Straight talk. How do I ease the HUNGER?



  • lillebanon
    lillebanon Posts: 214 Member
    I highly recommend eating more. Lots more. And still losing weight.
    Here is a group that can help you do it right.

    Also a blog I wrote on the subject:
  • toysbigkid
    toysbigkid Posts: 545 Member
    bumping for later read.
  • becky3277
    becky3277 Posts: 64 Member
    This totally works!!!! Several friends and I started doing this about a month ago and we have all seen changes in our bodies. The body fat is dropping, losing inches, and pounds. Stick with it for a month and see what happens!!!
    Eat less processed foods and more fresh foods.

    Work out how many calories you should be eating to lose weight. Have a read of the stickies in this group :-

    I especially recommend these two stickies:-

    I can't for one moment imagine that your calorie intake is correct. I am female, 5'4", 42 years old and am losing weight eating 1800 calories a day and not netting below my BMR. Work out your BMR and TDEE. I hope you will give it a go. It upsets me to think that folk are fuelling their bodies with so little :(

    Let us know how you get on.
  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member
    1) Eat your exercise calories. They're given to you for a reason.
    2) Eat more fiber
    3) Eat more protein
    4) Drink lots of water
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member

    I looked at one week of your diary and you left a total of over 3000 calories on the table. Those are meant to be EATEN. You could only leave that much behind if you were set at maintenance. You are presumably set at a deficit so you need to EAT them to avoid having too large a deficit, which will leave you (imagine that!) STARVING! :)

    Yes, more veggies and less processed food would be good, but the bigger issue right now is just getting enough into you at all!
  • jenfrade
    jenfrade Posts: 1 Member
    Veggies dont have to be boring . Try looking for curried veggioe receipes and also the flat belly diet book receipes can be found on line and I haven't found a bad one yet! Im a real foodie too. Good luck!:happy:
  • EmBlazes
    EmBlazes Posts: 374 Member
    I am trying Low GI at the moment so cutting out most refined white carbs but including healthy wholemeal carbs (brown rice, wholemeal pasta). I try not to eat any bread at all. It's helped a lot with me not feeling ravenous all the time.

    Try having more protein with every meal.

    Not sure what your pattern of eating is but perhaps you could try having larger meals but less of them so you are properly full after you finish eating.
  • Drink water and you wont feel hungry
    Or chew a gum
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    First off, you only came close to your calories 1 day last week. The rest you were under by at least 500. So eat those calories!!

    It also looks like you are trying to get by on 3 meals and nothing else. I would say add some healthy snacks in. I am making my food diary public, so take a peek if you'd like. After exercise and breastfeeding, I get about the same number of calories as I noticed you have. I am by no means perfect, but it might give you ideas. I don't always eat snacks, but I have yogurt, nuts (roasted, no salt ... not the canned kind), cheese, fruit, and veggies around if I do want a snack. When I was on the go, I carried a granola bar/nutrigrain bar with me every day. I still try to keep something in my purse/diaper bag because if I don't eat when I'm hungry I get REALLY grumpy and then go overboard. Even when I'm splurging, I try to keep the calories moderate so I have room for later in the day.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    Eating a fruit stops the hunger. Grab an apple, peach, kiwi, orange, or anything from the vegetable section that has sugar in it. Another thing you can do to subside the hunger is do a light jog for 24 minutes.
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    if you work out a lot,..... high fat foods with protein seem to do the trick. the fat keeps you full longer if you dont want to overload on carbs/sugar.

    2 oz of cream cheese, Avocados and protein powder shake/smoothies, peanut butter on celery or toast....

    dont be afraid of fat! keep it healthy moderation and it does curb hunger
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    Give up all the processed foods and focus on protein and vegetables! You'll never feel hungry and you will even find you have a hard time eating all your calories!
  • i do freah fruit with sugar free jelly reall helps me good luck
  • MereExtraordinaire
    MereExtraordinaire Posts: 143 Member
    You definitely need to eat more. Try more foods with less calories: rather than a high-calorie sandwich and carb-loaded side for lunch, try a sandwich with lower calories and vegetables and/or fruit on the side. You can eat a lot more carrots and celery volume-wise for the calorie content of a serving of Cheetohs!

    Also, make sure you are eating all of your allotted calories for a given day. MFP automatically adjusts your daily allowance of calories so you can lose weight, and if you are eating less than that, you are just starving yourself!!
  • SpazzyMal
    SpazzyMal Posts: 276 Member
    You're not eating all the calories you should be. Not eating exercise calories back, I assume? MFP builds in a deficit already. If you do no exercise, and just eat the amount they give you, you'd still lose weight because they already subtract calories. If you add exercise but don't add any food to make up for the energy you burned working out, you're eating even less to fuel your body. On the surface that probably seems good, but it's really not healthy. So eat your exercise calories back!

    As for your diet itself, it does look like a lot of processed food. Processed food usually means you're eating less bulk for more calories than you would be if you were eating less processed foods. I know you said you don't like vegetables, but you can train yourself to become more adjusted to them. just try adding them into your foods more often. Taste buds change (they renew themselves every few months, I believe) and become acclimated to the things you're eating most. You can grow to like veggies. Maybe not all of them, because everyone has preferences, but you can definitely widen your palette. Give it some time.

    And for your lunch, brown bag it. Most sandwiches keep well for the day without needing to be refrigerated. Try pastas, too, especially cold ones. Salads are good too. Veggies and dip. Peanut butter and fruit. Nuts. Do a web search for children's lunchbox blogs, where people write about what they put in their kid's lunches. Bento blogs can be good too if you're into asian food at all — bento are traditional Japanese lunchboxes and are pretty popular. You can probably get some good ideas from there and adapt them to your needs.
  • toomuchsweetness
    toomuchsweetness Posts: 168 Member
    I agree, you arent eating enough either, but, I wouldnt add more of the same to what you are eating.. you eat a Ton of sodium .. more fresh fruit, and veggies. cottage cheese, Fiber bars are good, peanut butter. GL
  • Susabelle64
    Susabelle64 Posts: 207 Member
    Really good advice on here, I would also suggest adding a good multi-vitamin. Sometimes hunger is triggered because we are just missing something in our diet. Add a multi-vitamin in the morning with a protein shake of some sort and you may find this helps your hunger.
  • rader1
    rader1 Posts: 13
    Unless you're not logging all of your foods, you are not eating enough. One thing that helps me is drinking water before eating. Like you, I also love meat and very few veggies. Try making your own stir fry with brown rice, lean cuts of meat and the veggies that you do like. If you feel the need to eat more do so early in the day, so you have the rest of the day to burn it off. Most importantly, stick with it!!
  • My trick is simple. I track my calories for the day and then exercise my butt off. This earns me more calories for later in the day, usually leaving me with plenty of calories left over. For me its better than starving. I'll just go hungry on days I don't exercise. God bless
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Lots of veggies, especially leafy greens and PROTEIN!!!! Lots of protein. Keeps you full for a longer time.