Sick of trying with no results

I have been at this for years....close to 3 ... after gaining close to 25 pounds after high school. To make my backstory short, I lost 55 pounds in high school though eating only 650 calories a day for a year...averaging 1 pound a week. I kept it off by eating probably 1200-1400 a day, and then got in a new relationship, started eating more, and put some back on...

...I decided 3 years ago that I wanted to get the weight off again, and here it is 3 years later, and I am several pounds heavier than I was (I had started to lose again doing Dukan Diet a year ago, but it has since all come back on, plus more)

I am sick of eating healthy, working out 5x a week (cardio and strength) and seeing NO results....not even looser clothes. I would be fine at this weight if my clothes were at least fitting better. I'm sick of gaining weight or staying the same at 1500 calories a day. I am sick of putting everything I have into this, and 3 years later, I am still at square one, if not 2 steps back.

I try really hard for 2-3 months, and see NOTHING in results, and then give up for a week or two and give myself just a LITTLE wiggle room, then get back to it thinking that the next time will be different. It never is. I still never lose anything, and I still never lose inches.

I started a new strength training program, and was showing my husband some of the stuff on the workouts. I thought that as long as I was doing my best, even if my form wasn't perfect, that I would still see some results in the form of muscle toning/growth. When I showed him my pushup, he laughed at me. I am trying my best, and he laughs at my form, which really hurt a lot. I am still in tears writing this because I am just SO SICK of trying and getting NOTHING out of it. I hate that my jeans don't fit anymore, and that I wear baggy, loose sweatpants because I feel so disgusting and want to hide. I hate being the fat one in my group of friends. At 5'4, 145 pounds, and 32% BF, I am considered obese...and it kills me on the inside.

I'm sorry that this vent is so long...its just 3 years of trying, and frustration built up and I just don't know what to do anymore.


  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Sorry to say it but when you were only eating 650 calories a day you RUINED your metabolism. You lost weight but it was most likely muscle mass. Now to this day you're still having to deal with what you did to your body. This will explain while you are normal for your height and weight but your body fat percentage is so high. When you starve yourself, your body holds on to every ounce of fat you have and burns your muscle for fuel.

    Honestly, I wish I could help but I don't have enough expertise to create a program that would repair your metabolism. Only thing I can say is PLEASE make sure you are eating enough and NETTING 1200 calories a day. You may need to actually "bulk" a little to gain back all of the muscle mass you lost and once you gain some muscle mass, focus on losing the fat.
  • Amcolecchi
    Amcolecchi Posts: 260 Member
    Don't give up! There is a lot of reasons why this could be happening. 1. Are you really eating healthy? Are you considering all the small things as well? Like condiments or what type of bread you are eating? Are you eating more protein and fresh food versus processed food. 2. Work-out. You're body needs to be doing different things to hit different muscles. If you do the same routines daily you will never see results. Also, if you are trying to lose fat and weight-cardio is best! Definitely do some strength training but cardio will be your best friend. 3. Stress. The more you stress the more you will need to convince yourself to not weigh yourself everyday and to drink plenty of water and stay away from pop and alcohol. (However I am Italian and drinking wine is not something I can give up). haha I am 5'1" and currently weigh 125 and I started at 136 which was considered overweight to for my height, so I understand where you are coming from...just keep it up and do not stress about will come over..slowly but it will!

    And for your husband, that infuriates me...he needs to be supportive and help you! This is why you are on fitnesspal to lose weight with others who are here to motivate you! Make sure you communicate to him how that hurt your feelings and you would like his support. My husband backs me 100% even runs with me because he knows I need his support everyday!

    Good luck and don't be so hard on yourself, you will get there!
  • mfanyafujo
    mfanyafujo Posts: 232 Member
    Hey! Sorry you're feeling so bad. Sometimes getting healthy is a real struggle. Don't be discouraged - you've kept trying for three years, after many people would have given up. So don't give up now! If what you are doing now isn't working, change everything! Change how you eat, change how you work out. Find some fun exercise you love to do. You can lose the weight, but only if you don't give up!
  • lcashy
    lcashy Posts: 34 Member
    You are beautiful. Your true friends will be there 'fat' or 'not fat'. Does your husband know how bad you feel? My partner always laughs at me. But he knows when I am serious about things and wouldn't dare laugh at me then, I would have his guts for garters :)

    I don't know what to say on the exercise side of things as I am not clued up on this however I am sure if you done various types of exercising you may see better results. Shock your body in to something you have never done before.

    Like I say I am no expert, I just wanted to give you a virtual hug as no one should feel like this. So big hugs from me to you.

    Hope someone has some interesting advice for you

    Leanne xx
  • sarahbeth17
    sarahbeth17 Posts: 100 Member
    I think you might have your BMI wrong, i just calculated it and it was in the healthy range. Your body may already "think" its healthy so it might make it harder to lose the last pounds and it could be what you are eating... not all calories are the same and if you are eating high carb that could get in the way of you seeing results. I heard someone it's good to mix up what you are eating instead of the same old thing (make sure its healhy) just like working out you need to trick your body and not do what it's used to. Good luck!
  • turbogirl4christ
    I totally hear you. I have been in the same boat. I have been busting my butt for the past 3 years as well too and have seen very minimal results. It sucks big time. I am 5'3" and 155 pounds which is obese to and it kills me too. I hate it. I have tried everything under the sun and the weight just doesnt want to budge. ((BIG HUGS)) I just wanted to let you know that theres someone out there who feels your pain. Keep your chin up girly!! If you ever want to talk feel free to message me.
  • Katemarie34
    Katemarie34 Posts: 144 Member
    Hang in there girl! I'm with you- I've been on and off for so many years, and have been upping, lowering, strength training, everything and it's still not coming off or losing inches like i'd hope. There has got to be something that's off that you're not seeing- and some people don't have just a one thing fix. The more you work out the more you should eat to keep your body fueled, drink more water, do a week of journaling everything you put in your mouth and then look back and see what you shouldn't be eating... Mine is my weekends, I let go a little bit on the weekends and it ruins anything I did for the week, so it just kinda "washes" each other out.

    Stay with it! Get someone to work out with you, or to help journal your food with you and it will come... promise, don't give up! :) and to your boyfriend that's laughing at you- make him do some pushups and then get at him for not being on form! :) Or just don't ask his advise if he's going to put you down like that... anything is better than nothing.
  • thechubner
    thechubner Posts: 94 Member
    I understand your frustration, and they say the definition of madness is trying the same thing and expecting different results. I would try something different to shock your body a little bit. Try doing the 6 week body make over diet (I have the matirials and can email you (through mfp) the eating plan if you're interested - no need to spend money on anything new) - then just eat what's on that diet plan. Or try low carb for a few weeks. You could even do one of those 48 hour liquid diets to see if you can get rid of any waste that might be blocking the normal flow of things (so to speak). The theory is first 18 inches of your small intestine absorbs the bulk of eaten calories (that's why italian gastric bypass includes removing those 18") - and the more backed up you are the longer food sits in the part that absorbs calories thus you're holding on to more weight. That all might sound like bunk and complete quackery, but maybe doing something drastically differnt can shock your body into starting to lose weight again. Most importantly I would maybe check with your physician just to be sure it isn't anything with your thyroid or something like that. Good Luck!
  • sarahbeth17
    sarahbeth17 Posts: 100 Member
    Options If you did do damage to your muscles like somebody mentioned then L Glutamine might be able to help you repair them. I am taking it now (too soon to tell if my muscles are better though)
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    I went through your food journal for a couple of weeks and you are either not logging everything you eat, or you are still undereating.

    I've been in your shoes, seriously under-eating for long periods of time. Here's what I did - I increased my calorie intake up to maintenance, kept lifting weights, cardio, etc... I haven't lost a pound, but my bras are now too big, my pants are loose and I look better at 148 than I looked @ 135 a few years ago.

    I would highly recommend making an appt w/ your dr and a dietician.

    I read an article about folks who under-eat for long periods of time, it can take several months to repair your system. There are some conflicting opinions about "starvation" or survival mode, but I do think something happens to your body when you eat at severly low levels for long periods of time.

    Don't give up, just try another approach.
  • Jvsg14
    Jvsg14 Posts: 5
    Plateaus are hard and can take a long time to get past and the monotony of the same thing over and over again can be a killer. That said, it sounds like maybe you just need a new approach. I don't know what you've been doing in exercise, but it is time for a change. Take 3 days off and then drop your current cardio routine and add running 3 times/week instead and do step aerobics on the off days. If you've been running, stop running and try cardio kick-boxing or whatever. Just anything new. If strength training isn't showing results, give it up for a while in favor of some additional cardio. Drop arms and add abs or squats or ...just anything different.

    Same with the food. For almost all of us, when we're being vigilent about the diet we narrow the scope of the things we eat to the 20 or so things that keep us full and under our calorie goal. Switch up your foods to something new - instead of grilled chicken, try a turkey burger or salmon or tilapia or 200 calories of decent quality chicken nuggets. Try plain greek yogurt flavored with crystal light....just something different. Plan a whole week where you don't eat any of your "go to" foods.

    The next option is to see your Dr and a nutritionist or a trainer to help you get back on track. The most important thing is to get back on track - not so much important for your physical health as much as for your mental health. Being so down about the lack of progress isn't where your head needs to be. Good luck.
  • JaySpice
    JaySpice Posts: 326 Member
    According to your diary you are barley reaching 1000 calories on most days. I understand that some of day you aren't logging everything and that's fine cause tis life but consistent logging will help. What type of exercise are you doing?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Sorry to say it but when you were only eating 650 calories a day you RUINED your metabolism. You lost weight but it was most likely muscle mass. Now to this day you're still having to deal with what you did to your body. This will explain while you are normal for your height and weight but your body fat percentage is so high. When you starve yourself, your body holds on to every ounce of fat you have and burns your muscle for fuel.

    Honestly, I wish I could help but I don't have enough expertise to create a program that would repair your metabolism. Only thing I can say is PLEASE make sure you are eating enough and NETTING 1200 calories a day. You may need to actually "bulk" a little to gain back all of the muscle mass you lost and once you gain some muscle mass, focus on losing the fat.

    This may help
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    Im writing this with confusion, you are beautiful and very least in the pics you have on your profile page, could this all be in your mind?
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Honestly looking at your diary just over the last week you aren't eating enough < 1200 gross.....Plus you had at least 1 day not logged at all.
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Hey, it sounds like you're tired of all of this - but you shouldn't give up. Your BMI is not in the obese range, you're in the healthy range but it just sounds like you need to lose some of that body fat % more than anything. I've lost hardly any Ibs personally, but about 15% BF since I started here in Jan - with a mix of cardio and weights. Have you tried 30DS/Beachbody work outs or anything like that?

    How much are you eating? Remember you need to rev up your metabolism now - I did exactly the same thing and my metbolism is shot, but eat more, fuel yourself and your body will start to co-operate (in my experience anyway). Do you know your BMR?

    Remember - you will do this, just stick with it :)
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Well first, let me say that if you have been trying this hard for this long and you haven't seen results and your form is not right, then it is probably time to seek some guidance from a professional trainer and a nutritionist.

    Secondly, and I am not trying to invalidate your feelings, but there are lots of people out there that wish they could be where you are. A lot of people are at 40% or 50% body fat and would give anything to be where you are so try and keep things in perspective. Your situation could be a lot worse.
  • MeliciousGibson
    I am 5'4" and 149 pounds....and I KNOW you're not calling ME fat! :D

    I know how hard it can be....everyone else here has posted wonderful information for you. Next time hubby laughs at a pushup - punch him in the junk (just kidding). I don't condone violence.

    Give yourself REALISTIC goals...give your body time to heal from the metabolism yo-yo, and know that YOU CAN do this!

    Again - 5'4" and 145 - I'd give my left pinky toe for that.

  • EllieNewOrleans
    Bump for later :))))))
  • twogirlsmama
    twogirlsmama Posts: 45 Member
    You can't give up because your hurt and disappointed. First, be kind to yourself and be very serious about it. If your friends talked to you the way you might talk to yourself you would tell them to hit the road. Second, your partner in life should embrace your goal and help you, not laugh at you. Third, it is a process. A process of tracking, exercising, embracing yourself. You should love yourself enough to feel good about yourself. My other recommendation would be to have a visit with your doctor and have a blood panel done to make sure everything is normal.