Attachment parenting and that Time cover...

catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
So opinions people....
What do you all think of this:

For those of you that breasfed, when did you wean? For those of you that didn't, why not?

I think the way the pic was posed was a bit much and don't really think its necessary to breastfeed a child until he or she is 3, not in Western society. I think that most of us, even those of us like myself in the working classes, have adequate food to provide our children. That being said, if someone chooses to breastfeed that late...then so be it.

Anyway, whatcha all think?


  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I certainly wouldn't breastfeed a kid for that long, but it's fine by me if other people want to. And I really don't see a problem with the cover. What's everyone so shocked about? It's unusual, not vulgar.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I certainly wouldn't breastfeed a kid for that long, but it's fine by me if other people want to. And I really don't see a problem with the cover. What's everyone so shocked about? It's unusual, not vulgar.

    Because people are prudish.
    I just thought it was uncomfortable for both her and the child...cuz of how he was standing on the chair. I found that my son latched better when I laid him across me, but he was 1 1/2 when he was weaned.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    We weaned our first when he was a freshman in college.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    It's not a very practical position, I'll give you that.
  • everytree
    everytree Posts: 127
    The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding for a minimum of 3 years. I practiced child lead weaning as did most people I know. However, I do not live in the US.

    I also practiced attachment parenting which was not invented by Dr. Sears as the article implies but has been the normal method of parenting for thousands of years and is the most usual way of parenting in non-westernized cultures.

    Having said that - I have no problem with how people chose to parent their children. What works for my family won't work for yours and whats right for yours won't be right for the next family and so on and so on.

    I am the expert at parenting MY children. No one elses.

    What I hate about that article is that it is setting up the mommy wars. We are competitive enough with each other and I hate that it is looking to shoot down each other. As mothers we should be looking to build each other up because lets face it - its a damn tough job.

    I also hate that picture. Seriously. They are trying to create controversy and I guess they've done it but they have a chosen a thin, beautiful hipster type mother, a large (thats a tall 3 year old) BOY looking at the camera and exposed her chest and posed them to get people talking. If they showed her cradling her child nursing him, it wouldn't have created the same buzz.

    And the title "Are you Mom enough?".....don't get me started.
  • chrissyrn04
    chrissyrn04 Posts: 119 Member
    I know several poeple that breast fed until their kids were 4 and even 5... totally grosses me out.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I say to each their own.

    But the picture on the cover was obviously meant to shock and bring up discussion, my guess is that Time magazine's circulation department is down and they are looking to drum up some business.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    The cover is awkward and looks very uncomfortable. I didn't breastfeed either of my girls. With the first I had no milk even after trying to pump for the first two days (I wasn't allowed to hold her or anything she was in the NICU long story) I had none, no leaks no nothing...with my second I just went with what I felt comfortable doing and that was formula. I don't regret my choices. That said, its a parents choice.
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member

    That poor kid will suffer later on with that photo. Some people are total narcissists.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    i have memories of when i was 3 and i am very glad i do not have memories of being breast fed by my mom.
  • Lovinmama
    Lovinmama Posts: 38
    I breastfed both of my children, my daughter for 16 months my son for 22 months. I have no regrets but would no bf past 2years. it is the best you can provide! never recalled never goes bad made just for them :)
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member

    That poor kid will suffer later on with that photo. Some people are total narcissists.

    o yeah...that kid is screwed. better start the psych appointments now.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding for a minimum of 3 years. I practiced child lead weaning as did most people I know. However, I do not live in the US.

    I also practiced attachment parenting which was not invented by Dr. Sears as the article implies but has been the normal method of parenting for thousands of years and is the most usual way of parenting in non-westernized cultures.

    Having said that - I have no problem with how people chose to parent their children. What works for my family won't work for yours and whats right for yours won't be right for the next family and so on and so on.

    I am the expert at parenting MY children. No one elses.

    What I hate about that article is that it is setting up the mommy wars. We are competitive enough with each other and I hate that it is looking to shoot down each other. As mothers we should be looking to build each other up because lets face it - its a damn tough job.

    I also hate that picture. Seriously. They are trying to create controversy and I guess they've done it but they have a chosen a thin, beautiful hipster type mother, a large (thats a tall 3 year old) BOY looking at the camera and exposed her chest and posed them to get people talking. If they showed her cradling her child nursing him, it wouldn't have created the same buzz.

    And the title "Are you Mom enough?".....don't get me started.

    That's precisely what I didn't like about the image either, he clearly wasn't "breastfeeding" and the way the picture was taken was purposefully put to shock people. I agree if she was cuddling him while he breastfeed, I don't think it would have been as dramatic. I think women are much too hard on each other as it is, we don't need magazines to continue to perpetuate it.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding for a minimum of 3 years. I practiced child lead weaning as did most people I know. However, I do not live in the US.

    I also practiced attachment parenting which was not invented by Dr. Sears as the article implies but has been the normal method of parenting for thousands of years and is the most usual way of parenting in non-westernized cultures.

    Having said that - I have no problem with how people chose to parent their children. What works for my family won't work for yours and whats right for yours won't be right for the next family and so on and so on.

    I am the expert at parenting MY children. No one elses.

    What I hate about that article is that it is setting up the mommy wars. We are competitive enough with each other and I hate that it is looking to shoot down each other. As mothers we should be looking to build each other up because lets face it - its a damn tough job.

    I also hate that picture. Seriously. They are trying to create controversy and I guess they've done it but they have a chosen a thin, beautiful hipster type mother, a large (thats a tall 3 year old) BOY looking at the camera and exposed her chest and posed them to get people talking. If they showed her cradling her child nursing him, it wouldn't have created the same buzz.

    And the title "Are you Mom enough?".....don't get me started.

    Yes. This. As a mom that is currently breastfeeding a 4 year old and a 2 year old (tandem), I rarely stand like that and have my breast that way. I love child led weaning. I love that my body continues to give my children antibodies (no; they do NOT outgrow this need at a year, as a child's immune system is not fully developed until somewhere around age 6) and nutrition. I don't force them to nurse (much to the surprise of people who say that moms who BF past a year only do it for themselves). BF is hard. BF for four years is harder! It isn't for myself! It's for my babies. However, we never have any tacky displays of it. We are discreet.

    Though I'll tell anyone about it. ;)
  • ellaminnowpea11

    What I hate about that article is that it is setting up the mommy wars. We are competitive enough with each other and I hate that it is looking to shoot down each other. As mothers we should be looking to build each other up because lets face it - its a damn tough job.

    I also hate that picture. Seriously. They are trying to create controversy and I guess they've done it but they have a chosen a thin, beautiful hipster type mother, a large (thats a tall 3 year old) BOY looking at the camera and exposed her chest and posed them to get people talking. If they showed her cradling her child nursing him, it wouldn't have created the same buzz.

    And the title "Are you Mom enough?".....don't get me started.

    ^^^^^This^^^^^ ITA!!!
  • Flemstica
    Flemstica Posts: 65 Member
    What I don't understand is why anyone cares how long anyone else breastfeeds? But to answer the question; I nursed my first daughter for 32 months, my youngest for 27 months. With both I tried to wean gently, but also was at a point when I did not want to continue nursing. I know plenty of people who nurse longer, and think it is wonderful.
  • ttaylor68913
    ttaylor68913 Posts: 324 Member
    my friend nurses... and she decided she was going to let him self wean(he is 28 months)..... she also plans on home schooling... so i think he will still be nursing when he is 40 living in her basement. I love her to death but if iwere her i'd want my body back
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding for a minimum of 3 years. I practiced child lead weaning as did most people I know. However, I do not live in the US.

    I also practiced attachment parenting which was not invented by Dr. Sears as the article implies but has been the normal method of parenting for thousands of years and is the most usual way of parenting in non-westernized cultures.

    Having said that - I have no problem with how people chose to parent their children. What works for my family won't work for yours and whats right for yours won't be right for the next family and so on and so on.

    I am the expert at parenting MY children. No one elses.

    What I hate about that article is that it is setting up the mommy wars. We are competitive enough with each other and I hate that it is looking to shoot down each other. As mothers we should be looking to build each other up because lets face it - its a damn tough job.

    I also hate that picture. Seriously. They are trying to create controversy and I guess they've done it but they have a chosen a thin, beautiful hipster type mother, a large (thats a tall 3 year old) BOY looking at the camera and exposed her chest and posed them to get people talking. If they showed her cradling her child nursing him, it wouldn't have created the same buzz.

    And the title "Are you Mom enough?".....don't get me started.

    That's precisely what I didn't like about the image either, he clearly wasn't "breastfeeding" and the way the picture was taken was purposefully put to shock people. I agree if she was cuddling him while he breastfeed, I don't think it would have been as dramatic. I think women are much too hard on each other as it is, we don't need magazines to continue to perpetuate it.

    I also agree about the title. I forgot to add it in my original post. I feel bad enough as it is that I work full time and my mother has practically raised my son. I mean seriously, "Are you Mom enough?"
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    We weaned our first when he was a freshman in college.

    Well at that point you pretty much have to. I mean, it's just a scheduling nightmare.
  • Lovinmama
    Lovinmama Posts: 38
    The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding for a minimum of 3 years. I practiced child lead weaning as did most people I know. However, I do not live in the US.

    I also practiced attachment parenting which was not invented by Dr. Sears as the article implies but has been the normal method of parenting for thousands of years and is the most usual way of parenting in non-westernized cultures.

    Having said that - I have no problem with how people chose to parent their children. What works for my family won't work for yours and whats right for yours won't be right for the next family and so on and so on.

    I am the expert at parenting MY children. No one elses.

    What I hate about that article is that it is setting up the mommy wars. We are competitive enough with each other and I hate that it is looking to shoot down each other. As mothers we should be looking to build each other up because lets face it - its a damn tough job.

    I also hate that picture. Seriously. They are trying to create controversy and I guess they've done it but they have a chosen a thin, beautiful hipster type mother, a large (thats a tall 3 year old) BOY looking at the camera and exposed her chest and posed them to get people talking. If they showed her cradling her child nursing him, it wouldn't have created the same buzz.

    And the title "Are you Mom enough?".....don't get me started.
    awesome! i totally agree! I am a full supporter of breastfeeding and attachment parenting, i also dont live in the usa. I do not jusdge other parents for what they do