Hubby's weight = my weight :(



  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    My husband's weight is my goal weight. He stands 5" taller than me.
  • tinksmommy2006
    I am about 180...hubby is 125 soaking make matters worse we are the same exact height and he has only about 3% body fat and is ripped as hell...while my arms (although getting better) look like wings :sad: lmao it's ok though I one day will be closer to him! I don't want to be 125....I want more like 140 :):tongue:
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    I totally weight over a stone more than my boyfriend. I don't sweat it s he can still throw me about ;)
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    When I started on here, I weighed around 90 pounds more than my husband (now ex-husband).

    He was about 5" shorter than I am, though, so I actually didn't really expect to weigh less.

    Now, I'm probably 45 pounds lighter than he is. He never jumped on the health bandwagon, and I far surpassed my own goals.
  • janehen12
    janehen12 Posts: 162 Member
    I weigh about 100lbs more than my boyf (did when we met...still not too sure why hes with me!)

    I can either use it as motivation, or fatten him up...I'm thinking a bit of both
  • steadk
    steadk Posts: 334 Member
    My hubby went from a desk job to one wher he walks or stands most of the night, and he instantly lost 20 pounds (over about 2 months). I was so peturbed at this!!! Granted, i don't have the best diet, but 20 pounds from standing?!?!?! Where was my weight loss when i did that for 5 years!!! LOL
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    When I got to my heaviest, I was only 5 lbs lighter than my 6'2 husband. I'm 5'8. I'm glad I didn't realize it at the time. I would have been inconsolable. I didn't realize it until I'd lost about 20 lbs.
  • ashlielinn
    ashlielinn Posts: 920
    One of my high school/college boyfriends was a good 40 pounds less than me. He was VERY tall and VERY thin! And, of course, he ate like a horse!!!

    Thankfully, he made me feel very beautiful and self-confident, but it did bother me a bit, so I get where you're coming from on this!

    The important thing to remember is everyone's body is made differently AND it's much easier for men to loose weight than it is for women (stupid, biology). However, definitely use it as a motivator, too! My boyfriend now has about 30 pounds on me, and I intend to make sure it stays at 30 or more!!!
  • sl1ngsh0t
    sl1ngsh0t Posts: 326 Member
    Phhhhhpt. Don't let it bother you so much. Guys are different. They'd have problems losing weight too if they had hips and gave birth. LOLZ
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 707 Member
    Skinny little punk.

    hahhaha! My first boyfriend was my high school's best long distance runner a.k.a. skinny, then to add insult to injury I was about 3-4in taller then him. I looked at a picture of the two of us and I practically dwarfed him, it was revolting. He didn't mind but I couldn't stand it (that isn't the reason we broke up though).
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    When I started, both my husband and I were hovering around 220. It was embarrassing and so upsetting to me.

    The long hard truth is that you have to just look forward. Make each day a step in the right direction and keep moving. One day, you'll wake up and realize that you're on your way to being who you want to be.
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 802 Member
    my highest was 312
    hubby s highest 280

    im now around 295 .. so i am still bigger .. but i am changing my lifestyle to slow drop the weight ..
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    I'm going through the same thing. My boyfriend is a good foot taller than I am. He and I are both on this weightloss journey together, and he got on the scale in front of me last week and I couldn't believe his weight! He is right neck and neck with me! I felt so embarresed when I saw his number..the fact that im 5'2 and weigh as much as him put me to shame, he has dropped weight so quickly. I have been busting my *kitten* and only lost 10 lbs so far. Though it had(s) me discouraged at times, I have to just keep remembering how different our bodies are. Don;t let it bring you down too much, Just use it as motivation to go harder and steady! Just keep moving! You will do it!
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    Yep, me too. But, I'm going down now so I feel a little better. He is 6 ft. and 225 (was 180 when we met 20 years ago) and I am 5'5" and was 227 at my heaviest. It was mortified! I'm down to 220 now. I was 128 when we met, but I was exhausted and malnutritioned and felt like crap. I want to get down to 140-150.
  • jmelyan23
    jmelyan23 Posts: 1,664 Member
    Right now my hubby and I are right about the same weight, I'm maaaybe 2-3 pounds lighter, but when I started losing, I was a good 10-15 pounds heavier than he was and he's about 2 inches taller than me. We started losing weight at the same time, him just by not eating seconds and cutting his soda intake down a little. If he cut out soda completely and watched his calories a little closer, he would start dropping pounds like nothing. It's super frustrating!
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 467 Member
    My fiance is 5'8" and 160-so right now I am heavier that him by 12lbs, but I started out 36lbs heavier than him, an I plan to surpass him and be 25lbs lighter than him by the end of the year. I am 5'4"-but you know he loved me when I was 36lbs heavier than him, I just feel like he deserves a healthy wife that is going to be around to grow old I took control and I am making it happen!
  • jl622
    jl622 Posts: 104 Member
    My husband is 12 inches taller than me and when I started mfp, we weighed the same. He never knew that though. :embarassed:
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    Don't go hungry!!! Diet is everything.. I eat when I'm hungry but I eat things that may not be too high in calories.. my meals consist of some sort of protein (chicken breast, ham slices, steak, etc) and veggies (salad, mixed veggies, etc).. I can eat like a "pig" off of 250-350 cals!

    When you go hungry, your more likely to binge. You will get cravings and it's hard. So plan out when your going to eat, and it'll all come off!
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    I completely relate! I wrote a blog post about it recently, check it out.
    don't give up!
  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523
    My Neil weighs a good few kilos less than me and is exactly the same height. I've always been up and down with my weight and like you I am a queen with stress eating. Trying to not eat just doesn't work and I was very disappointed to see what calories were in things I thought were healthy.

    What Neil and I have done is to eat the same evening meals. I've been cooking vegetable dishes which have helped keep calories down and used herbs to make them taste more exciting. If Neil wants to take on more food he does it during the day at work so I don't see him eating it.

    I hope this gives you some ideas, I'm only a few days back into my healthy eating but I need to do this for myself as I know it will take more effort from me than it will take Neil to lose his weight. x