thought I would say that. Ever.

    I really like running now. I love the calorie burn, I love the sweating and I LOVE how well I sleep at night on the days I run.
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    NotAllWhoWanderAreLost Posts: 615 Member
    Starting week 1 today.

    congratulations on your past completions and great idea to revisit c25k to get back into the swing of things! :) Yay for Week 1, Day 1!! :drinker:
  • sw0301
    sw0301 Posts: 46 Member
    I think c25k is great. I finally have my motivation to stick with it this time. I have found out that running is more mentally challenging than physically challenging, for me at least. I've been going back & forth with the app for about 3 months now, I kept repeating weeks 1 & 2, getting to week 3 & dropping back down. Last week I had been following the app correctly & should have started week 4 but instead created my own run/walk routine on my regular route since I ran my first 5k on Saturday, just trying to get some variety & push myself. I actually completed the 5k in 38:56, which I was thrilled with! I have signed up for another 5k at the end of the month & will pick up with c25k week 4 this week to help me be even more successful at the next 5k.

    At first I thought 45 second jogs were TERRIBLE, now I actually enjoy the longer jogs.
  • kit_kat1229
    How are you guys logging it in exercise? I searched and can't seem to find anything, unless I wasn't searching right!
  • Devona14
    Devona14 Posts: 171
    I'm a newbie C25K, too. I started W2D1 last night. I'm finding that I have to run/jog at a slow pace, but coolrunnings.com keeps telling me that speed will come later. It was a wonderful feeling last night to run 90 seconds without stopping. Granted, I had to walk 2 minutes between times, but I did it! It is such a feeling of accomplishment for me. I've never ran before in my life. I'm finding that I miss the off days. I can't believe I'm going to say this, but this chick likes to run!

    My biggest problem has been getting over my own perceived ideas. Since I run in my neighborhood, I picture my neighbors peeking out the window saying, "Look at that fat chick trying to run." But, I've since convinced myself that I'm the one running while they're probably watching TV and stuffing themselves with junk food.

    Anyway, I love to run!
  • SaketoKim
    SaketoKim Posts: 254 Member
    Just did my 2n 5k and Im addicted. Can't wait to do a 10k and so on.....
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    How are you guys logging it in exercise? I searched and can't seem to find anything, unless I wasn't searching right!

    I have a HRM now, so I create my own exercise using the calories burned based on my HRM. Before that, I broke down the walking and jogging into two different exercises and entered the amount of time I did each.
  • Mollyisone
    Mollyisone Posts: 8
    Starting week 1 today.

    congratulations on your past completions and great idea to revisit c25k to get back into the swing of things! :) Yay for Week 1, Day 1!! :drinker:

    LOL, thank you, done it and it was hard but felt good. Can't wait until I'm back into the swing of it.
  • njmp
    njmp Posts: 277 Member
    I've been stalled on week 7 for a couple of weeks now. I'm still waiting for the time when that run feels soooo good. I've had glimpses of it, but I struggle with breathing, and sometimes shin splints. I'm working on it... and determined to finish!!! I REALLY want to be one of those people who LOVE running...not there yet though.
    With that said, the program is awesome. I started the program struggling...I'm still struggling, but at least I'm struggling through 25 minutes instead of 90 seconds!!!
    Good luck!
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    Can anyone tell me which app you used? I've found a couple different ones Online and im looking for one that tells you when to do what and has a timer I guess?
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Can anyone tell me which app you used? I've found a couple different ones Online and im looking for one that tells you when to do what and has a timer I guess?
    I used c25kFree by Zen Labs - totally free, and it worked well. It shows what days you've completed, and it tells you to start your warm up (5 mins), then when to start running, back to walking, etc. It also lets you know when you're halfway through the workout, and when you have one minute left. You can also have it run your own music, which mutes when the voice prompts come through so you don't miss them, but I never used that feature as I was just concentrating on keeping my legs going. :tongue:
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    Can anyone tell me which app you used? I've found a couple different ones Online and im looking for one that tells you when to do what and has a timer I guess?
    I used c25kFree by Zen Labs - totally free, and it worked well. It shows what days you've completed, and it tells you to start your warm up (5 mins), then when to start running, back to walking, etc. It also lets you know when you're halfway through the workout, and when you have one minute left. You can also have it run your own music, which mutes when the voice prompts come through so you don't miss them, but I never used that feature as I was just concentrating on keeping my legs going. :tongue:

  • andreaashell
    andreaashell Posts: 16 Member
    I've never been a runner.... In fact, I don't think I had EVER successfully run a single mile until I did C25K. I started it once, got about halfway through and hit a mental block. I gave up for a while, lost 20 lbs doing other things and then started again... this time with friends. We made it all the way through the program without repeating any weeks and have done several 5 k's... we are now training for a 10k!!! It feels GREAT! It is an incredible feeling to be a lady who (still) weighs almost 200 lbs, and be able to run 3 miles no problem and now 5 miles with a little bit of walking (only because there are hills). I will say, there are still days that I don't "LOVE" running, but there are more days when I can't wait to go. My advice would be to have friends come along with you... it gives you that extra umph to keep going when you think you need to walk.

    Good luck!! and have fun with it!
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Before I got onto MFP, I started C25k. I'd always enjoyed running, I just couldn't actually go far or fast, like at all. I was the worst runner through phys ed all through school. But a year ago I started. Graduated, then graduated from B210k. While I don't often run an hour straight and actually haven't run 10k yet, I really really enjoy running!

    As of today, I'm able to run 5k in 32:11! When I finally got up to 5k at the beginning (running straight) I was over 40 min.

    I now love running!

    Friend me if you want, C25k is totally worth it! I feel so much better than I did before!
  • alasin1derland
    alasin1derland Posts: 575 Member
    i tried to download the app because it sounds so good but it is not compatible with my blackberry bold 9790, tried to download on my husbands phone a newer bold and i got the same message, not compatible with his either, i checked the list and neither of our phones are on it. does anyone know if blackberry releases apps over time with their newer phones?
  • Lucianna_D
    Lucianna_D Posts: 84 Member
    I just started C25K last week, I run 3 day a week... In the beginning it was tough, I had to learn how to run tall and breathe right.. Over all I love it.. I'm getting ready for the Gladiator Rock'n Run in October.. :)