Traumatic events



  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    never to suicide, but I do understand the give up and die mentality. I lost my son a year ago and went through some major depression. The idea of not going on went through my mind several times. The only reason I didn't was because of my fear of God. I know I will see my son again one day, but I don't think I have that guarantee if I took my life into my own hands. I want you to know that God is really the only one who can bring healing during such a terrible time. I am praying for you and I hope you find peace in all of this (HUGS):flowerforyou:

    Loss is so damn hard... it's strange to some people to say such things about a brother, but he was by several million miles my far and away best friend, and I know he felt the same about me.

    I'm afraid I don't believe in god - never have done - but thank you all the same x
  • Aleciajones
    Aleciajones Posts: 153
    In 2010 my mom was watching my then 5 and 3 yr old girls. When I got to h house to pick them up she was floating in the pool, they thought she had fallen asleep floating. It was 2 days in the icu before we removed support and let her go. It was listed as an accident but her alcohol was .30 and she had taken a combination of pain meds with it.
    I have no idea why, yes she was an alcoholic but this was out of left field. I had talked to her two hours before to let her know we were going to be there soon so I can not accept that it was a total accident. In the call she sounded sober so I believe she thought it wouldn't happen until we left with the kids.
    There is really no way to deal with it besides time. I still loose it sometimes. At first I drank...a scary amount at night while I tried to deal with the aftermath and sorting her life and moving all her things from her rental house (huge house and she lived alone.) I did not go talk to anyone because it's not why I am but I did call on friends at 3am sobbing.

    For curios people she has a memorial page on Facebook called what would suzie do. It's something I did to keep myself busy as well.

    Oh lord - I'm so sorry. The kids were there???
    Yes they had spent the night with her the evening before.
  • poopoomonkey1978
    poopoomonkey1978 Posts: 108 Member
    I am so sorry for your loss. I lost all the very close males every year in highschool. Grade 9 it was my fathers dad, (heart), grade 10 was his step father (cancer), grade 11 it was my mom's dad (heart) and three months after that it was my father (suicide). I actually lost a lot of weight after my father passed because I gave up eating and only ate 1 muffin in two months. Other then that I only had water. My mother didn't pay attention because while she was grieving for her father she was also grieving for her husband. I blamed myself a lot and thought that I should of known. Being that I was only 16 I thought a lot about giving up but realized that I had a plan that I had a purpose. I am now living as happy as I can be and teaching my daughter all about unconditional love like my father taught me.