Nausea & Vomiting after protein shake!

**I know this is long but I'd really appreciate the help**

About a week ago, I spoke with personal trainer friend of mine, telling him how after four months at the gym, I had barely seen results, but I can feel it. He suggested supplementing a protein shake into my diet, at least for a month, and see if I can SEE a difference.

A few days ago I started using ON 100% Whey protein (vanilla ice cream flavor), 1 scoop w/ 8oz water after a workout. The first couple of days went fine. I even added a tablespoon to my non-fat yogurt at night if I felt I was at a protein deficit.

Then today, after my workout, I had my shake as usual. About two hours later I felt a bit nauseous, almost in a fog, and light-headed. I typically eat every few hours, so I believed the lightheadedness was due to a skipped meal. I made myself a small grilled chicken salad.

It couldn't have been more than 30 minutes after I ate that I vomited, twice.

I didn't go particularly hard at the gym. As a small female, on back day, I don't really do much (as compared to other isolated area days). 5-6 exercises on moderate but increasing weight, 12 reps, 3 sets. Since my legs still were sore from the day before (leg day), I only did 20 minutes of cardio instead of 30-40.

I kept myself hydrated during and after the workout (about 4 bottles of water from 10 am-2 pm), had a good night's rest, didn't push myself too hard, and ***I do NOT have a lactose intolerance.***

The first threee days using ON Whey Protein went fine. I was wondering if anyone could give any insight as to why I may have gotten so nauseous and vomitied?

I am 98 lbs (no I'm not anorexic, I'm trying to build mass, I'm 5'1" and have a small frame), 22 years old. Maybe 1 scoop (24 g of protein) is too much for my body weight?

Also, the salad I had (which was 1 breast piece of grilled chicken, 4 almonds, 4 black olives, 2 artichoke hearts and of course lettuce), had 32 g of protein (as according to the M.F.P app).

Is it possible that consuming both 24 g of protein from the shake and 32 g of protein from the salad within a two hour span could have caused a... protein overdose?

Either way, I'm freaked out. Please help!

<3 Laura


  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member
    That is a lot of protein for your size. You should get 1gm of protein per KG so for the day you should be around 45gms and you had that all at once. If you are going to eat protein (such as your salad) there is no need to add shakes. I would back off on them and eat real food or try only 1/2 scoop. I do use the powder but my protein goals for the day are over 100 so I find it to reach some days. High levels of protein can be hard on your kidneys so make sure you are drinking plenty of water.
  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    It could be that's its too much protein, though I started at 97lbs (am now up to 102) and I have been eating 100+ g protein per day for 5 weeks, I believe that if you are trying to gain muscle, 1-1.5g of protein per lb of lean body mass is totally acceptable, and so far, the worst thing that has happen to me is that I had awful gas (Satan's breath!!) when I over did it. What I think it might be is that the particular shake didn't agree with you, so maybe you need to try taking a half portion, or changing brands, or changing protein types (a blend instead of a straight whey type)

    But if you were fine the first few days on it, I kinda think something else could have caused it the vomiting.

  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    I also want to add, if you really want to see result at the gym and muscle gain, you need to be eating a surplus, and it doesn't look like you are doing that.
  • lbord125
    lbord125 Posts: 4
    @ Janet, I'm going to start using only half of a scoop of protein instead of the full amount. Thank you.

    @Cocos_mum, like I menioned, going to start using only half a scoop and gradually add a little more. Also, as far as eating goes, I've never been one to have a huge appetite. I know I have to eat more, and I have been as of lately. But I have a hard time hitting my caloric goal for the day while trying to still eat relatively healthy. If I miss the goal now, it's only by a small margin of maybe 50-100 kcal. Thank you!
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Is there any chance you're lactose intolerant? Even if it's not on the label, a lot of powders do have lactose in them.
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    Its weird but I had the nauseous feeling too a few times after using EAS 100% Whey Protein Powder..I loved it tho! I would put it in smoothies and whatnot and even finished the whole thing.. Some days I would feel icky and other days just fine.. I never really thought too much about it.....I never threw up tho, just felt kinda nauseous.. Didnt know if it was me or just my stomach couldnt really handle it.. Either way, for the most part I would just chug it down..
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Certain whey proteins make me uh....flatulent with upset tummy. Not all of them, but a few. I took one of them and on the 3rd day, got sick..I finally figured out what it was on day 5 of being sick.

    That being said, only 2 have made me sick, all the others are fine..and I've tried a lot. Maybe the particular one you're using just doesn't agree with your body :)
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Check your ingredients list again, the whey used in it may be "100% whey" but you did say you had vanilla flavoured, which means there's more than just the whey in there, the scoop you're using isn't "100% whey" in that case, though the whey portion could well be.

    Always pays to check your labels, such as the protein drink section at my local convenience store.... most of the drinks available there "labelled" as protein drinks are more accurately "meal replacement drinks" as they have more carbs than they do protein.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    Off topic, but I have to ask.. If you are trying to gain muscle mass.. Why do you only eat 800 calories a day?
  • lbord125
    lbord125 Posts: 4
    **For everyone who is criticizing me about not eating enough calories in order to gain muscle mass, here is what I have to say.
    *** Yes, I am trying to gain weight. Yes my caloric intake says I have about 800 calories for the day.
    ***** What you can't see is that there are many days (most, actually) that I forget to put in what I had for dinner, or a snack or something. I don't feel the need to log every single ****ing item that I eat because I'm TRYING to go over the amount of calories that I need.
    ******** I also press the "complete entry" every time I log because otherwise it doesn't save on my app. So right now it says I'm 738 calories under what I should be for the day. ***This is only after breakfast.**
    ********* I also eat EVERY TWO-FOUR HOURS. And there are things I eat that aren't available for logging on the app. For instance, today is my cheat day. And I'll probably end up getting a quesadilla from a franchise fast food place (planet wings) and there is no item log for that, but I can tell you it is at LEAST 800 calories for the entire quesadilla, probably a lot more.
    ************ And lastly, I started using this app to lose weight at first (107-97), because I wanted to lose FAT, So I could then build up muscle mass... instead of building up muscle under fat. I KNOW THE WAY THAT MY OWN BODY WORKS, and also I thought this was a motivational community... not somewhere where I feel I have to defend myself over being criticized.

    @wobb No I am not lactose intolerant. I love cheese too much :D

    @spontaneous I cut the amount of protein in half for today and sipped it slowly, so far no problems! It's been almost an hour now. Hope you find one that doesn't make you nauseous!

    @happyfeet Excess protein will give you terrible smelling gas, haha. I hope it's not the protein I am using because I actually like how this one tastes.

    @Pandorian Thank you for the tip! This one is a protein drink, and there are a few extra ingredients (vanilla flavouring, etc) but no casein, or creatine, which I know from past experience has hurt my stomach.
  • missprincessjenny
    missprincessjenny Posts: 104 Member
    It could be the protein shake itself. I can't stomach certain shakes. They make me vomit. I also find if I make it in a smoothie it is easier on my stomach than with just water.
  • lbord125
    lbord125 Posts: 4
    @missprincess today I did half a scoop with some yogurt. No nausea or anything! I think cold dairy actually helps. Thanks for the tip!
  • owyn999
    owyn999 Posts: 12 Member
    If you are already thin (which it looks like you are) and you aren't getting enough calories it is physically impossible to be getting results at the gym. Those fast food binges wouldn't help either I wouldn't suspect, at least not compared to real food.

    As for why a shake makes you throw up, look at how those shakes are made.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    If the protein shake did not make you feel ill the first few times you've had it, why are you blaming it for making you feel ill on the third day?

    Far more likely to be a caused by a stomach bug, than a reaction to a new food that's somehow been delayed for three days!

    What was the use by date on the yoghurt you mixed in with it?

    EDITED TO ADD: The incubation period for some stomach bugs is several days, it could have been something you ate or became infected with days ago!
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    I would check the protein ingredients. It takes at least one exposure to a substance to develop an allergy to it, so if this is an allergic reaction, it makes sense that it didn't strike earlier.

    Also, go easy on the people mentioning the calorie intake; you're asking us why you are throwing up, and we're looking into what you're eating. Since your log isn't complete, then it is harder for us to help. And if your log had been complete, then knowing you are under-eating could have been a piece of the puzzle (not eating enough > lightheaded >nauseous >puke, for example).
  • patron824
  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    Your not eating enough
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    There are certain brands that i cannot drink. I have no clue what it is in them that makes me hurl/upset stomach, etc, but alas, some I cannot drink. Muscle Milk is one of them. ABB I can have and Costco sells one called Premier Nutrition that i can drink. You may want to try ready-made ones as well. They are more expensive, but more palatable IMO. And that way you can see if they upset your stomach or not withlut investing in the tub of powder. Or buy the individual packets to try of the powder. I'd try taking the tub of the one that makes you sick back to the store if you still have the receipt. If they won't refund you, call the company and see if they will reimburse you, etc.
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    Perhaps it wasn't the shake but the chicken was not cooked properly. Also the two together could be protein overload.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I'd say the shake could do it. I was in a similar situation. I started drinking UN Iso Sensation to boost my protein. First 3-4 days were fine. When I drank it after that, I'd have spotting. I cut back on exercise, thinking I was pushing myself too hard, but I kept spotting. When I quit drinking it, the spotting stopped.

    If you want to drink it, try half a scoop or mix with something other than water.