Random act of kindness!



  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Walking through York on my lunch break and I walked past a doorway which was set back from the street. Sat in the doorway was a homeless man, sat on a bag with everything that he owns, crying with his head in his hands. I walked past him and straight into boots where I bought the most filling sandwich I could find. I took it back to the man and I asked if he was hungry. He told me I was the first person who had spoken to him in over a week. He started to cry and said he was very lonely and scared and people spit and p*ss on him when hes trying to sleep at night. He was incredibly grateful for the £1.50 sandwich I bought him as otherwise he wouldn't have eaten. His name was Tim. Seriously makes you realise how good we all have it!!!

    what a great person you are. if everybody in this world was like you, there would be no hungry or homeless people.

    thanks for sharing your story.
  • CookieGem
    CookieGem Posts: 197 Member
    I was at the grocery store after a workout the other day. I was sweaty and probably a little stinky and still had my headphones in. There was a woman in front of me who was obviously having trouble paying for all the stuff she was buying. Most was food and she had government assistance for that. I assumed she was unemployed - which is between her and the government... I wont get into that on this post or argue about it elsewhere. Anyway, she had items that were not covered on her assistance program - baby clothes, diapers, baby bottles, wipes, etc. Those, she could not afford and started putting extras back to reduce her bill. After I noticed what was happening, and she walked away to see if she could get money from her credit card from an ATM (which she couldnt because she was broke), I just swiped my debit card and paid for the remainder of the balance. I hugged her and wished her well and she thanked me about 40 times. It made me feel good to help someone out that I will probably never even meet up with again. I hope her new baby grows up well.

    What a gorgeous story x