Changing tastebuds?

tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
Do you have a food that was your favorite before beginning your weightloss journey, that you gave up, and no longer liked when you tried it again?

Mine is ranch dressing. I used to eat it on everything. 80 days on mfp and I hadn't had a drop. Today I worked out hard, so I allowed myself some on my salad, and I didn't even like it anymore.

Has this happened to you? With what foods?


  • chapparra27
    chapparra27 Posts: 115 Member
    Do you have a food that was your favorite before beginning your weightloss journey, that you gave up, and no longer liked when you tried it again?

    Mine is ranch dressing. I used to eat it on everything. 80 days on mfp and I hadn't had a drop. Today I worked out hard, so I allowed myself some on my salad, and I didn't even like it anymore.

    Has this happened to you? With what foods?
    YES!!! THe biggest thing I used to love was MOUNTAIN DEW!!! Now it is sooo nasty! tastes like pure sugar!!!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I don't crave pasta anymore at all. I used to eat it allll the time.
    I've also become really sensitive to sugar, since I'm not eating a lot of desserts. If salsa has added sugar, I know it right away, and it tastes way too sweet for me. Soda (diet and non) is unappealing to me for this reason
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Macaroni and cheese has always been one of my favorite foods. Before I started watching my calorie intake and eating healthy I practically lived off of the stuff that came in a box with powdered cheese. Now I can't stomach it. I still crave the real thing, the home baked kind, but the boxed/processed stuff? It makes my stomach turn.
  • Totally random, but mine is mustard and processed cheese. Both are way too salty for my taste now.
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    Potato Chips
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    lowfat cheese. oh wait, actually, i never liked it to begin with. :laugh:
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    I had a HUGE sweet tooth and now fruit is sweet like candy to me and I never thought that would happen! I eat no refined sugar now and it's crazy what is sweet to me now-even carrots!!
  • dorkboi
    dorkboi Posts: 87 Member
    Yes yes yes!!! Just this week I was drooling over pizza and when I finally gave in and had some it was almost gross and it made me sick. I'm also finding that seasonings are going out the window for me. I'm learning to appreciate the natural tastes of food.
  • jdhosier
    jdhosier Posts: 315 Member

    I tried some greasy food after eating better for a while and it made me sick to my stomach, literally. I also find my taste buds find more flavor in the natural taste of foods now than they did before I started this journey.
  • slipandsink
    slipandsink Posts: 43 Member
    I had a HUGE sweet tooth and now fruit is sweet like candy to me and I never thought that would happen! I eat no refined sugar now and it's crazy what is sweet to me now-even carrots!!

    Same (apart from the carrots!) - growing up I was a chocolate fiend and I'm still a massive dessert fan but over the last few years I've gone to fruit for sweetness and now even two chunks of a chocolate bar is too sickly and makes me feel ill. I used to eat 8 in one go!
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    So glad to know I'm not alone. There are a lot of foods I have discovered that I love now. Disliking ranch dressing really surprised me. I used to eat it on everything from eggs, fries, pizza.

    Oh and greasy food makes me sick too now.
  • kamazza
    kamazza Posts: 98 Member
    Yes I have noticed that, for me it's chocolate for the most part. I used to be able to wolf down a chocolate bar in two seconds flat. Now one square, maybe two, of the 70-80% dark kind is enough and even that is sweet! (I'm a Baker by trade, next thing I know I'll be eating Bakers' chocolate and thinking that's good!! *lol*)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Snickers. 15 years ago that was my "energy bar". Now? I couldn't choke one down.
  • laceylou0702
    laceylou0702 Posts: 226 Member
    I wish I didn't still enjoy chocolate & crap but I do.... however I've learned to control my eating of it, hopefully one day I'll stop wanting it so bad! :)
  • mabernier
    mabernier Posts: 62 Member
    try roasted carrots they are awesome!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I've also become really sensitive to sugar, since I'm not eating a lot of desserts. If salsa has added sugar, I know it right away, and it tastes way too sweet for me. Soda (diet and non) is unappealing to me for this reason
    Totally agree on the sugar. I still eat desserts, but I used to love the cheap sugary stuff like Little Debbies and now they are just too sweet. I do have soda on a rare occasion but it's not nearly as good.
  • mabernier
    mabernier Posts: 62 Member
    Try 90%'s bittersweet, but still very good, although not sure if it is worth the fat!
  • TundraTed
    TundraTed Posts: 254 Member
    Dr. Pepper. Before 2-3 cans a day. I have not had a regular Dr. Pepper in many months. I do drink Diet though.
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    Yes I have noticed that, for me it's chocolate for the most part. I used to be able to wolf down a chocolate bar in two seconds flat. Now one square, maybe two, of the 70-80% dark kind is enough and even that is sweet! (I'm a Baker by trade, next thing I know I'll be eating Bakers' chocolate and thinking that's good!! *lol*)

    Bakers chocolate will never be good! I do allowmyself dark chocolates and since dieting, find I enjoy the richer flavors. I found one that has chili pepper in it that is amazing to my taste buds!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Anything really greasy, like fast food or breaded deep fried foods or especially fatty meat. It makes me feel sluggish and bloated, and usually gives me the runs.