First 5K-What is/was your time goal?



  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    For your first 5k, set a goal to finish, enjoy it, and feel good about yourself. Don't even worry about the time.


    Relax and enjoy the race, just remember to smile as you cross the finish line (I always look like I've been stabbed in race photos :happy: )
    Wow. I feel so much slower. I just ran my first unofficial 5k a week ago. Finished in 44:39 and was happy til I read this thread. I'm going to take everyone's advice and quit comparing my speed to everyone else.

    You should still be happy & proud of your accomplishment. If you want to improve your speed keep running on a consistent basis. My first 5K was just under 40 min (chip time) a year later I ran the same race in 26:46, it's all about progressive training and a positive attitude.
  • MauC25K
    MauC25K Posts: 40 Member
    My first 5K was 2 years ago. Goal was to finish, run the whole time and do it under 40. I did everything except finished at 42. Still a success. I now do them in about 30 minutes and have even done a half marathon. I'm still slow, but I'm doing it and love it. C25K really changed me. Good luck!
  • DG_Allen
    DG_Allen Posts: 219 Member
    I did mine in 27 minutes but I KILLED myself. Major pain for 10 days after.

    I think a better goal is to run at a good pace for you for the whole race and to finish strong. I'm no expert, but that's how races are run.

    My last 5k a couple weeks ago I was shocked at how many people darted off the start line and passed me and then about 10 minutes later I was passing them as they walked and were out of breath.
  • wombat94
    wombat94 Posts: 352 Member
    For my first 5K, my goal was to run the whole thing and finish in under 40 minutes. I was in week 8 of C25K when I ran that first race, and I achieved both goals... finish was 36:16.

    My second race was about a month later... and I finished in 35:20 and was very pleased with that.

    My third 5K race is next saturday and I'm hoping to finish in under 35 minutes.

  • KF1216
    KF1216 Posts: 175 Member
    When I decided to do a 5k my goal was under 36min, but after training a while, my best practise time was 34min so my goal was to beat that, and I did: 33:33 :)
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Wow. I feel so much slower. I just ran my first unofficial 5k a week ago. Finished in 44:39 and was happy til I read this thread. I'm going to take everyone's advice and quit comparing my speed to everyone else.

    Yeah, I'm the same way. I really shouldn't read these threads because I get grumbly about my slowness. The main reason I'm slow is because of my two bad knees. So really, I should simply be proud. Instead, all these "I did my first 5k in 30 minutes" posts discourage me :(
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED!!!!! You cannot compare your goal/time to someone else's. There are so many factors - age, gender, height, weight, body shape and composition, amount and type of preparation/training, previous exeperiences, injuries. The reality is, most people are not there to try to win the race. Yes, technically it's a race, but I think most people would tell you that it's not so much a competition against the other runners, but rather a competition with yourself.

    You are stepping beyond your comfort zone (I assume) and doing something you've never done before. That in itself is a huge accomplishment. You should celebrate and be proud of that! Don't let something as random as a finishing time interfere with your enjoyment and celebration of this accomplishment.

    I completely understand the inclination to want a "standard" to compare yourself against, but the reality is that it is totally random, and based on all the other factors I mentioned. If after running your first race, you want to continue running, then you can use this as your baseline to try to improve upon. Chances are, you are already nervous enough. Do not put added pressure on yourself to conform to some arbitrary time standard. Focus on finishing, enjoy the experience, and be proud of yourself when you are done!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I started the C25k in November, and was running 5k non-stop by mid Feb. It takes a couple of weeks after finishing the programme for most people to hit the full distance. So I guess you need three months from start of C25k to finish.

    In terms of your race, as others have said, I'd say just aim to finish. Aim to run the whole distance, and cross the line. I'd like to bet that that's also exactly what your friend will say to you. My first race was a 10k, and with no expectations other than crawling over that line, I had the best possible time. It was great fun, I ran faster than I'd expected, and I ended desperate to run again. I think that's really what you want from a first race.

    Choose your race with a bit of care - make sure it's one where there'll be other new runners. (In the UK, if you're near a place that does park runs or runs for life, they'd be a good place to start.) That way, if you are running slowly, you won't feel you're doing so alone.

    Enjoy your running. I love it. It's the best bit of my fitness routine. You will be amazing!
  • LiveEnjoyEndure
    LiveEnjoyEndure Posts: 98 Member
    Just finish and enjoy it :)
  • sonnyless
    sonnyless Posts: 142 Member
    My first 5K was in January at a time of 35:45
    I ran it again last month in April and my time was 31:50
    My goal is to get under 30 minutes. I would eventually like to run a 10K
  • spearfox
    spearfox Posts: 276 Member
    I only completed week 6 of C25K when my race happened.
    My goal was to run the whole race, don't die and finish at 37:15 or better.
    I knew in my training I was getting close to 5mph or a 12 minute mile so that's where I came up with the finish time goal.

    Last weekend was the race. I completed all my objectives.
    Finish time was 36:39

    I actually started feeling self conscious about my size and weight just before the race. I realized I was the fattest person there.
    I focused on my training, knowing what I could do and not getting caught in some other person's faster pace.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I'm at day 3 of week 7 on c25k and have attempted my first 5k yesterday on a run I measured with my car and GPS tracking.

    Yesterday, my objective was to simply finish..and I did ( ONLY JUST) at 35 mins 24 seconds.

    TODAY..I tried again and was astonished...I did it in 30 minutes,49 seconds... HENCE the new profile picture :-)

    Bu I still intend to see the c25k course through to the very end.
  • taytaylynn3
    taytaylynn3 Posts: 601
    My very first 5k i ran in about 27 minutes, take your time. Good luck(:
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Wow. I feel so much slower. I just ran my first unofficial 5k a week ago. Finished in 44:39 and was happy til I read this thread. I'm going to take everyone's advice and quit comparing my speed to everyone else.

    Yeah, I'm the same way. I really shouldn't read these threads because I get grumbly about my slowness. The main reason I'm slow is because of my two bad knees. So really, I should simply be proud. Instead, all these "I did my first 5k in 30 minutes" posts discourage me :(

    Please dont feel that way. completing it is such a huge deal and the journey from week 1 to completing a 5k is incredibly satisfying...a huge achievement.

    Endurance for me beats speed every single time...and it's meant to be fun, too.
  • Neecy_Pooh
    Neecy_Pooh Posts: 122
    I have never run in my life until December '11. I ran my first 5k in March and my goal was to run the entire thing and make it across the finish line. My time was 36:46. Then I ran my second last month, ran it in 31:42 then my third was today and it I ran this one in 30:22. For each consecutive race, my gola is beat my time by at least 1 -3 minutes. : )
  • myogibbs
    myogibbs Posts: 182
    Wow. I feel so much slower. I just ran my first unofficial 5k a week ago. Finished in 44:39 and was happy til I read this thread. I'm going to take everyone's advice and quit comparing my speed to everyone else.

    I definitely think comparing yourself to others will only lead to disappointment because there is always someone better out there. I think your time is awesome. I have been running on and off for a while & I NEVER get better. I am the one that starts running with someone & keeps them going for the first week...then they outpace & outdistance me from then on...

    Just remember there are a LOT of people out there that couldn't do what you did (in under 45 minutes no less)...and keep it up!!!
  • myogibbs
    myogibbs Posts: 182
    I agree with everyone else to have fun & enjoy the race...your time will improve with practice, especially if you are running with someone better than you. Just remember that they are addictive once you start...and you could probably find at least one race in your area every weekend :)
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    I am about to run my first 5KM ... june 3rd ... for cancer research .... I would be happy to do it in under 45mins (or at least not be last) ......... I have never been a runner this will be my first ever run ..........
  • trout78
    trout78 Posts: 102
    I was about 195 when i did my first 5K last Nov. my time was around 40min.
  • tina9988
    tina9988 Posts: 369
    I did my 1st one in March. My goal was under an hour and my time was 45:41. I just did my 2nd one last month and my time was 40:21. I have another one next weekend and I'm hoping to improve my time. I walked a lot in the 1st one, I walked a lot less in the 2nd one. My goal is to run the entire thing by July. I didn't start running until the end of Jan. this year. Started at 205lbs, now I'm at 178lbs. I love running!!! Good luck to you! Like others have said, just concentrate on finishing, then you'll have a time to beat next time.