isandi Posts: 162 Member
I will be the first to weigh in...
-0 for this week, at least it isn't a gain!:blushing:


  • slimmingmom
    slimmingmom Posts: 297
    Yay to a no gainer!!! You're doing an awsome job :happy: It's still Sunday where I live so when I wake up i'll be doing my weigh in and hopefully I won't have gained anything either :laugh:
  • natswin
    natswin Posts: 6
    Its monday evening here in New Zealand

    and today I weighed at

    141.7kgs. So a loss of 1.3kgs

    Starting weight 143kgs (315.2lbs)
    Todays weight 141.7kgs (312.3lbs)
    Weightloss so far 1.3kgs (2.9lbs)
  • AlmostHot
    AlmostHot Posts: 312 Member
    Lost 2 pounds (0.9kg) ( I was worried I had gained this week but, it looks like Im still on track!

    Last Week 211.8 pounds (95.8kg)
    current weight 208.8 pounds (94.9kg)

    Well done girls!
  • mrsprazak05
    mrsprazak05 Posts: 109
    I weighed in when I woke up (which is my normal time to weigh in) and I was down to 196, which puts me at a two pound weight loss for the week!! :love:
  • glandis
    glandis Posts: 89
    SW 179
    LW 173
    CW 172

    Another pound..right on track! I am thrilled with my weight loss so far and it can only get better! Good Luck to us all
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Good morning all ... weighed in at 192.5 lbs. this morning ... that's a loss of 2.5 lbs for this week.:happy:
  • mrsprazak05
    mrsprazak05 Posts: 109
    First off...weigh to go everyone!! :wink: I am hoping for a much better week. I am hoping to 'FINISH THE SUMMER FIT'. I have a goal of losing 20 more lbs by September 1st...but I need major help with my workout accountability. PLUS...I work PT at a local bar...and on Sunday...I work ALL DAY...and its so slow...and soooooooooooo hard to resist all that fried bar food!! I hope I can continue to be commited to weight loss...and get those pesky 20 lbs off by September 1st! Again...Good job everyone...and may you all continue to have a good week...
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Lost 2 pounds (0.9kg) ( I was worried I had gained this week but, it looks like Im still on track!

    Last Week 211.8 pounds (95.8kg)
    current weight 208.8 pounds (94.9kg)

    Well done girls!

    Okay my friend ... so when I do my math 211.8 minus 208.8 equals 3 not 2. So did you actually lose 3 lbs.?:huh:
  • shannahrenee
    shannahrenee Posts: 380
    Last week 202.5
    Today 202.5

    I'm actually pretty okay with this considering my sister and friends were in for the weekend and there was a lot of eating out. Although I'm a little disappointed because I was down to 201 on Thursday which meant I'd only have 1.5 lbs to lose to reach my goal of being out of the 200's by next Monday but oh well. I'll just try to be extra good this week and see what I can manage. At least I didn't gain! :smile:
  • AlmostHot
    AlmostHot Posts: 312 Member
    :laugh: opps sorry, I was 210.8 pounds, lost 2 pounds

    I am use to dealing in kilograms, have to keep putting it through the converter lol

    I was 95.8kg last week and am 94.9kg this week, that is a 2 pound loss

    SW 228.1 (103.7kg)
    LW 210.8 (95.8kg)
    CW 208.8 (94.9kg)

    I still have plenty of pound to lose and plenty of time to get use to using pounds like the rest of you:tongue:

    I think my math is right this time!:laugh:
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Happy Monday weigh in...


    Well I will take it. I had 2 hard days this week. I checked mid week last week and I was down more but I was not very well behaved this weekend so I deserve what I ended up with.

    I am going away tomorrow morning for a week, not sure what next week will bring. I will do my best, but I will be living in hotels, eating out all week along with my 4 kids, and not near a computer to track my calories. I am hoping to hit the fitness centers at the hotels daily, hopefully my kids cooperate with that. I would be happy just not to gain.

    Congrats to all those who had losses and those holding steady.

    Good luck this coming week!!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!!!

    After a complete change of lifestyle where I have cut out all junk food, pop, tea and started exercising, drinking 8 cups of water a day, here are my results:

    SW: 253.4
    Last Week: 250.4
    CW: 244.0

    Lost this week: 6.4
    Total: - 9.4 lbs

    And for someone who was addicted to chocolate and pizza and other junk foods I am so excited. I don't even miss them and don't really have any cravings. Yay! And when I do have cravings it is only for a few seconds and then I think of all of you and pass on it.

    Take care and thank you for your inspiration and motivation.

  • yolie1220
    yolie1220 Posts: 223 Member
    Hello everyone!

    SW: 134
    LW: 134
    CW: 132
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    Hello everyone. I ate a lot of food over the weekend -celebrating the 4th- so I'm thankful to have lost a pound.

    SW: 185
    LW: 153
    CW: 152
  • shereen647
    I have to admit I didn't stay on track this week so Im happy with not gaining at all. None lost but None gained.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    No loss for me, my TOM the last 4 days, unfortunately.
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    SW- 195
    Last week- 184
    Past tuesday- 181
    Today- 183

    So I actually lost 1 lb but tuesday was a much better weigh in. :laugh: To be fair I feel bloated like TOM and I was much more active this weekend but wasn't able to log anything. I was way UNDER my fat and cals after all the excercise. Like major "starvation mode". Hopefully I can balance it all out this week.
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Oh, I just measured myself and I'm down 2 inches in my waist and 1/2 in my tummy since last time. YAY! I forgot I've been doing as much strength training as possible in my spare time so that could account for gaining back the 2 lbs. :tongue:
  • Melissa_123
    Melissa_123 Posts: 115
    I am down to 171- down 2......looking forward to the 160's.:bigsmile:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    So glad to see so many of you guys have already weighed in!!! WAY TO GO!!!! AND even right after a holiday weekend :wink:
    Well, I have to say that I didn't loose a single ounce...:angry: BUT...I did get off of my regular calorie plan... Just too much temptation :laugh: BUT I am thankful that I didn't gain anything. I stayed good with not drinking any regualar coke... My mom had some Diet Dr. Pepper at our gathering, so I drank one of those....
    AND...I didn't PIG OUT....but I did eat more than I usually do...

    SW: 230 LBS
    LW: 233.6 LBS
    Today: 233 LBS

    This week I totally need to kick my booty to get back on track :smile: