Looking for Support From Ppl Who have been Skinny Before



  • TriciaZ944
    TriciaZ944 Posts: 317 Member
    Idk know if this is the difference in weight you were thinking but I went on medication and gained 20lbs up 3 pant sizes etc. Now I am back down to my regular pant size but my body is still not where it was before the 20lbs gain.
  • angemarie23
    angemarie23 Posts: 55
    It's truly amazing to look back at old photos to see how skinny I really was. I was so shy and insecure I had no idea. That was when I thought 140 was fat. Now, that's my goal weight. lol
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    I've been there and done that, are you just looking for friends like that or have questions?
  • KimInsanityP
    All through grade school and high school I was skinny. I was so sick of being called skinny and being told I must eat like a bird. I tried everything to gain weight and nothing worked. In our community being thick is desirable, being skinny, not so much. But 15 years and 2 kids later, now I have to work to keep the weight off my stomach and back! So I'm right there with you! I'll friend request ya!!!
  • anitaplus4
    anitaplus4 Posts: 3,338 Member
    I was skinny my whole life. Then I had my first child and gained a ton of weight. I lost some of it then had my second child. It has been that way pretty much since. I have 4 kids and now & I have about 50 pounds to lose. I am 5ft 7inches. Feel free to add me. I am so ready to get back on the skinny/healthy side of the fence. :happy:
  • WelcomeToWonderland
    I was athletic and had a ton of muscle until i got sick 5 years ago and gained a on of weight but then i lost it all when i came off the meds and then i was put back on a stronger medication and gained 70--80 pounds and now im working even harder to lose it because im still on the meds. I know both extremes but it makes me appreciate the loss even more because im working 5 times as i was without the meds.
  • jessgrey2
    jessgrey2 Posts: 88 Member
    Me me! And my old clothes motivate me! I am so mad at myself for letting it get to this point though. I just added you, anyone else in this thread feel free to friend me as well!
  • lostsanity137
    lostsanity137 Posts: 298 Member
    I used to be skinny a few years ago. Then I picked up my ex boyfriend's horrible eating habits, made them habits of my own and got a sit down job and went from 115 to 165 at 5' 4". While I am not "obese" I am over weight. GAH!

    Sad part is, when I was skinny it was effortless because I didn't eat a lot and had a job that had me walking around all day. But technically I was "skinny fat". Even at 115 I had a little muffin top and my thighs were always flabby.

    In a way, I'm kind of glad I got "fat", because now I know I don't want to be 115lbs of skinny fat this time around. When I lose the weight this time, I want to have sexy muscle! I think that looks WAY better!
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    I wasn't "skinny" but I wasn't fat either , I was just too lazy to work out so I had no muscle lol . I didn't gain any weight until I had my second child , well I gained weight with my first but it all dropped off within 2 months. I ended up at 200 + lbs and am now 157 (WAS at 145 last year but my dad died last summer and I went into a depression) feel free to add me :)
  • sammyb46
    sammyb46 Posts: 1
    I was actually chubbier before. about 125 and 5'2". now im 5'4" and 102.. people call me too skinny all the time... well because i kind of am, but its so hard to force myself to gain wait knowing where i was before and how much i hated myself
  • PersephoneH
    PersephoneH Posts: 10
    Hey I'm a dancer/dance teacher. I took s year out to travel and gained a loads, so add me if that's the kinda person your looking for!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I was never skinny, but I was one of those people who could eat whatever they wanted. My weight was around 120 lb or less through most of my 20s and 30s and I was quite muscular. I went up to about 170 lb when I was pregnant, but the weight came off naturally, without dieting. It's only in the past few years that I've stopped being "naturally" at a healthy BMI. I gained weight quite quickly and then leveled out at about 210. I wasn't aware of eating any more than I did before! I look at the clothes I wore a few years ago and they seem tiny. It's hard to believe that I was ever that size, yet I know that I was for most of my adult life!

    I do think that becoming fat when you were previously on the slim side feels different to being fat all your life. I'm not saying that one is better or worse than the other, just different. I keep trying to pinpoint what changed to make me fat, and I can't put my finger on it. What happened? :laugh:
  • jeni27
    jeni27 Posts: 17
    I used to be skinny!! I'm 5'5" and I was always 98lbs even after my first pregnancy i never worried anout what i ate pizza full fat juice cakes i dindnt exersize then i went up a tiny bit and by after my second pregnancy (my sons now 3) I was a still tiny 104lbs I weighed 105lbs at Xmas 2010 and now I'm up to 112lbs ye it's still not huge but iv really been watching what I eat the last year and I'm steadily gaining I'm not a happy bunny at all my goal is to get down to 105lbs again thro eating healthy and exersize