100+ Pounds to lose Labor Day Challenge beg 7/6



  • ck2d
    ck2d Posts: 372 Member
    So, yesterday at the gym I tanked. Because of all the exercise I have been getting, I was almost 400 calories under my daily goal, and that was after I upped my pounds per week expectation. I simply didn't have the energy to go further, which kind of sucks to say the least. I've decided to keep nuts in my car - then if I'm hungry I can just grab them, now that I know I'm hungry because I actually need to eat more, especially protein, and I'll make sure I grab an ounce before I hit the gym.
  • cdwinters
    cdwinters Posts: 48 Member
    Good morning ladies. I am very frustrated today:( I have been working really hard at the gym and yesterday I woke up and the scale was up a pound. Today...up another pound:( I met with my trainer yesterday and even though my numbers are going up it shows that I have lost 1.5 pounds of fat since I started in June:) But seriously...why does the scale keep going up? It is not that TOM or anything. I know that I haven't always made the best food choices, especially for snacks, but it is what it is with a family of 5. Any thoughts/suggestions would be much appreciated:)
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Good morning ladies. I am very frustrated today:( I have been working really hard at the gym and yesterday I woke up and the scale was up a pound. Today...up another pound:( I met with my trainer yesterday and even though my numbers are going up it shows that I have lost 1.5 pounds of fat since I started in June:) But seriously...why does the scale keep going up? It is not that TOM or anything. I know that I haven't always made the best food choices, especially for snacks, but it is what it is with a family of 5. Any thoughts/suggestions would be much appreciated:)

    This is a tough one. I took a look at your diary and it is like you said. Your food choices seem to be good for meals (aside from the processed packaged meals) but it's some of the snacks that are not healthy. If you think about it, instead of the bad stuff that are high calories and empty calories, you could have so much more of the healthy stuff. Now granted, I'm not always good at eating the best stuff either. This is a process and it's tough and a treat every now and then is fine, as far as I am concerned. Otherwise I'd feel deprived. Now I've plateaued at the moment too, and I'm trying not to let it get to me. I've heard others that say when you are stuck, make an adjustment somewhere, to knock your body out of it. Exercise more, cut calories for a bit. I decided to adjust my activity level to the lowest "sedentary" to see if that might help. That knocked my daily calorie level down by a couple hundred. Maybe you could try that? What does your trainer say about the lack of loss?
  • cdwinters
    cdwinters Posts: 48 Member
    I have my activity level set at the lowest level right now (sedentary) as I am off work for the summer and wanted to make sure I was not overestimating my daily activities. My trainer says that I should keep at it that I have gained muscle which weighs more. If it continues to go up or see no drop in numbers then she wants me to see my doctor.

    Like I said, I know that some of the food choices are not the best but with a family of 5 it is really hard. I have a 13 year old who needs to gain weight, a 9 year old and a 7 year old that are both going through growth spurts right now and a husband who works outside in the heat at a physically demanding job all day. I am the only one at this time blessed with the need to lose weight:( I know Oreos are not the best choice for me as a snack but if I eat a few of them and it keeps me from eating a king size candy bar then I am happy. My doctor says you can't change everything overnight or you won't stick to it...I agree. I have completely stopped drinking soda, diet and non-diet. I have started to watch my calories and stay under a certain number each day, something I never even really thought about before. I have been going to the gym 4-6 days a week for the last 2 weeks...2-3 days a week for the 2 weeks prior to that. I just don't know how much more I can change for myself or for my family right now without me, or them, saying enough is enough:(

    Sorry! I know this is a really long response...just me venting a bit:(
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hang in there cdwinters! You will see progress eventually!
    My weight loss so far has been in fits and spurts - I'll lose a couple of pounds and then stay at that weight for several weeks (or even gain a little back) - then lose a little more. I think sometimes our bodies just try to hang on to that weight. I'm trying to stay positive about the overall number going down - no matter how slowly.

    I agree that you can't change everything - I know when I try to change too many things at once, it becomes too hard and I just quit. It sounds to me like you are doing a lot towards adding exercise and eating healthy ... it will happen for you! :smile:
  • Queenie000
    Queenie000 Posts: 113 Member
    Weighed myself this am and lost 2 pounds.
    Sw 275
    Lw 270
    Cw 268
    Gw 170
    I am excited to have actually lost weight and am in it for the long haul. I was thinking i wanted to get down to 175, but then decided that i wanted to weigh less than my husband (who weighs 172, so figured 170 was a good goal for me) I haven't weighed that in 8-9 years, and last time I did, i had lost a bunch of weight by not eating. I definitely want to do this the healthy way this time.
  • cdwinters
    cdwinters Posts: 48 Member
    So I have been having a really rough day today and went over on my calories. I also didn't make it to the gym. I was just having one of those days today and could not seem to get out of it:( But I will get up tomorrow and get to the gym and work off extra calories to make up for today. I am not going to give up...nobody said this was going to be easy...I am in this for the long haul!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    So I have been having a really rough day today and went over on my calories. I also didn't make it to the gym. I was just having one of those days today and could not seem to get out of it:( But I will get up tomorrow and get to the gym and work off extra calories to make up for today. I am not going to give up...nobody said this was going to be easy...I am in this for the long haul!
    :flowerforyou: We all have rough days .. the important thing is to not let it turn into a rough week, month or year! I hope you are having a good day today!
    I had a couple of tough days earlier this week ... and was up a pound Tuesday ... but got back on track yesterday and was happy to be back down to where I was when I weighed this morning ... and even a little lower! :drinker:
    We can do this! :happy:
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Just had to share.....has anyone tried 30 Day Shred yet? I did a 29 minute video On Demand on cable and let me tell you, I am sore. There is a lot of jumping in this video (i.e. jumping jacks, but kicks, "jump rope") and all that bouncing of my jiggly parts has made me a little sore. I'm not sure that video is geared to larger people, lol. But, it was effective and I got a good workout. Maybe I need to wear tighter clothes when I do it:)
  • sheilamatt2005
    Hi there -
    I'm late to the game, but would like to join in. I am a couch potato who was recently dx w/ type 2 diabetes and must lose weight. :wink:

    I am going to start the Couch to 5K challenge next week and have been doing some pilates in the mean time.

    Starting weight is 251 (gained three pounds on vacation in early july :noway: ), goal weight is 150.

    So good to have others to talk to about this!!!

    :flowerforyou: sheila
  • cdwinters
    cdwinters Posts: 48 Member
    Kamcat - I tried the 30 day shred one day last week and didn't make it through the whole thing:( I thought that with all the cadrio I have been doing and everything I would be in better shape than I apparently am:( It kicked my butt and I think I made it through 10 mins...max. I had a hard time with all the jumping and jiggling as well. May wait a bit before I try it again...don't want to get discouraged.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    I sometimes do the 30 Day Shred video. I modify some of the exercise (I don't do jumping jacks, I jog in spot...) I have a heart rate monitor, so I just make sure I keep my heart rate up.

    I find the best way to keep myself active is to do a variety of exercises. I walk, I have started the C25K programs, I have 4 different workout videos, swimming, Wii Fit, Wii Active, and then sometimes just do my own strength training with my weights.
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    I think I'll have to jog in place next time.....my ribs are killing me!

    So this is how addicted I am to the MFP numbers. I'm hungry and know I'll want to eat a snack when I get home from work tonight.....but probably won't have enough calories. I'm sore and wasn't planning to work out. What shall I do? Probably end up doing some sort of circuit training work just so I can have a snack and eat the exercise calories :bigsmile:
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Ok, where is everyone????? :huh: :huh:

    Just checking in with my numbers this Monday.

    Starting weight 274.5
    Current weight 267.0

    How is everyone doing? I just tried the Jillian Michaels Boost Metabolism and it is a tough one but I can definitely tell I was working :) which I suppose is the point right? LOL

  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    This weeks weigh-in results -

    last week - 267.9
    this week - 263.9

    I have never lost 4 pounds in one week before!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    This weeks weigh-in results -

    last week - 267.9
    this week - 263.9

    I have never lost 4 pounds in one week before!

    That's great! :drinker:

    I went up a little ... but that's ok. I feel like I'm still on track. This is going to be a tough week to get my 360 minutes of exercise in though because my hubby and I are going to a hotel Friday night/Saturday so I will miss 90 minutes of my regular routine workout. I'll have to work extra hard to get that time made up beforehand.
    challenge start weight: 244.4
    last week 242
    this week 242.6
  • cdwinters
    cdwinters Posts: 48 Member
    SW 280
    LW 276
    CW 274

    Don't officially weigh in until Wednesday (my trainer day) but this is what the scale showed this morning. And I have lost 2 lbs of body fat:)
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    Checking in with my numbers

    SW 247
    CW 253

    Tom is due Thursday. Sometimes I HATE being a girl!! :sad: If that weren't bad enough. The beach trip this weekend will be ruined by aunt flo.
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Checking in with my numbers

    SW 247
    CW 253

    Tom is due Thursday. Sometimes I HATE being a girl!! :sad: If that weren't bad enough. The beach trip this weekend will be ruined by aunt flo.

    I hear ya on being a girl.....TOM throws off the numbers so bad, but just wait til it's over, and they start dropping again:) Have fun at the beach as much as you can though!

    I'm going out for girls night tonight, nothing too wild, just dinner and a movie (The Ugly Truth). I did find out that Cheesecake Factory has a Weight Management Menu so I've planned ahead and plan on ordering the grilled chicken entree - only 580 calories - not too shabby:)

    Ok, off to workout so that I can have a drink and some popcorn tonight, LOL
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    :mad: I had a terrible 'old habit' binge eating night last night ... and then didn't exercise because I was so uncomfortably full! I'm horribly PMSy (even though I actually haven't had my TOM for at least 6 months - I'm peri-menopausal I guess. :grumble: My hormones are all over the place! ) Yikes!

    I did get to the YMCA this morning for an hour of step ... so trying hard to get back on track and not let last night derail my weight loss. I made the mistake of weighing at the Y after my workout and I'm up 3.5 pounds ... not going to record that weight though, since I'm hoping it is mostly water retention and whatever fat I added back on with my bad eating last night I hope to make up for the rest of this week.