Clothing shopping crushed my soul



  • fluffysexyme
    fluffysexyme Posts: 104 Member
    I hit a plateau all last month. Nothing I did seemed to work and then the scale moved... Up! I was so upset!!! So I went back to square one- I increased food and my cardio and decreased my weights and then it fell off again. Best of luck hunny!
  • rima933
    rima933 Posts: 151 Member
    Clothes shopping can be brutal. I remember crying inside fitting rooms all the time when my weight loss didn't seem enough... Everything under xl or 1x was too tight. So I stopped going to shop for clothes. Just stopped. I kept calorie counting and working out day after day. Every week I would just wear my older clothes and feel good about how loose they were getting. Then finally when they got too loose, and I didn't have any clothes that fit, I decided to shop and saw that I was a size 14! I hit a 2 month plateau after that which was depressing as hell but I kept going because I didn't know what else to do. Now I'm a size 10. Don't go clothes shopping till everything is loose. I know that might sound dumb but it isn't worth getting so upset over.
    Try strength training. It is more effective than cardio. It takes inches off within 3 weeks even if the weight doesn't decrease. You'll get fitter, stronger and look better and FEEL better.
    People don't get how hard it is to lose 20 pounds... I know! What you have achieved so far is amazing! Keep going. All of us go through this stage. Just keep pushing on. You'll get there and it will be so worth it. You've already done more than most people even bother to. All the best!
