Runners (or cyclists): Jelly Beans vs. Gu



  • tenunderfour
    tenunderfour Posts: 429 Member
    For long runs (2 hours or longer) I eat Clif bars and jelly beans. I usually have a bite of a bar or a few jellies every 6 miles or so if I know I'm going 12+. I can't stand Gu or sports beans.
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    I use GU...but I dont use anything if its under an hour. Im addicted to the PB ones! On my last half...I did a gell..a clif bar and about 20 pretzel m & ms. I ran really well :)

    Wow, that is a LOT of heavy food for a half...I would have been pukin' on more than the Gu. On my last half I just did sports drink...nothing more. I don't know many runners who can tolerate much more than gels during race effort.
  • Mabohlale
    Mabohlale Posts: 148 Member
    The chia gel ratio is 1 part chia seeds to 9 parts water. 1 T of chia seed has 2 g of protein and 6 g carbs. My hubby has tried Gu and sport chews on other distance runs in the past; but the chia gel really gave him the endurance that he was looking for; not just the quick blast. It's a complete protein (like quinoa). He mixes it in small zip loc bags and puts a few little baggies in the pouch from his number on his club jersey. Then when he needs a boost he just pulls one out, rips the corner of the bag open and sucks the gel down. =)