Hello....and embarrassing "run" today!



  • nell1972
    nell1972 Posts: 19
    LMFAO @ running girls pic......thanks Lane1012, that made my day. In fact I might make it my profile pic.
  • duhblond
    duhblond Posts: 138 Member
    They should be the ones embarrassed about being so rude, karma will get them someday :K
    Good for you for getting out there and making a change.
    Just keep at it.
    You can do it
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    I can relate. When I started the C25K program, I had lost about 40 lbs but was still very self conscious and did not run fast. It was more like a slow jog (I did it on the treadmill at my gym). All of the "real" runners stayed in the back row. You know who joined me in my row? Old ladies. We're talking, old here...70+. Keep running toward your goal and block out anything holding you back!
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    run in sunglasses - you never feel quite so "exposed" when your eyes are hidden.

    This is so true! When I first started running, I'd wear my sunglasses whether I needed them or not. I compared it to the ostrich sticking his head in the sand, thinking nobody can see him. Now, I don't care what I look like when I run. I'm lapping those on the couch!

    Welcome to MFP and good luck with C25K! You are on the right track, keep it up! :drinker:
  • FloraSin
    FloraSin Posts: 188 Member
    This is why I run before the sun comes up. lol

    I'm not really running to lose weight, I want to be a good runner. I'm just not comfortable with other people seeing me yet.

    I just finished week 3 of C25K.
  • Alycra
    Alycra Posts: 88 Member
    I am always self conscious when I run. I am short, I am over weight, and I am not convinced that I run any faster than I walk... lol.
    I only run after dark. I know it sounds silly, but I don't even want to run when people can see me. Doing the Warrior Dash recently about killed me because there were a lot of people who could see me run (however totally was a fantastic experience).

    I keep thinking to myself "When I am in better shape/run faster/can wear something cute...etc" I will run during the day." I am not convinced that day is coming. LOL. So don't feel bad, you are in a far better place than me right now.
  • Alycra
    Alycra Posts: 88 Member
    Duplicate post
  • Alycra
    Alycra Posts: 88 Member
    run in sunglasses - you never feel quite so "exposed" when your eyes are hidden.

    Ohhh ... new ideas everyday. I might try this
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Now imagine a mid 30s 280-pound guy with dewlap (where the belly dew-lap over the belt) in shorts, a loose t-shirt, and cheap sneakers, pounding away at it, sweat pouring, all colors of purple, proud of sustaining about 4.5 miles an hour for a couple of minutes at a time.

    Yup. That was me. I weigh 216 now, I'm ten years older, not a bit less ugly, but I don't turn heads like I used to.

    I also don't get as many "thumbs-up" as I used to. There's something about being out there pouring your heart and soul into something that makes other people like you more. Sure there's a few *kitten* out there, but when I see someone who is as I once was, I understand the intense effort they are putting into it. Been there. Done that. Know how it feels.

    But when I'd run into a gaggle of teens whooshing by me, if I was listening, there'd always be a few nasty comments, and a few mutters, and one or two quiet "way to go, man!" or "good effort!" mixed in. Those were what I listened for.

    "Way to go!"