C25K... Results...Sucesses



  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    i'm only in week 2 day 2 but i have seen huge difference in my stamina.
  • joakool
    joakool Posts: 434 Member
    LOVE LOVE LOVE c25k program. I "graduated" last November and have since been in six 5Ks with my seventh this coming Saturday. I run 3 to 4 times a week (outside) and joined a speed training group a few weeks ago. The nice thing about running is it is inexpensive (after you buy your shoes), can be done almost anywhere outside, and you can customize your workouts very easily. I hope you give it a try, it's a very rewarding sport.
  • andreaashell
    andreaashell Posts: 16 Member
    I created my own way to log it - looked up the calories burned for the walking and running for each week, added them together and saved it as a new exercise - C25K week , or whatever week. Eventually you get to the weeks were it is just running and that is much easier to log.
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    I can't believe I get to say it-- C25k GRADUATE!! I just finished last week, and I was never never never ever a runner before. Now, it shocks me that I totally crave it. I see other runners out when it's nice, and can't wait to get home for a run. I'm training for a duathlon now, which has me running 3k, biking 25k , and running 5k, so my runs have jumped up to 45 min nonstop.. and I can do it!! Well!! Just make sure you ease in to it ( which the program makes you do) and move up gradually. I did a 5 k in 32 min 4 weeks in and ended up super sore because I pushed it and didn't stretch enough.

    I don't have a BB or anything that uses apps, but I did download each week on to my i-pod-- depending on the week ( and the music) I went with either runningintoshape.com or kissmyblackass.org.

    You can TOTALLY do this though... and you'll like it!! Lol..
  • ohnedich00
    ohnedich00 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm doing C25K and I honestly love it. I use to never run and hated running, but this program has me loving it and looking forward to it. I would recommend though that you try to run 4 to 5 times a week. I just don't think three workouts a week is enough to build someone up who doesn't have experience running. I've been doing C25K for almost a month and I have lost 6 pounds since starting it. I highly recommend it!
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    I can tell you that I used to not be able to run for about 30 seconds without panting and almost fainting. I started c25k last winter but I didn't finish it. Only because I was anxious and just wanted to see how far I could run without being timed. I can now run longer and farther than I ever could before. Even though I didn't go by the system it HAS to work because if I can go from almost dying in 15 seconds of running to running non-stop for over a half hour, you can too. I love running now. I never thought I would.
  • Claire594
    Claire594 Posts: 357 Member
    I've never been a runner but loved the idea if running. I'm currently doing c25k, on week 7 and running for 25 mins without stopping. I never thought that I'd get this far when in week 1 I cud barely run the 60 secs. Still can't say u 'love' running but I def love the feeling of accomplishment every time u complete another week of c25k and I can't wait to graduate and sign up for my first 5k.

    Good luck. From a seriously unfit non-runner. You can do this.
  • wannaberunner33
    wannaberunner33 Posts: 55 Member
    I am totally with you. Don't love sweating :) I used to run 3 times a week 2 or 3 miles. I stopped and over time gained 40 pounds. I just finished week 4 day 1 today. Starting up running this time has been way harder than the first time. I love the IDEA or running and now I'm just waiting for the love of running itself to kick in. Running is still such a struggle for me. But I sure do love how I feel after, knowing I did it.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    I'm doing C25K and I honestly love it. I use to never run and hated running, but this program has me loving it and looking forward to it. I would recommend though that you try to run 4 to 5 times a week. I just don't think three workouts a week is enough to build someone up who doesn't have experience running. I've been doing C25K for almost a month and I have lost 6 pounds since starting it. I highly recommend it!

    Just a word of caution, over running is how you get shin splints. This program has you running three times a week for a reason, to ease non-runners in. I did the program as designed, but now that I've graduated this and B210k, I run most days, 5-7 times a week, no problem. But your body needs to get used to it, not jump off the deep end!
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    Finished c25k back last September and am now able to run 10 miles straight. The best thing it did for me was give me the endurance to go the distance in everything else I do. I'm bicycling primarily right now and weight training, but I still get involved in local 5 and 10k races from time to time. I have been able to do a lot of very active and awesome things as a direct result of the c25k program. It works very, very well and made a runner out of a man that weighed 280lbs when he started and could barely jog for 30 seconds without nearly passing out. I would highly recommend it for anyone, regardless of what you're trying to get into!
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    I've been stalled on week 7 for a couple of weeks now. I'm still waiting for the time when that run feels soooo good. I've had glimpses of it, but I struggle with breathing, and sometimes shin splints. I'm working on it... and determined to finish!!! I REALLY want to be one of those people who LOVE running...not there yet though.
    With that said, the program is awesome. I started the program struggling...I'm still struggling, but at least I'm struggling through 25 minutes instead of 90 seconds!!!
    Good luck!

    Thank you for the info... I am at about 2 minutes... I cant wait to get started!
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    Can anyone tell me which app you used? I've found a couple different ones Online and im looking for one that tells you when to do what and has a timer I guess?
    I used c25kFree by Zen Labs - totally free, and it worked well. It shows what days you've completed, and it tells you to start your warm up (5 mins), then when to start running, back to walking, etc. It also lets you know when you're halfway through the workout, and when you have one minute left. You can also have it run your own music, which mutes when the voice prompts come through so you don't miss them, but I never used that feature as I was just concentrating on keeping my legs going. :tongue:
    Thank you for sharing the app!!!
  • tony1307
    tony1307 Posts: 127 Member
    I use the APP by ZenLabs as well. I am only in week three, day 2. At first I could barely get thru the jogging part, but it has gotten easier. I should be on week four by now, but I do repeat the days that I struggle, or if I am not confident enough to move on.
    But it is working, and I actually enjoy being out there doing it.
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    I use the APP by ZenLabs as well. I am only in week three, day 2. At first I could barely get thru the jogging part, but it has gotten easier. I should be on week four by now, but I do repeat the days that I struggle, or if I am not confident enough to move on.
    But it is working, and I actually enjoy being out there doing it.

    Did you enjoy running before? At all...? I am so eager to start... I love being outside, and now know I MUST exercise...but it so kills me to run. I hope that I can get into it!
  • gates1064
    gates1064 Posts: 41 Member
    you can do it. Several coworkers of mine all started c24k and we completed or first 5k a few weeks ago. I have always hated running but this program is about going at your own pave. if you want to kick it up, so, to say, check with a local running club that may gather and offer training.
    Good luck!!
  • tchr1ann
    tchr1ann Posts: 11 Member
    I just came in from finishing Week 2, Day 1 run/walk. I'm like some of the others on here... I used to run/walk (I even had an 8-9 minute mile) but... alas, no more. The first day of C25K, I wanted to quit (and/or roll into the bushes and pass out!) I still count the minutes til I hear the trainer say "you're halfway there" and then "cool down", but I do LOVE being out in the fresh air. I like the small progress I see each time I go out... it reminds me that this weight loss and lifestyle change are a work in progress and not an overnight success.
    Day 63 (Week 9, Day 3) coincides with a 5k that my sister and brother in law are participating in so it is my goal to do that race with them.

    For those of you who are on the fence, just do it!! I found an inspirational quote and it goes something like this... it doesn't matter how slow you are, you are still lapping everyone on the couch! So true!!

    I really hope that running becomes part of my life again... I have missed it and am glad I'm lacing up my shoes again!
  • EWinks
    EWinks Posts: 2 Member

    My biggest problem has been getting over my own perceived ideas. Since I run in my neighborhood, I picture my neighbors peeking out the window saying, "Look at that fat chick trying to run." But, I've since convinced myself that I'm the one running while they're probably watching TV and stuffing themselves with junk food.

    I always thought that too! I run up and down one street though, since it's pretty hilly around my neighborhood. I'm on W2D2, and now what I think is that if there is anyone there that's thinking that, all I've done is proven I'm going to do it. When they see me running up and down that street for 30 minutes they'll start to wonder if I could do it, then maybe they can too.

    I'm aiming to do it 5 times a week. It says to run three, but really I feel like 5 isn't too bad, especially since I'm still fairly young. I used to run when I was tiny, and I was good at it, but I got out of shape. Less than two months ago running up and down the stairs caused heavy breathing. So far I've lost about 25 pounds, but what I've gained is so much better. I can actually breath, and I feel so much better doing anything in my day to day life. I finally feel like I'm getting fit.

    The first time I tried running recently I ran for three minutes straight (this was about two weeks ago), and had major coughing fits for the rest of the day, bad I know! The good thing is that didn't matter in C25K, I've never had to stop a workout from being too tired to finish the rotation. I haven't once had a crazy cough after it either.

    Good luck!
  • wannaberunner33
    wannaberunner33 Posts: 55 Member
    My biggest problem has been getting over my own perceived ideas. Since I run in my neighborhood, I picture my neighbors peeking out the window saying, "Look at that fat chick trying to run."
    Totally! What's worse is that today on one of the walking segments, someone I know pulled up and said hello. Needless to say I looked horrific full of sweat and red-faced, wearing too tight pants.:blushing: BUT at least I was out there. Hopefully there will come a time where I am just whipping down the street without a care in the world!
  • jgthomas78
    jgthomas78 Posts: 81
    I am amazed by the couch to 5K program. I had never ran a mile in my entire life and now after 10 weeks doing the program I can run the whole 5K. I started the program at 215 and have lost 25 pounds so far. Running has became my favorite exercise. That statement still shocks me!
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Last May I could not get around the block without dying. Now I regularly run 6-7 miles at a time. I have done obstacle races, road races, trail races, and have signed up for a half marathon. And I've lost 50 pounds while doing it.