Starvation Mode

Okay...everytime I complete my food and exercise log for the day, it says that "you are eating too few calories" in red...and it goes on to say that I may be putting my body into starvation mode. Okay...question. How is it that if you eat too few calories, you can put your body into starvation mode...but then doctors perform gastric bypass surgeries which in turn reduces the number of calories consumed far below what a normal person would consume. Wouldn't that put your body in starvation mode if all you could eat was a baby jar of food? I'm confused...can someone please clear this up for me? Thanks :)


  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    It is used as a scare tactic. Nothing more. I don't even bother completing my daily log as it gives me the annoying message every time. If starvation mode as it is used on this board existed then you are correct, gastric bypass would not work and anorexics would not be under weight. I am not making fun of anyone, especially those with and ED. I'm saying that if starvation mode worked as "advertised" then it would not be an issue.

    BTW - In 6 months I have only twice consumed more than 1,200 calories and I have lost over 85lbs, lost almost no muscle mass, and increased me HDL (good cholesterol). This calorie amount was recommend by both my MD and nutritionist who said that women can lose weight perfectly healthy on 1,200 per day. I defer to their judgement over a website.
  • aminahzjohnson
    aminahzjohnson Posts: 30 Member
    I agree :) But there are a lot of conflicting articles out there online...I just needed some type of clairity! Thanks :)
  • africaa
    africaa Posts: 228
    I just joined today and it told me that..but I was way below my goal anyway (under 1000)..but I usually eat more. The thing is though it wants me to eat 1600 calories a day but my nutrionist only want me to eat between 1200-1400 so i'm not going to even bother with that.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I agree...according to my food log...I don't eat enough and I get that message too. I'm not starving myself. I have more energy now than before. Also, I cannot be starving...I would be starving if I had 3 carrot sticks a day. I'm eating 5 small meals a day. My stomach is never growling. If it is...I eat something.
  • mmbleb
    mmbleb Posts: 14
    From what I have read if you do not consume what your body needs to survive it will think you are fasting or starving therefore it will start storing fat for your body to live off of. That is the exact opposite of what you want if you are trying to lose weight. I too am struggling to get my 1200 minimum calories.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    I agree :) But there are a lot of conflicting articles out there online...I just needed some type of clairity! Thanks :)

    I'll share my personal experience, the site was recommending 1700 calories a day for me to lose 1lb a week, I tried it and at first it worked but then I started getting tired, sick , it just wasn't working.

    I then went to see a dietitian and had my metabolism tested professionally and discovered I at the time it was 2299 calories BMR, I was under eating by a massive amount, yes weight was dropping but I wasn't healthy. Now I eat between 2800-3000 a day and I have lost 20 lbs, gained muscle mass and dropped 4% body fat.

    This may not have been starvation mode per say, but metabolic slow down does indeed exist and if people chose to ignore it that's their choice but to denounce it outright is dangerous in my opinion.

    FYI : Metabolic Starvation does not = Tummy Grumbling
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    starvation mode for me its a huge myth.... Ok, lets accept the fact that eating 500 calories everyday would be dangerous for your body, cause you are not getting enough nutrients/protein/vitamins/calcium etc...
    But no way you would enter a starvation mode, or, explain anorexia to me, those girls barely eat 500 cal a day, and they keep losing weight.
    I normally eat 900-1100 a day (ive never gone over my daily 1200), and look, 37 lbs less!.. And Im never hungry, i feel satified with what I eat, nothing in this world would change my mind about it. Maybe if i was eating the 900-1100 and i was with the 200 lbs i had before, i would believe it, but not when im a few pounds away from the 150s.

    So again , that starvation mode is BS for me.. IMO
  • meeka472
    meeka472 Posts: 283 Member
    I do think it's a scare tactic. Before I started my diet I went to a nutritionist and she told me to drop my caloric intake to 1200 calories and to exercise if I could. My trainer also has no problem with me being at 1200 colories so I don't worry about what this site says about starvation mode. I've lost 20lbs since the end of Jan. (8 while on this site) working within the 1200 calorie guidelines that I was given by my doctor...
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    I do think it's a scare tactic. Before I started my diet I went to a nutritionist and she told me to drop my caloric intake to 1200 calories and to exercise if I could. My trainer also has no problem with me being at 1200 colories so I don't worry about what this site says about starvation mode. I've lost 20lbs since the end of Jan. (8 while on this site) working within the 1200 calorie guidelines that I was given by my doctor...

    A scare tactic by who? The evil Metabolism Corporation in league with the grocery stores?? What is there to gain by scaring people into eating a healthy amount of calories to support a weight loss and physical fitness routine.
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    I've posted on this plenty before, with lots of f-bombs.

    Starvation mode is a myth. If you have excess body fat, your body goes to this primarily as its energy source. Could you lose some lean mass if you didn't eat anything at all? Sure. If you had 100lbs of pure body fat though, your body is going to seek that out as an easy energy source.

    Will your metabolism slow down? Not by any substantial amount. Your metabolism encompasses the entirety of all processes that make your body work, and allow you to exist and function. Will you feel like butt here or there? Maybe, but unlikely. Hell on a recent thread I proved this wrong by eating about 500 calories a day of nothing but water, almond milk, and whey protein powder. Did this for days, did weightlifting, martial arts, and my normal 13 hour shifts at work fine. It's kind of pointless, but you can do it, and you will lose fat.

    Starvation mode only really exists when you are actually starving, eg in a DPRK work camp, making bigger rocks into smaller rocks.
  • aminahzjohnson
    aminahzjohnson Posts: 30 Member
    I agree :) But there are a lot of conflicting articles out there online...I just needed some type of clairity! Thanks :)

    I'll share my personal experience, the site was recommending 1700 calories a day for me to lose 1lb a week, I tried it and at first it worked but then I started getting tired, sick , it just wasn't working.

    I then went to see a dietitian and had my metabolism tested professionally and discovered I at the time it was 2299 calories BMR, I was under eating by a massive amount, yes weight was dropping but I wasn't healthy. Now I eat between 2800-3000 a day and I have lost 20 lbs, gained muscle mass and dropped 4% body fat.

    This may not have been starvation mode per say, but metabolic slow down does indeed exist and if people chose to ignore it that's their choice but to denounce it outright is dangerous in my opinion.

    FYI : Metabolic Starvation does not = Tummy Grumbling

    Thank you for this information :)
  • Taylerr88
    Taylerr88 Posts: 320 Member
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    I do think it's a scare tactic. Before I started my diet I went to a nutritionist and she told me to drop my caloric intake to 1200 calories and to exercise if I could. My trainer also has no problem with me being at 1200 colories so I don't worry about what this site says about starvation mode. I've lost 20lbs since the end of Jan. (8 while on this site) working within the 1200 calorie guidelines that I was given by my doctor...

    Did you exercise? If so did you calculate energy expenditure and caloric burn and eat back precisely to bring you back to 1200?

    If not then you were subsisting on less than 1200 calories.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    When you are eating insufficient calories to sustain daily life (not one day too low, but every day too low) then your body will dissolve primarily muscle to sustain life - burning muscle nets more energy for your body than burning fat. Your heart is a muscle, which is why anorexia is potentially fatal and why sometime people die from heart problems even after they have recovered from eating disorders and begun to eat more. It's not a scare tactic, and it's a high risk for gastric bypass patients too. But in the case of the morbidly obese the risks of remaining obese are greater than the risks of the surgery.
  • aminahzjohnson
    aminahzjohnson Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks everyone for your posts :)
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    Okay...everytime I complete my food and exercise log for the day, it says that "you are eating too few calories" in red...and it goes on to say that I may be putting my body into starvation mode. Okay...question. How is it that if you eat too few calories, you can put your body into starvation mode...but then doctors perform gastric bypass surgeries which in turn reduces the number of calories consumed far below what a normal person would consume. Wouldn't that put your body in starvation mode if all you could eat was a baby jar of food? I'm confused...can someone please clear this up for me? Thanks :)

    One note about gastric bypass surgery- yes you can lose a lot of weight from it. However, my mom (and others that I know who have had it) ended up with malnutrition issues and she ended up having a heart attack when her iron levels bottomed out. She lost hair and has all kinds of issues. Making drastic changes like that does come at a price.
  • docktorfokse
    docktorfokse Posts: 473 Member
    not everyone follows the eat more to lose more religion.
  • mmbleb
    mmbleb Posts: 14
    So any suggestions on making sure you get at least 1200 calories? I am having trouble eating the calories I need. I fell like I'm eating all day long now that I'm dieting LOL
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    It is used as a scare tactic. Nothing more. I don't even bother completing my daily log as it gives me the annoying message every

    Yes. MFP is trying to terrorize everyone here.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    So any suggestions on making sure you get at least 1200 calories? I am having trouble eating the calories I need. I fell like I'm eating all day long now that I'm dieting LOL

    Cottage Cheese, Greek Yogurt, Chicken Breast, Fish, Shrimp, Almonds etc...