Gluten Free Diet



  • patriciareese
    I have a few friends who are on a gluten-free diet for health reasons. They could swear they feel better – one my friends says that her joint pains have disappeared ever since she went GF. But I’m really not sure – it’s not that going GF is any healthier. In fact that are certain nutrients that you miss in your diet if you go totally gluten free. I tried eating gluten free foods for a month – it was hard. Gluten is in everything! It didn’t help me.
  • TheGlen
    TheGlen Posts: 242 Member
    My family and I try to follow the primal blueprint (a part of this way of life involves avoiding wheat/gluten). We've seen nothing but positive results since we've started doing this.

    I saw this video on youtube that explains the science behind what gluten does to you stomach, even if you aren't "celiac":
  • libbymcbain
    libbymcbain Posts: 206 Member
    I've just gone gluten free as I have an intolerance. Because I do most of the cooking, my husband is by default going to a fairly gluten free diet ( I offer to put on some pasta for him, and sometimes he wants it, but mostly he likes to save me the effort of cooking an extra thing, and the extra pan for washing- I cook, he does the dishes!). He's lost maybe a pound a week since we started doing it (he eats pretty clean otherwise, and he works out 3-4 times a week- swimming, HIIT, weights, cross-trainer). He was actually looking to maintain or gain about 4-6 pounds, so I am starting to up his meat and beans portions. H3e is definitely firmer and hasd lost some "puff" if you get my drift.

    My approach is to go for beans, pulses, and starchy vegetables (sweet potatoes, turnip, squash) for carbs. I'm avoiding gluten free versions of foods like bread and pasta, because they are VERY expensive and really processed, plus I think it's psychologically easier for me to be excited about trying new foods than looking for replacements for old favourites. Abd the UK gluten free things just don't look as nice as some of the things I see on forums here.
  • naturalstyles
    I don't usually use mixes because of the cost involved, but mainly, because I like to cook and bake from scratch. I have done so much research about baking gluten free, and there are so many good recipes out there. I make bread, cookies, cakes, pies, and other baked goods, that come out so cannot tell they are gluten free. I buy alot if ingredients from the Asian store, and from the natural foods section of the grocery store. The only thing that I buy is the pasta from Wegmans. Their GF pasta is very good, and tastes just like regular pasta. You can eat lots of fruits and vegetables, meat, and dairy like milk, cheese and eggs.

    If it makes you feel better when you eat gluten free, then you can adapt to it. It isn't much of a struggle, unless you really depend on breads, cookies and such. If you eat a lot of fruit, veggies and such (as in a paleo diet), then everything should be fine for you. I gave up gluten because I was in so much pain all the time, and multiple trips to the bathroom didn't make things easier. I was eliminating things from my diet slowly to figure out what was causing it. When I gave up gluten, within a week, I was feeling so much better. I have been gluten free for about 6 months now. Even my husband does not mind eating gluten free. My daughter has friends in college that cannot have gluten, and when I make recipes that turn out great, she wants the recipes to give to her friends. I even sent some gluten free baked goods to my son in NC because all my holiday baking was gluten free. Him and his girlfriend loved them, didn't notice any difference.:smile:

    If there is something causing problems in your digestive track, and not sure what the problem could be, try giving it up,or cutting it out and see how you feel.