What to do when stressed? Angry? Sad?



  • Pakitalian
    Pakitalian Posts: 218 Member
    I find that going outside for a walk, even for 15-20 minutes, clears my head and makes me feel a lot better.

    Bonus: I can't indulge in any comfort-food cravings while I am outside and walking.

    ^^^ this^^
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Wow, I must have hit a spot with a lot of people. Thank you so much for the response. I write books, yet I forget to journal when upset. I like the colorbook idea and ready a juicy book. I never take the time anymore.
    Thanks again.

    It's weird, but when life gets out of control, my feelings get stepped on, I am so frustrated I eat to block it out. Well, tomorrow, I'm going to get a book, a color book, and journal. kc

    When I journal when I'm mad, I write *kitten* as big as I can, and press the pen to the page as hard as I can. Usually the words "mother f*cker " are in there too. And then I scribble and stab the page with the pen. I feel for anyone who reads my journal when I die.

    LOL They'll probably label you as some kind of psychopath posthumously!
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Yesterday, I decided that I've got to get totally off processed carbs and sugars. in just 1 1/2 days, I feel so much better. That cr-- makes me emotional, depressed, and unbalance. Sure as heck wish it didn't taste so well.

    Here is to veggies, fresh fruit, and healthy protein. Thanks for all your ideas. (I'm walking):wink: