Nausea & Vomiting after protein shake!



  • Wheldrake
    There is no scientific proof anywhere that says how much protein you can digest in one sitting. You may want to visit a bodybuilding forum for advice in the future. Often the different types of protein are digested at different rates anyway and can take 3 hours or more to clear your system depending on what it was that you ate. If this was a one time thing I would say you got some "contamination" in your food and your body responded by vomiting which is typical for food poisoning. I am lactose intolerant and suspect that I have a degree of allergy to lactose as well ( I cant remember what the disorder is called). Depending on what I eat whey products will make me vomit. (this only happens with shakes). Because of the bloating and gas I encounter with the concentrates I only use whey protein isolate which has almost none of the compounds that cause a reaction and make me vomit. I use Natures Best Isopure. Its one of the most expensive whey proteins you can buy but has very little in the way of byproducts of whey that make me sick. I will only get gas and bloating if I use a low quality whey or concentrated whey (which is kind of what I expect you are using) that is blended and not shaken.. I don’t know why this is, but I never get sick when I use my shaker at work. I always have bloating and gas unless I use a whey isolate. Its very strange as I can eat cottage cheese all day and go home and blend up a protein drink and be sick so I am always paying top dollar for the whey protein isolate powders. I have also tried putting cottage cheese in my protein drinks and it makes me vomit as well. I never have issues with vomiting when I eat cottage cheese on its own, and I only vomit when I blend it. I am 45 and have had your problem maybe 5-8 times in my life almost always am trying a new product. I have re-learned this over and over as sometimes I can handle a concentrate just fine so I forget and then eventually get sick and relearn my lesson.

    I recently switched to drinking raw egg whites and now I don’t have the bloating or the occasional nausea, vomiting. There are a couple of companies that I can think of that make the egg whites for raw consumption. (Organic, and pasteurized and tested for bacteria) The other is from a company called egg whites international (not tested for bacteria). I am blending that into my protein drinks and will hopefully be able to stomach drinking it without blending at all since blending "supposedly" damages the protein. There doesn’t seem to be a limit of the amount of raw egg whites I can drink. I have read of bodybuilders drinking over 360 grams of protein a day in this manner. Which I find encouraging because no matter the quality of Whey protein I can only take in about 150 grams a day and that is still uncomfortable. I have a bit of an aversion to eating raw foods so I am taking my time and getting used to the product. Currently drinking 205 grams worth of raw egg white and I have no issues what so ever its totally awesome.

    My suggestion is to change the brand of your shake. Upgrade to an isolate, or consider switching to soy (which can have issues as well), or another protein type or try using a raw or liquid egg product designed for consumption without cooking it.

    Oh and Soy also has an isolate version which has fewer cabs. There is an even higher quality whey isolate forgive me but I dont remember the name it starts with an H... hydrolized or something that is supposed to be even more pure than isopure, and has the fewest whey by products in it.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    It's completely hard to judge after just one day. Also, the fact that it happened a couple hours later there could be a number of other factors that is affecting it. I would keep on it for a few more days and see if things change then if not go ahead and change things up.
  • mrshein
    Most protein shakes have artificial sweeteners!!! Sucralose can wreak havoc on your system!!! As well as Aspartame.

    You should give Vegan Shakeology a try. It is sweetened with Stevia. No whey and no soy.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Most protein shakes have artificial sweeteners!!! Sucralose can wreak havoc on your system!!! As well as Aspartame.

    You should give Vegan Shakeology a try. It is sweetened with Stevia. No whey and no soy.

    Shakeology is a meal replacement... it will not give nearly the amount of calories or protein the OP needs.

    Artificial sweeteners don't always wreack havoc... only some people have issues with it.

    To the OP, it might of just been a coincidence. If the shake didn't make you feel sick the first few times you had it I doubt it is the shake causing you to feel ill. You may of drank it too quickly, had it too quickly after your workout (it makes me sick if I drink it too fast or drink it too soon).

    If it didn't make you feel sick today I would imagine you are fine. If you are trying to build muscle you really need that protein and those calories from the protein shake. Try having the full scoop again and if it causes you to feel sick than just slowly increase the amount you put into your shake. Or have half a scoop before, half a scoop after.
  • Jenibynes
    Jenibynes Posts: 13 Member
    I'm with YOU, Chocolate Vegan is the bomb! I don't think people actually know what's in Shakeology or how many people are using it daily.

    OP, I have heard of people having trouble with different brands of protein shakes based on what's in them. I know that there are vegan mixes that my son tolerates better than the milk based ones. My friend had WLS like I had and she and I couldn't drink the same shakes! Hers made ME sick and mine made HER sick! LOL. I think you should try a different brand next time. I don't think you got too much protein. I shoot for 70g a day and I have friends who shoot for 100+. Have you tried EAS? Their shakes are good... and their AdvantEdge premixed shakes are pretty good and fairly inexpensive.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I used to suffer awful bloat and gas with protein shakes and realised most are so highly processed and artificial anyway that I was best off getting my protein from Greek yoghurt, cottage cheese, chicken, salmon, seafood, eggs, beans and nuts. I manage up to 130g a day on 1800 calories easily.
  • skcardiog
    skcardiog Posts: 316 Member
    1 scoop w/ 8oz water - ? ? ?

    Lose the water - add greek yogurt or plain yogurt, some fruit and skim milk.

    Better taste and more nutritious.
  • qofdisks
    qofdisks Posts: 31 Member
    I have started a meal replacement shake metagenics bariactric advantage with so much sucrolose that a sip feels like an electric shock. I am having an extreme bad reaction to it. It is like poison to me. Dizzyness, weakness, numbness of tongue and lips, shaky, hungry, confusion and slurred speech. It helps to sip it down as slowly as possible but, it still makes me feel like crap. The only way I can counter it is to eat.
    I am having a hard time and under a great deal of pressure to comply with bariactric requirements including drinking this crap as essentially exclusively for my nourishment both pre-op and post op. I am distressed and frightened. i cannot even operate a car on the stuff. Insulin shock from the excessive sucrolose?
  • sarab99
    sarab99 Posts: 134 Member
    Could be you were getting sick or had a mild case of food poisoning from something else. The timing may have been coincidental. People don't overdose from protein. Eating too much over a long period of time can cause problems down the road, but it won't cause nausea.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    After using one of the popular whey shakes for a while I broke out in psoriasis. I looked back at my diary during that period and the shake was the only new thing I consumed. I looked at the ingredients list and it was a mile long. I started googling them one by one and sure enough one of the growth factors in there was related to psoriasis. They have so many strange ingredients maybe you had a reaction to one of them.
  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
  • bettyann55
    bettyann55 Posts: 87 Member
    That is a lot of protein for your size. You should get 1gm of protein per KG so for the day you should be around 45gms and you had that all at once. If you are going to eat protein (such as your salad) there is no need to add shakes. I would back off on them and eat real food or try only 1/2 scoop. I do use the powder but my protein goals for the day are over 100 so I find it to reach some days. High levels of protein can be hard on your kidneys so make sure you are drinking plenty of water.
    Protein drinks can be very dangerous at such low weights. My grandson almost went into kidney failure as a direct result of drinking protein shakes to help him bulk up while working out. Be careful and reduce your intake of protein supplements until your body can adjust.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I used to eat Whey protein. I was eating it for a few months and it tasted delicious to me. Everything was fine. Then one day I ate it and I threw up and was nauseous for hours. I tried it again and the same thing happened. At that point, even the smell of it turned me off. And it no longer tasted good. It tasted strange. I thought it had gone bad so I returned it for another and the same thing happened. I tried another brand, the same thing happened. I tried a third brand and the same thing happened. I don't know why this happened. I only know that, for some reason, I appear to have developed an intolerance to it. I don't want to be sick and vomit. I don't want to be anywhere near whey protein. I gave it a good try and I don't want to try anymore, So, now I use vegetarian protein powder for the past year and it's been fine. I've used hemp, rice, pea. And right now I am using pumpkin seed protein powder.

    You can develop an intolerance to something over the course of exposure to it.

    I also want to add that it's not because of your body weight. I am 5'2" and I weigh 100 pounds and I eat at least 90 grams of protein a day. You can eat 1 gram per pound of lean body mas or 1 gram per pound of body weight per day.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    While I understand free internet nutrition advice is cheap and plentiful, this sounds like you really should talk to a well educated nutritionist.
  • Redheadllena
    Redheadllena Posts: 353 Member
    I have almost the exact same story and found this thread while searching for answers. I use Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein and when I have it post workout on an empty stomach, a few hours later I get really nauseous (Like right now). I notice it much more on days I have eaten poorly and especially when I have the protein after not eating for a while. It totally sucks! Everything you described is what I'm dealing with; does anyone know what's going on?? This sucks.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I have almost the exact same story and found this thread while searching for answers. I use Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein and when I have it post workout on an empty stomach, a few hours later I get really nauseous (Like right now). I notice it much more on days I have eaten poorly and especially when I have the protein after not eating for a while. It totally sucks! Everything you described is what I'm dealing with; does anyone know what's going on?? This sucks.

    Lately I've been using rice protein.

    Sometimes I wonder if I can use whey again and not vomit, since it's been so long now. But, I really can't bring myself to try it again.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I'm guessing no one noticed this thread was resurrected from almost a year and a half ago.
  • _errata_
    _errata_ Posts: 1,653 Member
    It's not the protein. You can't build muscle with a negative nitrogen balance, and you are almost guaranteed to have a negative nitrogen balance if your caloric intake is only 800 calories. If you want to build more muscle, and be healthier, you need to eat more, and that means more protein.

    Most people advocate 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass. In other words, if you weigh 120 lbs, you should get about 120 grams of protein. Most lifters will eat more than that. Check out the "Eat, Train, Progress" board if you have more questions about lifting.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I'm guessing no one noticed this thread was resurrected from almost a year and a half ago.

    The person that resurrected it explained why she did. Because it was resurrected is the reason I was alerted to it (because I posted on it a year and a half ago).
  • verbenaverbena
    Same happened to me - tongue burning, intense nausea and vomiting (twice bx I had to make sure it what that) after whey protein shake. I have an allergy to dairy (different from lactose intolerance) and pretty sure that's the reason. I switched to vegan Raw Protein (Cacao). No vomiting and it's pretty good. Also like the VegaSport vegan shakes.