MFP under calorie goal: not a positive announcement



  • REET420
    REET420 Posts: 160 Member
    They should update so its not red when your 1 calorie over. Instead the writing should be yellow or something like it's telling you your cutting into your deficit but your still eating well. Last night I closed my diary with 1 calorie under my goal sometimes I have 200 left but I try not to go over 200. maybe they can put a note when someone is too low under their goal something like "username123 has completed blah blah blah and is starving themselves under there calorie goal" or something similar. I don't know I tend to mind my own business when it comes to how much and what everyone else is eating unless it's something I would seriously be concerned for their health. If I spend too much time worried about every one else's diary is good or not I won't have time for my own weight loss
  • mbajrami
    mbajrami Posts: 636 Member
    So I'm a little annoyed with MFP and how it announces when you are under your calorie goal when you complete your diary as though it is a good thing.
    MFP does not create a positive announcement. It states fact, without commentary: "poopsnacker123 completed his food and exercise diary for 05/09/2012 and was under his calorie goal."
    And then the following "way to goes and congrats" that ensue in comments, even for WAY under
    That is a problem to address with your friends.

    OMG "poopsnacker123"! I about to pee laughing!

    I might change my name to that! Lol
  • odumsmith00
    odumsmith00 Posts: 25
    all but one of my "friends" are real life friends... I like being able to encourage my friends when they succeed (we are all working at losing weight and have doctors, nutritionist and other specialists watching and helping. We may be in the minority but we are all working to be under our goals (not by much but we prefer it to being over). Because I know this about my IRL friends I will comment and congratulate them when they are under (though we all keep watch to make sure it's only by a small 1-200 calories amount).

    I agree with a pp that this is something to address with your friends or just turn off.
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    I push mine to the limit. I like to see how close I can come to goal without going over. I've made it to 0 a couple times.

    Being under is a win for most folks, but you make a point, being TOO far under is just as bad as going way over.
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    Try not to be too critical folks. Mike and his team have put together a super site here! And it's FREE! I see some of you with just a few dozen posts. Why bother posting if it's all going to be negative on how this program works? This is a very adult web site for weight loss/gain. By that I mean, there is no prescribed diet. You set your own goals.

    Many of us have had great success with MFP. Will it work for everyone? I'm not sure. But you've got to give it a fair shake. Turn off your feeds and just work the program for YOU. We all know that 1,200 calories is minimum. This has been discussed on these boards over and over again.

    Just stay focused on your individual goals. This is a great site. It has a tremendous data base of foods and nutrition. There are some great people who you can friend for individual support.

    Let it work for you! Good luck with reaching your goals.
    Exactly! I have a hard time complaining about a free tool that has helped me so much! If I didn't like things enough to post in the forum I would probably just find a new site to be on instead!
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 866 Member
    1. Depends on how you set your MFP. I have it set to maintenance and then try to be 100-500 below that. So, when mine says I am below...that is good because I do not have it set to lose any weight.

    2. When I comment on someone's diary...I do look at what they ate, and if they ate too low, I won't say anything, or I might say, that is OK, you will do better tomorrow....because some days we do not eat enough or we eat too much. But, I actually look at their diary.
  • Vanillacoffee54
    Vanillacoffee54 Posts: 12 Member
    I really like MFP just like it is! It's free and what you eat is totally up to YOU. I love the way it keeps up with sugar and sodium too. VERY helpful. It works great for me and my friends!
  • _hi_hat3r_
    _hi_hat3r_ Posts: 423 Member
    MFP is a good tool if u find its not useful to u log off and go elsewhere
  • muppetsbear
    muppetsbear Posts: 80 Member
    So I'm a little annoyed with MFP and how it announces when you are under your calorie goal when you complete your diary as though it is a good thing. (And then the following "way to goes and congrats" that ensue in comments, even for WAY under)

    Isn't the idea to set a correct goal and then try to get as close as possible to that every day, not more than a few hundred calories one way or another?

    Now, I am often under my goal (not a good thing for me) but am working hard to correct that. I don't see coming in under as a good thing, whether trying to loose or gain.

    Maybe I'm just misunderstanding how people have their target calories set up? Like maybe they have it set to maintenance and then try to go under by 300-500? It just seems like a dangerous way to set it up and and go too low.
    I rarely eat the prescribed number of calories because I like to leave a buffer due to possible inaccuraces in calories and contents.
  • meghiemoo2
    meghiemoo2 Posts: 1
    you have to eat at least 1200 calories or it will say you are eating too low...
  • tidmutt
    tidmutt Posts: 317
    yeah i mainly hate when peoplele dont have like a proper dinner...they have a drink or coffee...and people are like 'WELL DONE' and i'm like 'UM NO!' this isnt good at all!

    they should look at how close they are to their goal and not assume they've done wel lbecause they're below their goal

    What is a proper dinner?
  • sjmitchner
    sjmitchner Posts: 121 Member
    I look at diaries before I comment on them. If they are under (not by much) and ate healthfully why shouldn't I applaud their efforts? We also watch each other's water consumption, and remind each other if needed. We support each other in healthy habits. I've pointed out to my friends when their numbers are low enough to be unhealthy. Without that notice, I might not check on them. Sure we're all supposed to be adults and know right from wrong, but sometimes a person gets into bad head-space. That's what friends are for, in my opinion.
  • proudtexan71
    proudtexan71 Posts: 203 Member
    I think your friends need to understand your goals as well. Sometimes that takes time, but if you want the right support & encouragement - it's time well spent.

    Just my two cents.
  • esphixiet
    esphixiet Posts: 214 Member
    What gets me is the "If every day was like today you'd weigh XXXlbs in 5 weeks"... Which isn't true and gives people the mentality that if they eat WAY less they'll lose even more... Dangerous tool if you ask me.

    I actually really like this feature. Because on days I exercise it shows a lower number, on days I don't, it shows a higher number. It helps me keep an idea in my head that works to motivate me. But we all do things differently, I can see why some may see this as a problem.
  • BobbieLee1959
    BobbieLee1959 Posts: 605 Member
    When I first started MFP, the "If Every Day" notification was very positive and kept me focused and on track. Now that I have been here for 3.5 months and have lost nearly 35 lbs., I do not pay much attention to that note when I complete my diary. It might be close, but is only a guideline and when I have day when I have trouble eating back my workout calories, I know that it will not be accurate, because there are days when I am successful at that.

    At any rate, getting hung up on a message like this probably does more harm than good, but it is all a mind-set and if you are making healthy choices most of the time, you will easily reach your goal.

    I love MFP and have told many friends just how much I love it! This great program helps me keep my goals in sight and you all help me stay Thank You!
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    According to my dietician for ME (not saying everyone), she has advised it is ok to be within 10% of my goal either way. So she has my goal set at 1300, I usually shoot for 1170-1430. I admit I try to stay on the green numbers as the red makes me think I'm a failure. Since I weigh once a week, I keep a running count of my daily intake vs excess calories I didnt eat to try to keep me going too far off my course. It's also nice if I want a weekend dinner to have the extra calories if I dont have enough room for what I want to eat. Again just saying this is the course I've been set on for the 6 1/2 months I've been doing this.
  • rednecco
    rednecco Posts: 10
    Well, it IS a good thing if you've 'earned extra' via exercise.

    For example, if my daily goal is 1200, and I have eaten 1200, but MFP has added 350 to my daily goal for any exercise I have done, then I would, according to MFP, be 'under my calorie goal' for the day--even though I hit my daily goal exactly. I don't get to eat an extra 350 calories to meet my new MFP goal, otherwise I'd never lose any weight (can't wait until maintenance mode...)!

    Make sense?
  • noturshorte
    noturshorte Posts: 56 Member
    mine is set up to my BMI from a body analysis that I had done. It said to maintain my weight I could eat that's what I have it set to but try to keep my daily intake atleast 200 under for a deficit.
  • noturshorte
    noturshorte Posts: 56 Member
    not's been a long day and I can't think but hopefully you know what I mean haha
  • Cyndieann
    Cyndieann Posts: 152 Member
    What gets me is the "If every day was like today you'd weigh XXXlbs in 5 weeks"... Which isn't true and gives people the mentality that if they eat WAY less they'll lose even more... Dangerous tool if you ask me.

    I love this statement at the end of my day. I feel strong and successful if it says any number under my current weight, even if its only a couple of pounds. It's this that keeps me logging in...every single day!