Can You Lose By Simply Eating Less of The Stuff You Eat Now?



  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I've cut out my really bad snacks and eating late at night but the rest of my diet is the same - I just serve up a smaller portion or look for a lower calorie version eg slightly less mince in my spag bol. As i see it this is a change in my eating habits not a diet so its something I have to be able to live with. The other reason is that I cook the main meal for six of us and doing something different is not an option especially as we already have enough issues with food intolerances and a child with autism who is fussy.
  • raayfrancy
    raayfrancy Posts: 100
    If you cut off soda, alone, that will help tremendously in the long-run (: ... like the wise say, "don't drink your calories!"

    I wish you the best! Any effort towards losing weight at all helps - one step at a time.
  • jfields42
    jfields42 Posts: 27
    this is actually the hard part for me. When I'm not stressed over deadlines for school(I am a stress eater), I usually am very active. I have trouble knowing how many calories I burn during these activities.
  • tammisr32
    tammisr32 Posts: 38 Member
    Here is what I read that helps me say no to soda.... hope it helps. It can make a huge difference :drinker: If you cut one and not the other, I would cut out the soda, it makes you crave more sugary things anyway. Who knows, maybe if you cut out one, the other will follow without you even thinking about it.

    They contribute to obesity as well as diabetes, tooth decay and weakened bones. They have also been linked to depleting the body of vitamin A, calcium and magnesium--all nutrients needed for healthy weight loss. Consuming soda also has a profound effect on the taste buds. Some research suggests that soda, even diet soda, can actually make you feel hungrier given the artificial sweeteners that signal the brain to crave extra food. This can make losing weight a lot more difficult. In addition, according to a study by the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, diet soda actually enhances weight gain by as much as 41 percent.
    Estimates show that two cans or glasses of soda per day adds approximately 24 to 35 pounds of fat per year, depending on body size, age, habits, etc.. Some people (weighing in at 140 pounds) have reported that by giving up two cans of soda per day, without exercise, they lost 20 pounds in six months. Add in exercise, reduce other sugar intake, eat more fruits and vegetables, add high water consumption and you could possibly be ready to fit into those jeans within six weeks. But if cutting out soda altogether is too difficult, you could replace one soda per day with water. Cutting down from two per day to one can yields about a 16 pound yearly loss.
  • christyd4
    christyd4 Posts: 191
    most people have said it's all about portion control.and more calories out than in....maybe instead of 4 a day start with 1 a day and see if you can move to 1 every other day. I don't deprive myself but I try to eat healthly 90 percent of the time. That is my personal choice. as for working out. Maybe download C25K and run during that time. If you have a smart phone the app is free and it costs nothting to run.
  • 2FattyXFatty4
    2FattyXFatty4 Posts: 215 Member
    I know it sounds simple and I'm sure the answer is yes...but, will the results be good. I'm staying with the rents to study for the upcoming bar exam in late July.

    I plan to workout and try to lose some weight during this period. Problem is that I am broke and do not plan to work during this time. This means that I won't be as able to buy healthy foods. If I just workout/cardio and portion control can I still lose a pound per week? I really want to get down to 217-220 before my birthday in mid July,

    I mean right now I drink so much soda and eat junk food. I would imagine simply cutting those out would do wonders?

    Yup, you can. Check out the "Eat This, Not That" series of books and the accompaniment website. This is basically the concept of replacing what you eat now with lower calorie portions of the same foods.
  • ariant23
    ariant23 Posts: 161 Member
    i might have to be a smidge snarky here... i'm fairly certain you've consumed legumes before. it's the botanical term for all beans / peas, including peanuts. (where did you go to law school??? c'mon, vocabulary is of tantamount importance).

    But in all seriousness, good luck on the Bar. :heart:

    and in theory turkey chili is "better" than beef chili because the leaner turkey would have less calories. but you can just use very lean beef and obtain the same thing (with more taste, and manly red meat, my husband despises things like "turkey" chili).

    ETA: people have talked about "calorie/nutritionally dense" things... some of that can be misleading when your concern is not starving and feeling deprived all day. I personally worry about my "calories to bites ratio (C2BR)" I like it to be as LOW as possible... ie, lots of bites, few calories. most fresh veggies will do that for you. beans, while yummy and good for you, have a high-ish C2BR as they are a starchy protein i've always loved seaweed salad, and just found it at my local costco in the deli area, and it's totally low C2BR :-).
    Hi J Fields....Sorry you are having a rough go of it right now....I hope things change soon..
    Have you tried things like beans and legumes...Chillies, stews etc....Look them up on the net...Get ideas for very nutritious recipes..

    Thanks. Hopefully, I pass the bar exam and get a job soon!!!

    I love chili, but never had legumes(may have to try them). Might have to try a turkey chili(is that healthier?)

    "Sprite Zero tastes just like regular to me!"

    really? gonna def have to try that.
  • 2FattyXFatty4
    2FattyXFatty4 Posts: 215 Member
    ... and cut out the Lakers and you will see a difference :wink: :laugh:

    Clever. LOL!
  • jfields42
    jfields42 Posts: 27
    i might have to be a smidge snarky here... i'm fairly certain you've consumed legumes before. it's the botanical term for all beans / peas, including peanuts. (where did you go to law school??? c'mon, vocabulary is of tantamount importance).

    But in all seriousness, good luck on the Bar. :heart:

    and in theory turkey chili is "better" than beef chili because the leaner turkey would have less calories. but you can just use very lean beef and obtain the same thing (with more taste, and manly red meat, my husband despises things like "turkey" chili).
    Hi J Fields....Sorry you are having a rough go of it right now....I hope things change soon..
    Have you tried things like beans and legumes...Chillies, stews etc....Look them up on the net...Get ideas for very nutritious recipes..

    Thanks. Hopefully, I pass the bar exam and get a job soon!!!

    I love chili, but never had legumes(may have to try them). Might have to try a turkey chili(is that healthier?)

    "Sprite Zero tastes just like regular to me!"

    really? gonna def have to try that.

    law school? obviously somewhere that would be ashamed of my vocabulary :laugh: .
    ... and cut out the Lakers and you will see a difference :wink: :laugh:

    Clever. LOL!

    ohh...can't cut out the greatest sports franchise of all time!!
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    Less is always better but also what you eat is more important. Some tips from my trainer: Cardio in the morning before you eat. Eat a healthy and large breakfast. It should be the largest meal of the day. Eat a snack only if you are hungry. Eat a moderately sized lunch. Eat a light dinner. Do strength training in the evening. Don't eat after 9 pm. Get 7 - 8 hours rest. Repeat.

    Well, honestly, doesn't matter when you work out. Doesn't matter how late you eat
    Doesn't matter how big your meals are. Doesn't matter how often you eat.

    what the trainer is getting at is if you do cardio in the morning before you eat it helps "jump start" your metabolism from being inactive (sleeping). So you will burn more calories while eating breakfast if you jump start your metabolism first rather than just sitting down and eating breakfast. And the strength training at night is because strength training takes a big toll on your muscles which need to be able to repair themselves, so by strength training at night it allows your body to repair muscles while you are sleeping. Strength training also burns calories for a longer period of time than cardio (regardless of when you do it) because it takes calories to repair the muscles, but doing the strength training at night allows you to continue burning more calories in your sleep. The same concept goes for not eating late at night, you aren't as active at night/when you are sleeping so your metabolism slows down, thats why they say don't eat late at night... you don't have to follow those guidelines, but you will see better results if you do follow them.

    sorry. incorrect, dated info here.
  • crazysexykoo
    crazysexykoo Posts: 129 Member
    no need...they're doing it to themselves.... #byebyeLakers LOL! :)