Friend Failure



  • ThaRealNicki
    ThaRealNicki Posts: 322 Member
    Weird. I'll def give peeps the benefit of the doubt until they really prove me right about how stupid they are (haha - glass half full, eh).
    What about just calling him out & asking where the heck are your props for reaching your goal??
    As your friend & someone you're known for some time, he has to know/should know how important that is to you. (I don't really like confrontation, but sometimes you just gotta lay it out there in convo.)

    This and maybe he forgot about your goal....honestly I forget my friends are sick half the time and they hate it but I just dont remember when Im asking them to come hang out or my friends will tell me something they are trying to accomplish and when they do it takes me a minute to even realize it!....what Im saying is, it might not be that he doesnt care or is jealous or whatever you think his motive or mood is maybe it just simply did not click

    no matter what though I really think this is a little extreme to end a friendship over, life is too short
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    That is the one I am getting! It is GORGEOUS!

    That is a great looking tat! Congrats on earning by hitting your goal!

    Regarding your friend, I have two thoughts. One, he's a guy, and just because you as a female would have reacted a certain way doesn't mean he as a male would respond the same way. Guys and girls just have different ways of expressing (or not expressing) themselves. He may not know how to respond. Two, how is HE doing in his weight loss goal? You said he's been trying to lose too but made no mention of his success or lack thereof. He's got feelings too. Your finally hitting your goal may be making him feel inadequate or that he may be losing you as a close friend (and potential sex partner). So he may be happy for you while still feeling frustrated or anxious. That doesn't make him a bad friend. It just makes him human.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    You could be right, but somehow I think if she had told him once she reached her goal she would celebrate by having sex with him again (she mentioned they had a sexual past) the jerk would have taken the time to acknowledge her hard work and success!

    Just saying!

    It sounds like a complicated situation. Maybe he thinks that the OP is expecting a change in the relationship and is uncomfortable. Or maybe he's passive aggressive. Perhaps it's something else entirely.
  • Britt2Fitjrny
    Britt2Fitjrny Posts: 558 Member
    Why do women always think men should think the way they do? He may have thought.. cool.. and never thought to comment. i dont comment on every little thing my wife or daughter send me, i look at them, give them their due attention and move on. Why do you need to put this on him? Maybe he just didnt think of it.. men arent as emotional as women.....


    Not Bull****. I totally agree!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Also, why don't you send him a normal text saying you hit your goal? People send me pics all the time that I don't get. Usually for me it's because i have a normal number and a google voice number, and the google number doesn't accept multimedia files.

    Every so often I run into a friend a day or two later and they wonder why I didn't respond and I'm like, "respond to what?"
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    ...Guys and girls just have different ways of expressing (or not expressing) themselves. He may not know how to respond.

    I don't like generalizations about women and men. Men are perfectly capable of monitoring and analyzing someone's emotions when it matters to them. Have you ever heard men talking about what their boss said at a meeting and how it might affect their prospects?
  • lmmiller1
    lmmiller1 Posts: 45
    I'd say just ask him too! I think that is an amazing job that you reached your goal. Good for you and if he did see it and on purpose did not congratulate you than he is a douche!! Dont let him get you down girl. On a side note I think I'm going to set getting a tattoo as my rewatd to losing weight also...thats an awesome idea!!!
  • Myndi73
    Myndi73 Posts: 270
    If you have no doubt that he received it...then kick him to the curb. Weight is a touchy subject, but he's your "friend" he would/should be able to talk to you about it. At the very least, say congrats.
    Congrats btw! What kind of tattoo are you gonna get?
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Leave him in the dust girl!
    You did a great job with your weight loss, Congrats! :)
  • MelHoneyRocks
    MelHoneyRocks Posts: 223
    Maybe....well lets just not assume anything. Its always best to ask. Just ask he if got your celebratory text message on your goal weight.
  • Britt2Fitjrny
    Britt2Fitjrny Posts: 558 Member
    How are you *sure* that he did receive it?

    I text pics to my Mom, and it can show up hours, days later. Cell service isn't 100% reliable.

    I totally agree! The same thing happened with me! How are you sure that he did receive your picture?
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    I don't know, men are different. My husband doesn't say "good job" or basically anything when I talk about my weight loss or anything else related to how I look. In fact I've never known a guy to give a compliment unless he wants "something" in return. If I was you, I'd just find some girl friends to relay your success to if you're looking for someone to be enthusiastic about it lol
    Great job meeting your goal !
  • tconwell
    tconwell Posts: 3
    Congratulations, great job on reaching your goal.. I say ask him about it.. If you don't, and let it fester, then a good friendship could come to an end over a misunderstanding. If he didn't see it, then its your opportunity to tell him how excited you are and hopefully he will be happy for you. If he did see it and just didn't think it was important enough to respond to, then let him know exactly how you feel.. I agree with many of the others, that men don't always react as we do. You will be able to tell his true feelings once you approach him about it.. Either way, keep up the good work and enjoy yourself.
  • 2gabbee
    2gabbee Posts: 374 Member
    Congrats on meeting your weight goal.Perhaps your friend will treat you to the tattoo you want or perhaps he is looking to talk to you in person to celebrate with you. Texting is so impersonal. Give him a chance to be a friend. Enjoy your success, after all didn't you lose the weight for yourself not him?
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Did you include a message saying " hey I reached a milestone today, now I can get my tattoo" or did you just send a pic?
    He's not a mind reader and there is no reason why he should remember every individual goal you have set.... Maybe he thinks you sent it to say "oh no, I've gained weight" .
    Basically it is your goal and your issue - if you want to talk to him about it, then talk. "did you get my text, ive reached my goal" would be a good way to start.
    Don't act like a kindy kid and get all cranky when he doesn't give you the exact comment you want from a cryptic text.
  • chickentunashake
    chickentunashake Posts: 164 Member
    I think he might be afraid that if you are slimmed down that other man will be attracted to u as well and maybe he is jealous. Also, maybe he might think that you wont need him anymore
  • ash1220
    ash1220 Posts: 33 Member
    Congrats on reaching your goal!!! Be proud and screw what anyone else thinks... Don't give anyone the authority to rob you of your joy!!!

    ^ every word of this
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Stop placing expectations on others and relish in your own achievements. Go get the tattoo!
  • Congrats on meeting your goal! That is just awesome! Maybe he is just jealous. Or an insensitive jerk and you should get rid of his *kitten* :-)

    I have come to a very similar realization recently. I have lots of friends who are very one sided. Hmmmm...I should probably just chalk it up to them being insensitive jerks and get rid of their *kitten*, lol

    Keep up the great work chick! And go get that tattoo!!!!
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    Maybe he didnt get it!! I received a text this morning that was sent 3 days ago from a friend... give him a chance...kinda silly to jump to conclusions... ask him.

    BTW- Amazing job!