My morning rant



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You know what I love even more than arguing? Someone honestly admitting they were wrong. That's not easy to do and most people don't have the stones to do it.

    But ... what if I came here for an argument? I want my money back. I'm heading over to the Bureau of Silly Walks instead.
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,014 Member
    I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry I'm Sorry

    I was being heartless and rude and judgmental, exactly like the people I was talking about, everyone has their struggles and it is hard for everyone, I understand that. I was out of line for feeling the way I was and I let one person get the best of me. Thank you all for pointing out my wrong and letting me see the true reason behind this website. It is myFITNESSpal and I guess I should think of the fit people as motivation instead of the enemy. We are all trying to reach the same goal, once again I am sorry I offended anyone or stepped out of my boundaries.

    No worries, you can now better motivate knowing that not everyone feels the same way about their journeys, bodies, etc.
  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
    Clearly I missed the rant this morning...I read this whole apology, apology...all in between, people still yelling at OP. To sum it up: Bad girl for ranting, good girl for realizing your mistake and being big enough to apologize. Let's all have a great day from here forward. :bigsmile:
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