What do you put in your salads?



  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    I have started putting a couple of tablespoons of T. Marzetti's fruit and nut toppings. YUM! Also, snap peas are good on there as well! :tongue:
  • msunluckythirteen
    msunluckythirteen Posts: 335 Member
    Wow! These are some great and original ideas! Loving them though! I making a list for shopping tomorrow. Thanks!
  • 2FattyXFatty4
    2FattyXFatty4 Posts: 215 Member
    I am getting bored with my salads. Would love to know what you put in your salads.

    I can not STAND iceberg lettuce. I hate iceberg lettuce so much that if I see it on ANY salad bar, I will turn around and walk out. Having said that, my salads have:

    Greens: Bibb lettuce, kale, or spinach
    Veggies: grape tomatoes, mushrooms, shredded carrot, shredded cabbage, onions, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumbers, corn
    Fruit: I love fruit on my green salads! strawberries, cranberries, cherries, pineapple chunks, raspberries, orange slices
    Nuts: almonds, pecans
    Protein: grilled shrimp, chickpeas, beans, cottage cheese, parmesan
    Dressings: evoo/vinegar, salsa, plain greek yogurt, ranch made from the packet (not bottled), and I like wishbone salad spritzers
    Extras: croutons, crackers, McCormick Salad Toppins, peppercorns
  • msunluckythirteen
    msunluckythirteen Posts: 335 Member
    I am getting bored with my salads. Would love to know what you put in your salads.

    I can not STAND iceberg lettuce. I hate iceberg lettuce so much that if I see it on ANY salad bar, I will turn around and walk out. Having said that, my salads have:

    Greens: Bibb lettuce, kale, or spinach
    Veggies: grape tomatoes, mushrooms, shredded carrot, shredded cabbage, onions, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumbers, corn
    Fruit: I love fruit on my green salads! strawberries, cranberries, cherries, pineapple chunks, raspberries, orange slices
    Nuts: almonds, pecans
    Protein: grilled shrimp, chickpeas, beans, cottage cheese, parmesan
    Dressings: evoo/vinegar, salsa, plain greek yogurt, ranch made from the packet (not bottled), and I like wishbone salad spritzers
    Extras: croutons, crackers, McCormick Salad Toppins, peppercorns

    I am so with you! I can't stand iceberg!!! I usually use a spring mix for my lettuce. I get it cheaply though my produce co-op!
  • LAMypie
    LAMypie Posts: 127 Member
    I get these packs from Wal-mart of "artisan" lettuce. Has 4 different kinds. I love red leaf lettuce. I mix up the different kinds and add some baby spinach. Occationally tomatoes, and mushrooms, but usually just croutons and dressing. I grew up an Ott's girl, then decided I like ranch, however, I recently found something healthy and so stinking delish: Raspberry vinegrette. WOWIE! Add just an ounce or so of grilled chicken and some fresh parm, delisioso!
  • katiedidd66
    katiedidd66 Posts: 77
    I mix my "greens" up alittle, I'll mix romain or baby spinach with spring mix. Cucumber, grape tomatoes, red or vidalia onion, celery, red, orange & (or) green bell peppers, radish, carrots, snap peas, beets, anything I can find. If I need the extra calories, boiled egg, grilled chicken, steak or shrimp, sharp cheddar cheese, pine nuts or sunflower seeds or, again, anything I can find. For dressing I use either olive oil and lemon juice or Walden Farms Ranch dressing.
  • katiedidd66
    katiedidd66 Posts: 77
  • kiku76
    kiku76 Posts: 352 Member
    lately I've been loving spinach chopped up and mixed with quinoa.
    I add anything: chick peas, tomatoes, onions, bacon bits, croutons, avocado.
    My new fave dressing is Wishbone Greek Vinaigrette
    I toss it all together for a yummy salad
  • kewkdb
    kewkdb Posts: 207 Member
    Ice-burg lettuce
    Carrots (Peelings)
    Red Cabbage
    LOTS of Cilantro (no stems)
    Jalapeno's (Sliced horizontally)
    Avocado squares
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    I'm a big fan of spinach and fruit salads. Right now my favorites are spinach, strawberries, feta cheese, and walnuts/ almonds with a strawberry balsamic vinaigrette and spinach with green apples, sliced red onions, feta or goat cheese with fig balsamic vinaigrette. I'm also a fan of Caesar salad with just iceberg lettuce, parmesan cheese, a few croutons, and some grilled salmon. Kroger has a light Caesar salad kit that's 100 calories for 2 cups of salad and then I add some salmon to it...so good!
  • fionamac77
    fionamac77 Posts: 10 Member
    I love adding roasted veg to my salad. Roasted peppers, courgettes, aubergines, tomatoes, onions and sweet potato chunks (but remember portion control on this one - high in sugar. I could never really get my tastebuds round raw brocolli (except in my green smoothies <3 ), but lightly steaming it for a minute, doesn't do too much damage to the nutritional content and is delicious in salads.

    Avocado with lemon juice, milled seed mixes and olive oil and good for some good fats.

    Recently been adding a sprinkling of blueberries to my salad and it's been a revelation in taste - so yummy and very good for you!

    Hope this helps!
  • msunluckythirteen
    msunluckythirteen Posts: 335 Member
    Thank you so much everyone! My grocery list is growing!
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    omg what DONT i put in ahaha

    baby spinach, tomato, mushrooms are a must. then a few of the following: chicken breast, tofu hotdogs, smoked salmon, shrimp, canned tuna, egg, fake crab leg (yum lol). scallops, black beans, chickpea patties, soy burgers, etc etc

  • Bikini_Bound150
    Bikini_Bound150 Posts: 461 Member
    When I make salads at home I usually add:

    hard boiled eggs
    fresh tomato - diced
    shredded cheese
    chopped chicken

    When I'm at a salad bar I add:

    EVERYTHING! hahaha
  • Jenjaz1910
    Jenjaz1910 Posts: 433 Member
    I have the usual salad stuff in, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, peppers, onions then add a drained tin of tuna with about 30g of feta cheese and a dash of salad cream. Mixing the tuna, feta and salad cream together x
  • cavewoman15
    cavewoman15 Posts: 278 Member
    my go to salad recipe:

    mixed greens (works well with spinach too)
    blue cheese
    bacon bits (little bit goes a long way)
    shrimp (cooked in a little EVOO and fresh garlic; or leftovers from the grill)

    homemade dressing: little bit of the fresh garlic from cooking the shrimp, balsamic vinegar, EVOO, brown sugar, fresh cracked pepper, little stone ground mustard and whisk. don't need much!

    i log it at 450 calories, most of which come from the blue cheese and dressing, but they are delicious and totally worth it. if i'm really hungry i've put this in a wrap, but this usually does the trick!
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    Pine nuts are a nice change of pace.
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    Dried fruit, fresh tomatoes, little bit of cheese, fresh apples... the possibilities are endless!
  • cmbarnes
    cmbarnes Posts: 46
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    Besides the usual, I always have to have avocados, walnuts and raisins, like that whole sweet, savory thing.