how did you lose the back fat?

i am one of those "lucky" people to have all of my weight dumped on my front but im ok with that.

what i want to know is how you lose the back love handles?!!?! they are LITERALLY the only thing on my body that i hate (even though the gut it gross, the back wiggles still win out)...


  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Cant spot reduce fat unless you get lipo suction. :smile: Outside of that you could lose weight if you maintain a weight loss diet and exercise, but fat just comes off any where your body feels like taking it from.
  • christenwypy
    christenwypy Posts: 335 Member
    Well I think cardio is the only way to get rid of fat but combining that with lifting seems to show the fastest and best results for the changes in the back. Specifically, I read flies and deadlifts are good for the back and training your abs- but again has to be combined with cardio.

    My info comes from what i read on these forums, various articles, and what I am told by my exercise tapes. In other words, I am no expert.
  • da_sammit
    da_sammit Posts: 238 Member
    oh i know you cant spot reduce, i probably should have said that hahaha. and ive been losing slowly but the only time they arent there is first thing in the morning. they tend to sneak in over the day..

    is there anything i can do to boost up muscle under it?
  • _hi_hat3r_
    _hi_hat3r_ Posts: 423 Member
    Just like you lose fat anywhere else on your body.....calorie deficit and patience.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Yeah I've always been told that cardio is the key to losing fat. I've recently picked up jogging, I think I'm about to add the strength back in, I have back fat as well and I want a sexy back.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I had severe back boobs when I started out. Just stay the course. Eat right, lift heavy things and full speed ahead.
  • christenwypy
    christenwypy Posts: 335 Member
    Here are some I found for you. But it will only work with diet and lots of cardio When the cardio depletes the fat, you will have these beautiful muscles underneath. At least this is what I have been told.
  • mjoekidd
    mjoekidd Posts: 45
    Do HIIT workouts and of course Tabata works wonders. Just my 2-cents.

  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    oh i know you cant spot reduce, i probably should have said that hahaha. and ive been losing slowly but the only time they arent there is first thing in the morning. they tend to sneak in over the day..

    is there anything i can do to boost up muscle under it?

    Sure there are lots of back exercises but you have to eat a calorie surplus to gain lean muscle mass which will come with some added fat. Also if you build muscle under your fat then it will stand out more or buldge out. Only until you cut down your over all body fat with a calorie restricted diet would make that fat shrink.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    One of my favorite back exercises, and call me crazy, but I love bench dips...
  • sweetums85
    sweetums85 Posts: 23 Member
    i lost a bit of it when doing pump class
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Yeah I've always been told that cardio is the key to losing fat. I've recently picked up jogging, I think I'm about to add the strength back in, I have back fat as well and I want a sexy back.

    ugh weight loss deit is KEY to losing fat. All cardio does is help you burn more calories and will maximise the amount you lose as fat rather than tissue

    If you work out but eat a surplus of calories you can do all the cardio you want but you will still gain weight.
  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198
    oh i know you cant spot reduce, i probably should have said that hahaha. and ive been losing slowly but the only time they arent there is first thing in the morning. they tend to sneak in over the day..

    is there anything i can do to boost up muscle under it?

    Sure there are lots of back exercises but you have to eat a calorie surplus to gain lean muscle mass which will come with some added fat. Also if you build muscle under your fat then it will stand out more or buldge out. Only until you cut down your over all body fat with a calorie restricted diet would make that fat shrink.

    Are you kidding? You can build muscle and still lose body fat. The more lean muscle you have, the more calories you burn, hence lean muscle increases your metabolic rate. Building muscle may give the illusion that you are adding "fat", as your scale won't always move at the rate you desire. But that's because, we all know, muscle weighs more than fat. You do not have to have a calorie "surplus" to build lean muscle. I am building lean muscle everyday, and I am obviously not overeating my calories each day to do so. And, FYI, my "fat" doesn't "stick out" any more than it used to. Actually, it appears to be disappearing at the rate I desire. If you build lean muscle, which you should, make sure you track your measurements in order to keep from being frustrated if the scale doesn't move. Make the tape measure your new best friend. Good luck.
    Also, try reading "Winning by Losing" by Jillian. She does a great job of breaking down the science of weight loss, so that you understand how to build your own weight loss plan that will work for you and keep you motivated to stay the course, even when you hit that dreaded pleateau. Good luck on your weight loss goals. You can do it!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    back fat comes off in conjunction with front fat.

    Spin is a great option for fat loss.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    oh i know you cant spot reduce, i probably should have said that hahaha. and ive been losing slowly but the only time they arent there is first thing in the morning. they tend to sneak in over the day..

    is there anything i can do to boost up muscle under it?

    Sure there are lots of back exercises but you have to eat a calorie surplus to gain lean muscle mass which will come with some added fat. Also if you build muscle under your fat then it will stand out more or buldge out. Only until you cut down your over all body fat with a calorie restricted diet would make that fat shrink.

    Are you kidding? You can build muscle and still lose body fat. The more lean muscle you have, the more calories you burn, hence lean muscle increases your metabolic rate. Building muscle may give the illusion that you are adding "fat", as your scale won't always move at the rate you desire. But that's because, we all know, muscle weighs more than fat. You do not have to have a calorie "surplus" to build lean muscle. I am building lean muscle everyday, and I am obviously not overeating my calories each day to do so. And, FYI, my "fat" doesn't "stick out" any more than it used to. Actually, it appears to be disappearing at the rate I desire. If you build lean muscle, which you should, make sure you track your measurements in order to keep from being frustrated if the scale doesn't move. Make the tape measure your new best friend. Good luck.
    Also, try reading "Winning by Losing" by Jillian. She does a great job of breaking down the science of weight loss, so that you understand how to build your own weight loss plan that will work for you and keep you motivated to stay the course, even when you hit that dreaded pleateau. Good luck on your weight loss goals. You can do it!

    Takes a calorie surplus to add on new lean muscle mass unless
    A) You are taking steriods
    B) Your muscle can get stronger but not bigger(unless badly out of shape) on a weight loss diet due to Motor unit recruitment and motor neurons which we generally call noobie gains. Perhaps (among severely detrained couch potatoes) reverse the effect of disuse by adding a couple of pounds of muscle initially, but losing it during the ensuing weeks of sub-1000 calories per day dieting.

    Edit the reason your fat is not sticking out and "disapearing" is because you are on a weight loss diet and you are losing bf. but you will lose some muscle mass being on a calorie restricted diet . :indifferent:
  • christenwypy
    christenwypy Posts: 335 Member
    oh i know you cant spot reduce, i probably should have said that hahaha. and ive been losing slowly but the only time they arent there is first thing in the morning. they tend to sneak in over the day..

    is there anything i can do to boost up muscle under it?

    Sure there are lots of back exercises but you have to eat a calorie surplus to gain lean muscle mass which will come with some added fat. Also if you build muscle under your fat then it will stand out more or buldge out. Only until you cut down your over all body fat with a calorie restricted diet would make that fat shrink.

    I do not think this is true. Everything I have read and even heard said on various exercise tapes is that a combination of cardio and strength make you lose fat the quickest. Also I never heard anything in my life about muscle sticking out through fat. Lean muscle develops under fat but does not stick out through it. You also do not need a surplus of calories to develop it. You can build muscle while on a diet. When the fat goes from the diet and cardio, the muscles will be there waiting :)
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    oh i know you cant spot reduce, i probably should have said that hahaha. and ive been losing slowly but the only time they arent there is first thing in the morning. they tend to sneak in over the day..

    is there anything i can do to boost up muscle under it?

    Sure there are lots of back exercises but you have to eat a calorie surplus to gain lean muscle mass which will come with some added fat. Also if you build muscle under your fat then it will stand out more or buldge out. Only until you cut down your over all body fat with a calorie restricted diet would make that fat shrink.

    I do not think this is true. Everything I have read and even heard said on various exercise tapes is that a combination of cardio and strength make you ose fat the quickest. Also I never heard anything in my life about muscle sticking out through fat. Lean muscle develops under fat but does not stick ot through it. You also do not need a surplus of calories to develop it. Youc an build muscle while on a diet. When the fat goes from the diet and cardio, the muscles will be there waiting :)

    LOL you misunderstood. I said if you build new lean muscle under the fat in OPs problem area that already sticks out now because of fat would sick out even more if she built new muscle underneith.
  • HealthyHappy120
  • christenwypy
    christenwypy Posts: 335 Member
    oh i know you cant spot reduce, i probably should have said that hahaha. and ive been losing slowly but the only time they arent there is first thing in the morning. they tend to sneak in over the day..

    is there anything i can do to boost up muscle under it?

    Sure there are lots of back exercises but you have to eat a calorie surplus to gain lean muscle mass which will come with some added fat. Also if you build muscle under your fat then it will stand out more or buldge out. Only until you cut down your over all body fat with a calorie restricted diet would make that fat shrink.

    I do not think this is true. Everything I have read and even heard said on various exercise tapes is that a combination of cardio and strength make you ose fat the quickest. Also I never heard anything in my life about muscle sticking out through fat. Lean muscle develops under fat but does not stick ot through it. You also do not need a surplus of calories to develop it. Youc an build muscle while on a diet. When the fat goes from the diet and cardio, the muscles will be there waiting :)

    LOL you misunderstood. I said if you build new lean muscle under the fat in OPs problem area that already sticks out now because of fat would sick out even more if she build new muscle underneith.

    Okay, thanks for clearing that up for me!
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    OP, Steve Turano (askarealexpert on youtube) has 25 years of bodybuilding experience. Listen to his thoughts on eating a calorie surplus for building muscle and decide for yourself.