Green Team Week 8



  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Hey all!!! Isn't it funny when you "feel" smaller or just feel like your underpants fit better, get on the scale and you're up five lbs???? wtf???:noway: I did weigh after breakfast just cause I was feeling so good, that was short lived:laugh:

    I guess we'll see if it all pans out by the end of the week. BUT, I haven't been properly logging or counting, so it's my own bust I guess.
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    :laugh: I so know what you mean the other day I felt like my rings were too big and my cloths felt loose and I was up 5 lbs, So Weird:huh:
    I just started logging again yesterday, and not doing horribly bad but not great either.
    Anyway I just would like to go away for a few days and escape, oh well while I am dreaming I want a new house, Brad Pitt and a tummy tuck HAHAHAHA:laugh:
  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    Hello, I've been gone from this group for a month and managed to put on 3 pounds over what I started with in April. I need help. I will be going to a hypnotherapist tomorrow. I'm hoping she can help me figure out how to deal with my fear of being skinnier.

    And today, I am starting again with logging my food and exercise. I have been getting various leg and foot pains that are keeping me from walking/exercising--which seems a vicious cycle as I suspect the pains are due to the extra weight I am carrying.

    I see you gals are very supportive. I hope you are doing well Jacque, with all you have going on. I admire your ability to persevere through.

    So, hopefully, as porka says, I can contribute to busting out by adding some lost pounds to the group.

  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    Oh, I meant kitn said that about losing weight as a group.
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Glade to see back Sally!! Hey it all about the support and no matter what getting back on that horse. Ive have heard you have to quit 11 or 15 something like that times before you can succeed. well I am gonna be brutely honest here. I quit smoking 15 years ago and there are still moments when I think man! I could really go for a cigarette, sometimes its triggered by a smell, a song, a perfect summer day and some times an unexpected moment. Well I believe its like that with food.
    And i just had one of those moment and unfortanly did it without thinking. I just realize while I was typing this where the habit comes from. Back when I did not care what I ate on payday Friday I would indulge in a gressy hamburger and fries and the afterwares I want something chocolate like a candy bar. Well today I went for lunch with an old friend and she always want to go to the same place so I figured out what I eat ahead of time. but when she picked me up she said I want a hamburger so that what I had a gressy hamburger and fries. I been back at my office for 2 hours now and all I could think about was chocolate!! So without even thinking and on auto piolet I went to the gift shop and got a candy bar. Now here the ironic part, Instead of stopping my self I pick up every bar I like and looked for the one with the less calories on it. Then ate it. Now you could look at it 2 ways. 1. I should be proud that my habit of looking at calories kicked in (Yeah!!:smile: ) 2. OMG I knew what I was doing and did it anyway.:sick: But I decided I am gonna look at it this way-Wow! I just realized and reconized a food issue of mine and now I need to work on that!!
  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks Jacque.

    I think food is a habit too, at least for me--but more stuff too; I look at really thin women and don't think they are safe from being attacked. It seems like an insane thought logically, but that is where I'm at (and yes, had some childhood issues with which I went through years of therapy). And, gaining back the few pounds I lost plus adding more is SO typical of my quest on losing weight. That's why I'm where I'm at on the scale. It feels safe, although I really hate myself for it. I know I am not the only one (out of a bizillion American women) who feels that too.

    You are right about the support:smile: . And for your choice today, I'd go with being proud of not only looking at the calories to pick the best one AND that you recognized a habit. Did you pick a 3 musketeers? Just wondering :wink:

    Thanks again,
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Actually the Kit kat Bar was the less calories hahaha:laugh: It so funny u asked:laugh:
    Well I defintly will go to the gym tonight and work it off.
    What you say is true, I was the bigger one out of my family, my mom annd sister pencil thin, no boobs. Then in my late 20's I got the thinest I ever been and I wish it was healthy but it was not. So Slowly I restarted gaining the weight. Now Mom and Sister are heavy but did not become heavy untill sickness claim them. I watch my beatuiful daughter and worry because she eats like crap and tons of it. She pencil thin now but I don't want her to go thru what my mom and sister has gone thru. I sometime thinks its just as hard for the thin who gets heavy to deal as the ones who always been heavy.
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    ok went to the gym and bust a move, felt good ate a little too much at dinner need to work on that
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Hello, I've been gone from this group for a month and managed to put on 3 pounds over what I started with in April. I need help. I will be going to a hypnotherapist tomorrow. I'm hoping she can help me figure out how to deal with my fear of being skinnier.

    And today, I am starting again with logging my food and exercise. I have been getting various leg and foot pains that are keeping me from walking/exercising--which seems a vicious cycle as I suspect the pains are due to the extra weight I am carrying.

    I see you gals are very supportive. I hope you are doing well Jacque, with all you have going on. I admire your ability to persevere through.

    So, hopefully, as porka says, I can contribute to busting out by adding some lost pounds to the group.


    Sally I did the hypnotist to quit smoking and for weight control....didn't work on the weight But I DON'T smoke....and if you asked a Dr. he/she would tell you better to be fat and smoke free then fat and smoking..............Hang in can do this....
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Went for a swim, feel much better
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Ok so I started a new day, did all my exercise yesterday and then went for a swim to cool off. Ate a little too much for dinner but not too bad still manage to drop a pound from yesterday. So its a step in the right direction. hope everyone is having a good day
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    doing great today Jacque....but really cannot wait till tomorrow so we can leave for the lake and me and my hubby get some great "one on one time" :blushing: :bigsmile:

    Work is going okay except a bit peeved about getting something said to me this morning and the other girls never get anything said to when they do the same things.
    I was 5 mins late this morning....yes my bad but there is one girl who is ALWAYS late and by 15 mins and never gets told to pick it up and get here on time. Im sorry but come on..... I swear I feel like I get talked to more just b/c I am the "baby". Everyone is as old as my mom if not older......:explode: :mad:
    Oh well....I will just prove I can do better by just getting here 5 mins early!!!

    Going to have a much better day.....did okay with food....ate a wendys frosty but I wanted something cold and that just popped in my head. least it was a small. I will try and burn it off today :happy:

    anyways...hope everyone has a great day.....
    but were is our petja, sassie, kelly, porka.....come on ladies....would love to hear from you......:bigsmile:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    In my experence the ones that get talked to are the ones that the talkee will know will respond. See even in your post you said I will prove I can be better. they probably don't talk to the other person becausse they know they will ***** back, have an bogus excuse or will not evevn try to get better. i get stupid emails all the time about crap that other people are doing becuase they think I am the leader of the group or that I can lead by example , but it doesn't work. Just be proud you have a good work ethics.:drinker:

    I know its weird everyone is quite this week, oh well I'll keep checking in.

    Oh I know what will work
    SEX<SEX<SEX<SEX>SEX> hahahahah:laugh:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Okay all, I'm here!!! I popped in lastnight but went to bed early and didn't post anything. I was about to go to Mcdonald's this morning to get us breakfast, realized I don't have much money in my account till payday and went to the grocery store to get some staples instead of fast food. Glad I did.

    I didn't weigh myself today and will try not to until Friday, then deal with the consequences as they come!

    Jacque - looks like you've gotten your regime back down, I really need to get back to the gym

    I see several folks on here have stopped smoking recently, that is great!

    I hope we all pull through this week and some of our old posters make it back on soon!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Ok so I totally blew it at lunch!!! no really, I had a chicken wrap, not to bad, not great either but then I toopped it off with a 3 muskateer. This menopause is worse then having a period. The chocolate cravings are unbelievable!! Not a clue why its so bad:huh:

    Well I got to most def work out tonight as it is I only have a 150 calories for dinner:sick: :sick:

    So uncool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cry:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Somebody pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee shut my mouth just had an app;e and pretezels now I am over my calories. Even if I exercise I can't eat a decent dinner
  • angiemcnett
    angiemcnett Posts: 429
    Jacque- sorry to hear about your aunt. I will check in tomorrow. I missed you guys. It is difficult to stay on track when your are not at home. I will home for the next 2 weeks but then leave again for 3 weeks. My son comes back home on Saturday. I am so excited. It has been a long 6 weeks.