Can we clear this up



  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Ok so you eat meat and someone said something rude to you because they are a vegetarian, vegan or pescetarian, and you feel like they were looking down on you (honestly if they were rude about it then they probably were) Please don't tar the rest of us with the same brush because ONE rogue vegetarian/vegan butthead decides to be act like a crotch pheasant and put their nose where it doesn't belong, spouting what comes across like uppity views.
    On the flip side please don't ask a vegetarian and vegan why they eat like they do if you don't really want to know ,you just wanna be a prick, and ask a bunch of stupid questions like isn't not eating meat really what's cruel? How are you even healthy? and talking nonsense like I could NEVER give up meat because I have to have that classic bacon burger at Wendy's. Yes you COULD you just don't want to and that is just fine. Or saying stuff like god put the animals here for us to eat. All of this sounds stupid and it is not going to bring a vegan/vegetarian back from not eating meat, how they eat is not your choice or you business for that matter.

    Now onto the veggies

    So people ask you questions over and over and over again and you know it's really just to get a rise out of you and try to make you feel like you are wrong for eating differently from them. F$#% em, unless they are sincere of course. Tell them you don't discuss your diet with others and don't play that little game.
    On the flipside Don't be one of those that acts like they are better than others because of the way they eat. I really doubt any uppity vegan, vegetarian or what have you who has gone around verbally looking down on others for their diet has ever done any good with converting someone. In fact that person probably went home and had a big juicy steak out of spite. You know people automatically think of vegans/vegetarians being like that because of the bad apples that went around doing that giving the rest of us a bad name, I have seen my fair share of them on MFP.

    To me people and their diets are similar to cats, you can't make a cat do something until it's the cat's idea to do it.
    oh and NO diet style is healthier or better than the other. All the studies you have read go back and forth and back and forth depending on which side is benefiting from them. Do what feels good to you and your body and the hell with everybody else.
    It's your life and your diet.

    Okay now I know this didn't really make much of a difference and probably won't change anything around here......................................but at least I feel better :)

    stop trying to kill the internet

    Oh man I didn't realize common sense and common decency were the internets I should have been more sensitive to the needs and feelings of almighty internet..... I will do better next time ;)