What we have here is a failure to communicate:



  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 775 Member
    why didn't you have him call her :angry:

    hehehehe .. :flowerforyou: ...

    rules of women

    1. we are never wrong
    2. refer to number 1 :laugh:

    ETA: i do understand your reason (above is a joke) .. she was simply mad and wasn't paying attn. to what you were saying
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    My son's name is Hunter.

    That's all I've got. :laugh:
  • HarleyQuinn_12
    HarleyQuinn_12 Posts: 363 Member
    I have these SAME conversations with my ex-husband!! They are about as productive as banging my head against the wall, and make my head hurt just the same.

    I was going to say...I hope it never happens to the OP...but when/if she ends up being your 'ex'....it gets even better.

    And by better, I mean hell.

    Ahhh yes, I know that level of hell.
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 610 Member
    My last ex was like that, it drove me nuts! :explode: I finally realized (at least in his case) it was because he didn't care enough/have enough respect to listen to my answer or pay attention to me when I was talking to him and giving him the info that he would then ask about 3 minutes later.

    The second my kids (thankfully not his so I never have to deal with his special brand of ignorance again) started pulling that stunt I threatened them with the removal of every toy in their possession, and a tv ban for the rest of the time they live under my roof. Since they're both under 10 this amounts to eternity in their eyes. Harsh? Yep! Did it work? Instantly!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    My partner does that. Drives me nuts. I think it's because he's not listening to the answers I'm giving. Also, he gives such vague and fuzzy answers to MY questions that I want to shake him.

    Also claims to have told me things that never came out of his mouth. Seriously think he has a whole 'nother reality going on in his head.
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    This extremely ironic today...argument with my other half as a result of my stepson talking crap.

    We're fine now, but my stepson won't be!
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    Thanks for the laughs! I love these conversations between couples. Of course, it's always funnier when it's happening to someone else.... Bless your heart!

    Seriously, I think I have an answer for you! I think it is two things combined. #1 Your wife didn't like the answer she was getting-even though it made perfect sense- and she is being fueled by her emotions. She will realize this when she looks at it objectively and not emotionally. Of course, Hunter can't call because you forgot the phone! #2 she isn't addressing her feelings and really that is what the whole call was about. Your wife was upset, hurt, disappointed or (insert feeling) .........that she wasn't able to talk to Hunter before work like she always does. It wasn't necessarily about "why" you didn't have Hunter call. It was about "how she felt" when Hunter wasn't able to call. Couples, even open and honest ones, don't always communicate their feelings accurately and hence you get crazy, funny, wild, head-banging conversations like the one you had this morning. And sometimes they aren't even aware of their feelings until later..... That'll be $50! LOL
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    My partner does that. Drives me nuts. I think it's because he's not listening to the answers I'm giving. Also, he gives such vague and fuzzy answers to MY questions that I want to shake him.

    Also claims to have told me things that never came out of his mouth. Seriously think he has a whole 'nother reality going on in his head.

    Stormie, you know I love you lol...but I bet you $50 that's what the OP's wife was thinking too :).
  • Hoover8it
    Hoover8it Posts: 107 Member
    Just say YES DEAR and go on your way:)
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    My partner does that. Drives me nuts. I think it's because he's not listening to the answers I'm giving. Also, he gives such vague and fuzzy answers to MY questions that I want to shake him.

    Also claims to have told me things that never came out of his mouth. Seriously think he has a whole 'nother reality going on in his head.

    Stormie, you know I love you lol...but I bet you $50 that's what the OP's wife was thinking too :).

    Hush. :tongue:
  • Vermilla
    Vermilla Posts: 348
    Men and women like get single-minded when emotional and only hear what supports them. She likely heard "blah blah didn't call you blah balh blah." Whenever I tell somebody something important, I text it. Then they claim I never said it. I show them the text (which is always showing as read as well)
  • raebear79
    raebear79 Posts: 17
    I totally understad what you are talking about..My husband and I definately speak different languages. Unfortunately I have no advice, we still have not figured it out:frown: Not sure we ever will??? Hang in there and remember to breathe