Straight talk. How do I ease the HUNGER?



  • jkleon86
    jkleon86 Posts: 245 Member
    Consider adding vegetables to your diet.:smile:

    YES, you can learn to like vegetables I never thought I could like plain broccoli but after eating it a while I learn to prefer it that way. a shocker to me :wink:
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Veggies can be cooked a ton of ways too, not just soggy or al dente. You can grill, bake, sautee, etc.

    I'd suggest picking up a good cookbook that has easy recipes. The Joy of Cooking is a good one.

    Also, if you don't have a crock pot, get one. They are fantastic for easy, healthy, home-cooked meals.
  • brittanylock09
    brittanylock09 Posts: 197 Member
    people chop veggies up super small and add them in pasta sauces or dishes that use red sauces. try getting more fiber. Fiber one bars and cereal. Eat peanut butter!! Peanut butter in oatmeal, shakes, crackers, fruit...
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,096 Member
    As you wish.
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    The answer is, if you are hungry eat. Just eat the right stuff. No magic bullet, no magic pill, if you want to be healthy you must eat healthy foods. Fruits, veggies, all of it. Drink plenty of water, it's important.

    If you were a really big eater before, it will take time for your body to adjust to eating "normal" amounts of food. Spread your eating out over the day, five or six meals a day. That can help a lot with the hungry feeling and also keep your metabolism up.
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    A pound of chicken is approximate 440. 1 cup of peas/corn 120.

    I then drink my water, and hunger is solved for myself. I am big into soda, but days I eat correct I don't want one. No room
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    Don't sugar coat anything, not needed.

    Consider what you're actually wanting to achieve out of this for a minute. If you definition of a healthy lifestyle is eating a bowl of cereal and wendys for your food intake, you may need to reconsider how much that will actually accomplish.

    I'm not saying you need to be all fruits/veggies and "pure" foods, but learning to cook and straying from fast food at all costs will go a long ways in your diet struggles. It's also very important to eat enough! There are thousands on threads on here that cover the topic you just posted about. I found the best way is to educate yourself instead of waiting for a magical answer to fall into your lap. Not only will you have a much broader idea of what works and what doesn't, but you will learn a TON about proper dieting.

    Lastly to answer your original question. Whole grains, Protein, eating often and lots and lots of water should keep your hunger at bay.
  • lrcross
    lrcross Posts: 42
    No sugar coating...

    Don't eat out so much; sometimes the calories do not equal being/feeling full.

    Like someone else mentioned, spread your meals out and eat foods to help you feel full, but not pack allot of calories. I know you are not into fruits and vegetables, but they can help curb hunger.

    If this is truly a change you want to make (weight loss), the you have to change your eating habits (portions and types of foods). It is not easy (losing weight), but change is always good when it benefits your health.
  • FretheMJsmokingcannibal
    When you feel hungry, exercise. Don't go all out but do a enough that it helps make the hunger go a way

    Drink water.
  • cynszoo23
    cynszoo23 Posts: 2
    I only eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner on most days. I make sure I eat plenty of fiber. Beans, brown rice, fiber/protein bars, oatmeal, all are filling. Chicken is also a BIG part of my diet, chicken breast, canned chicken, deli chicken, just a couple of ounces at lunch and dinner. Watch out for the carbs, most are low in fat and calories, but your body turns them to sugar, which will cause hunger more often. And yes more water and veggies. I'm not big on veggies either, .but I find if they are raw I like them a lot better.
  • Switty_Kitty
    Switty_Kitty Posts: 538 Member
  • 2FattyXFatty4
    2FattyXFatty4 Posts: 215 Member
    Don't sugar coat anything, not needed.
    This whole less calories is not a problem, this whole eat better food is not a problem, this whole eat less bad foods is not a problem. Now, this whole eat a ton less.... well it IS a problem.
    So far I am doing a-ok but the ONLY thing I am struggling with is feeling hungry, all day. Feel free to look at my diet that I have eaten thus far (figuring out wth is good) and tell me where I can improve obviously. I dislike most veggies, so thats out, and I never really liked breads much. Ican't go around eating 100% meat all day, and fruits and nuts are very very much not filling.

    Anyone know a way to stunt your hunger? Cafeene kinda helps, but I assume thats "bad" so I am left with.... dying. Food... must.... have.. food... grumble grumble. My will is good, and I have been true since I have joined, but all the will in the world does not help ease the hunger pains. So.. please all, suggestions, tips, etc (and no, drink more water does not help... then I am hungry and my stomache makes slosh sounds).


    Hunger is nothing to be afraid of.
  • 2FattyXFatty4
    2FattyXFatty4 Posts: 215 Member

    haha! you beat me to it. I don't get why people are afraid of hunger. It just means you need to eat more.
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    Consider adding vegetables to your diet.:smile:

    ^^ This and also sometime you are thirsty so try drinking some water. Or try chewing gum! I find sometimes I just want something to chew on :smile:
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Totally eat more. You're burning 4-700 calories/day in exercise? Eat them.

    My base is 1660/day. I earn 2500-3500 calories/week in exercise and I eat most of them. I average 2100 calories per day and I'm losing.

    To feel full, combine high fiber carbs with healthy fat and protein... every time you eat if possible. I find the combination keeps blood sugar from spiking and helps keep you full longer.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Coffee sometimes suppresses my appetite too. I don't think that's terrible.
    Also, after a while your stomach will shrink and eating less will get easier!
    Drinking water might keep you fuller too.

    Sorry, I was too lazy to look through your diary so those are just really general solutions.
  • Vanyahiril
    Vanyahiril Posts: 89 Member
    Veggies definitely help, if it's their flavor that you don't like so much, add some herbs and/or spices. I generally add Italian seasoning and red pepper flakes (because I like me some heat) to any main meals. Cinnamon and such spices are great with fruit. Experiment with your flavors. Also, I drink green tea at the end of every meal as a ritual signal to myself that I'm finished. Green tea is supposed to have appetite supressing effects, & metabolism boosting effects, but I have no idea how much truth there is in that, I just know that, mentally it works for me. (Stash ginger peach is one of my favorite flavors!) And, as it's already been said by several people: drink plenty of water.
  • carbup
    carbup Posts: 3
    Options or search dr.mcdougall on youtube
  • s41e6
    s41e6 Posts: 15
    I had been hungry all day every day on every diet I tried before Atkins. A few days into induction, my appetite dropped off and I find it very easy to keep under my calorie and carb counts each day.
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    Eat more! You don't have to go hungry to lose weight. I've been eating 1700 - 2300 & losing! Averaging around 2000. I'm short too at 5,2. I never go hungry! Listen to your body! If your body is constantly hungry it's telling you that you are not eating enough!! You don't need to starve yourself to be sucessful