Green Team Week 8

Ok all, Sorry I have been at the Hospital all this time. For future sakes if You don't see a new Thread anyone can start it. Have tons of people here and not been able to get on. My aunt passed on Friday, yeah u guess it my birthday. I have my pregnant neice and her daughter staying with me so it kinda a crazy, not used to a 2 yr in the house. Not sure of what all is gonna happen this week the sevice is gonna be here but the grave site service is in Athens, Texas that is. So this week I will be off and on, forgive me but just having a hard time at the moment
Well no weight loss for me so I am gonna try this week but who knows


  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    Hey Jacque~ I am sorry to hear of the loss of your aunt. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.

    Hope all the rest of you greenies are doing well. Haven't had a chance to realy check the boards. Well Hope you all had a good holiday weekend. check in with ya later
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Jac - so sorry about your aunt, take it easy this week andkeep your family close

    purrr - how was your weekend w/the new man?
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    The house is quite at the moment, Have a horrible headache, Thanks for the support.
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    jacque--sorry also for your loss, your headache, and all your stress you have had to deal with these last couple of weeks. I know that really takes a toll on you and it also makes it hard to do right with your weight loss. We are all here for you and love you and hope you and your family can just allow you to make this a time to grow closer and stronger.

    purrr----I too want to know....hows you and the market guy....? we need a name or something so hes just not the market guy.

    Well I am the same as far as my weight. Its better than nothing. :bigsmile: Hope to allow this week to be a much better week but we'll see.

    I hope everyone had a great 4th!!! We went to the lake and took our camper up there so that it would already be there for our much longer and needed weekend this weekend. We are leaving Friday after work and not coming back till late Sunday. I CANNOT WAIT! and my 4 yr old (god I love her) will be with her daddy so though I love her being with me and we have fun I can relax and lay out without worrying about what can or will happen to her and just lay out on the beach with a drink in one hand and book in another :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Happy Monday to you all and will check in laters.....
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Feeling a little better, going to go to the gym and work out the kinks
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    where is everyone!!!! still on 4th of July vacation??? :frown:
    I miss my team. Come back!! :sad: :sad:
  • purrr
    purrr Posts: 46
    ooh, we have a week 8 thread :drinker:

    well, the weekend hasn't been great over here, neither has been the Monday after :grumble: i was being a naughty girl and did some interesting (so to say :wink:) things with my guy in a forest nearby, where i got this darn cold and been drinking tons of tea since and not feeling well... so no "market guy" for me right now :frown: but we've been over the phone and texting each other all the time and i went to see him at the market today, so it's all good... :smile: btw, his name is Levent (which actually means strong, handome man)... and just for the sake of it - my name is Petja... I wonder if I ever mentioned my own name either... well, I sometimes signed as "Pet", which is Pet's petname, you see :tongue:

    jacque~ i hope you are feeling better, that's really tough, especially on your birthday... but there'll be more birthdays and i'm sure a lot happier ones, don't lose your faith :flowerforyou:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    I'm still here!!!! Haven't weighed at all since the early weekend (like Thurs) afraid to :tongue:

    Sorry you're sick purr, sounds like fun way of getting sick though!
    Jacque - feel free to message me if you need to talk
    kitn - your time off this coming weekend sounds neat - will you be alone?

    Wherever the rest of this team is, hope you aren't doing anything I wouldn't do - which leaves it quite open :laugh: :bigsmile:
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    I'm still here!!!! Haven't weighed at all since the early weekend (like Thurs) afraid to :tongue:

    Sorry you're sick purr, sounds like fun way of getting sick though!
    Jacque - feel free to message me if you need to talk
    kitn - your time off this coming weekend sounds neat - will you be alone?

    Wherever the rest of this team is, hope you aren't doing anything I wouldn't do - which leaves it quite open :laugh: :bigsmile:

    have to agree with way to get sick there purr :wink: ...or I mean PET....I love it! where did your name come from? (petja) family, particular origin???
    porka---no time alone....not really. right now just me and hubby :blushing: :wink: ...his kids may or may not come but even if they do they are old enough they can do what the want or even me go and do what I want and I dont have to worry. his are 15, 17, and 18. no worries there. So just some good ole' relaxing time. oh and there are other campers up there not counting ours so the kids get their own place to stay leaving me some one on one time with my man. :blushing: :love: :smooched: cannot wait!!!

  • purrr
    purrr Posts: 46
    have to agree with way to get sick there purr :wink: ...or I mean PET....I love it! where did your name come from? (petja) family, particular origin???

    oh, i am Bulgarian and living in Bulgaria, not everyone on MFP is American, you see :laugh: Petja (sounds like pet-ya :wink:) is a very common name over here, it's like the female variant of Peter, you see...

    i know that was the best way possible to get me a cold, i actually can't wait to have the "virus" all over me again :blushing: :love:
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    have to agree with way to get sick there purr :wink: ...or I mean PET....I love it! where did your name come from? (petja) family, particular origin???

    oh, i am Bulgarian and living in Bulgaria, not everyone on MFP is American, you see :laugh: Petja (sounds like pet-ya :wink:) is a very common name over here, it's like the female variant of Peter, you see...

    i know that was the best way possible to get me a cold, i actually can't wait to have the "virus" all over me again :blushing: :love: cool . I think that is so neat. Would love to see pics from where you live. Very interested in learning things from new cultures. :bigsmile:
    I like how you said "virus" all over you. LOL that is too freakin hilarious. :laugh:
    Keep us posted b/c I love to hear about you and this guy Levent...too cool. I think we will soon need some pics of you two together.
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Good morning all,
    Well today is the grave site service. Did not make in to the gym, ran out of time before I had to leave for the church for the service. Didn't get to bed until 1:30 so super tired today. I am soo tired of putting everything on hold so Today No Matter what I start fresh and go to the gym. Will start logging food again.I am so tired of being fat and tired, I am now feeling angry so maybe that will help, if anything I am def going thru the stages so hopefully I am realizing I have to take controll of this, because there are so many other things we cant control. Heavy I know but I needed to put it down and reconize it. Oh by the way we finally got rain in Texas almost ironic since this is the day we bury her. Will write more later
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Jacque - Do the best you can today.................take all this one step at at a time.

    purrr - love your name and I certainly always knew that not all folks on mfp were american. I think I may tell bf that I want me some virus.....:laugh: :laugh: :smokin:

    kitn - glad you will get some time with hubby, that was specifically the part I was curious about because I couldn't remember about your husband!!! :blushing:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Doing good so far with the eating, just need to say focus on exercising after work
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    where is is really is getting to where there is only a few of us on here daily. I wish our team would come back strong and lets starting knocking off the pounds.
    I am going to the garden today to pick what we have gotten in since Saturday.....YEAH!!! and then going home and canning and freezing what we end up getting!! :bigsmile:
    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Eating an apple as an afternoon snack,An hour to go till off work. Going to go to the gym and maybe swim tonight
  • purrr
    purrr Posts: 46
    where is everyone.....

    not sure for the others but some of us were sick in bed for hours :wink: he's curing me the same way he got me sick and i'm loving it :love: for real, i didn't cough so much and my nose wasn't blocked once i got into his arms... :heart: and of course i'm seeing him again tomorrow for some additional therapy... :tongue:

    jacque~ stay stong, hun, i feel guilty that i am so happy exactly when you are the saddest but there will come lovely times for you very soon, too :flowerforyou:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Hey all checking in......over on cals, but not by alot, down to not enough food in the house for the next 3 days.......til payday. Scary.....

    Does appear as though I am up a pound, hoping to get it down

    I am more active in the day time though......with school we are up and on our feet all day...

    Anywho, as soon as I get used to this school thing and get my butt in gear I will be more active here I promise, just getting used to getting up early and getting to school on time.....frantically trying to get everything going still for the wedding........

    Hang in there all..............Purr happy for you girlie!

    I miss you all.......:frown:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Ok went to the gym, worked my butt off, felt good. Ate Like a pig at dinner but stayed within my calories so very happy. Well Today I am having lunch with an old friend so I will try to be good. Also plan to start up on the 200 squats again along with 200 situps and 100 push up. made myself a table so I can yellow out when completed. I am starting on the first level and it will last 6 weeks then after that there are 2 more levels. So heres to a new goal. Hope everyone is doing ok?
    Purr- girl you sound like u are having way too much fun HAHA:laugh:
    Christi- Thanks for your support, hope u are not drowning sown there
    Sassie-hang in girl you'll get use to it
    Kit- send some vegi my way, I can't believe how expensive things are now, I have no green thumb so a garden would only end in a horrible death if I tried
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Hey all!!! Isn't it funny when you "feel" smaller or just feel like your underpants fit better, get on the scale and you're up five lbs???? wtf???:noway: I did weigh after breakfast just cause I was feeling so good, that was short lived:laugh:

    I guess we'll see if it all pans out by the end of the week. BUT, I haven't been properly logging or counting, so it's my own bust I guess.