30 Days Shred is not for obese people?



  • Andrea_Alexis_1980
    Andrea_Alexis_1980 Posts: 122 Member
    You Can Do It ! .... Im trying to lose 100 lbs but i push myself as hard as i can i lost 5 lbs in 11 days... Day 1 of 30DS was horrible but i did the whole 20 min ,im on day 5 now and i have more energy to get threw it then i did on day 1 cant wait to start level 2 .... Think positive you have all our support ... Your welcome to add me if you like =)

    Good luck
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    I started 30DS at 160lbs, not obese, but overweight for my height of 5'4. It was so so hard. But it gets easier and easier. She says on the dvd that she has 400lb people doing those exercises.

    It's hard for everyone starting out, non of us are fit in the beginning. Keep at it, and take it as slowly as you need to.
  • disneydiva21
    taebo , slim in 6 or turbo jam are great starter workouts ~~~ good luck
  • buckeye86
    buckeye86 Posts: 128 Member
    Since I haven't posted this before and this seems like a good thread to do it.... when I started working out I really loved the 10 minute solution target toning for beginners with Cindy Whitmarsh. I still do it now when I want something a little more toned down. I <3 Cindy, she's not obnoxious in this video at all which makes her less annoying than some of the other people. Once you get the hang of it, you can modify some of the exercises to make them more difficult. It probably would be like a tiny little warm up to people in great shape, but it's a good place to start. If I'd done a JM workout right at the beginning, I probably would have hopped on the couch after 5 minutes and given up.

    Edit: You will feel a burn and you will most likely enjoy it. It's just that the loud exciting circuit training and cardio workouts got me all jumbled and lost. This video has strength training for specific areas and a stretch session, so it'd be a good one to supplement other things you do if you aren't ready to jump in the deep end.
  • nataliefamily3
    Try jillian michaels for beginers dvd it is easier and explains in detail some of the moves from thirty day shred in extra detail
  • Skeena4
    Skeena4 Posts: 209 Member
    I have about 60 lbs to lose... I'm obese. I am doing it.... it's a hard video, that's the whole point of it.

    I'm on day 19, and yes, every time I turn on that DVD I want to die...I modify, I take breaks, but I don't quit.


    As Killian, uh...I mean Jillian says, "you should be GARGLING your heart by the time this is over... " And yes, sadly, I know what that feels like hahaha...

    I think that's the point. For me is does not work for weight loss, but I am flabby :embarassed: and it has toned me up a lot. I lost 7.5 inches so far (as of day 16)

    I hope you keep going, pay attention to form, don't bother trying to keep up to their pace yet, and make it a 40 day shred if you have to repeat a few days more than 10 for each level. You can do it!
  • springseternal
    springseternal Posts: 245 Member
    It is worth keeping at it. I have 100 pounds to lose and it is really hard to start. I even modified the modifications! It took me to day 6 to do the whole video with the beginner moves, and that was only doing maybe three push ups. I felt fantastic afterwards. At one point she says something about 'if you're on day 4, you probably already notice a big difference in your endurance' and I found for me, that was absolutely true.
  • jreed1920
    jreed1920 Posts: 123
    If it were easy there wouldn't be any point in doing it. Making excuses is how we all got to the point we are at. I started at 280 and I do 30 day shred. Is it hard sometimes.. Absolutely. Do my legs burn.. Absolutely.. Do I feel like quitting sometimes.. You bet but I don't.. If you want the results you have to put in the work. On top of doing 30 day shred I do c25k. Does anyone pay attention to level 1 when Jillian says you're capable of working out and you're capable of working out hard and that she has 400 lb people who can do jumping jacks. I'm not even through the full 30 days yet and I've lost 10 inches.. if its tough do the modified.. Take the short breaks.. But don't give up because you think it's too hard.. Do it daily and watch how much stronger you become.

    Ditto. It's hard, modify and take breaks. I didn't think I could do it but it was awesome when I completed the 30 days. You can do it!
  • cior
    cior Posts: 133 Member
    I'm 206 and for being 5'3'', I'm considered obese. I am on day 29, one day left to go and on level 3! You can do it. It will be hard and you will be sore, but you can definitely do it. You have to push yourself. No excuses!
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    It's all about starting with whatever you can do, at whatever pace and working your way up.

    Modify the moves if you have to. Go slower if you have to. But do whatever you need to slowly work your way up. It is completely possible if you're obese. It is hard. It's supposed to be hard. But it gets easier the more you do it so if you have to modify the moves and take breaks, then DO IT and then eventually, if you keep up with it, you'll be able to do the full moves, the whole video, without breaks. :)
  • indiralaksmi
    Thank you for all your replies. It's nice to know you experiences w/ jm 30 days shred. I definitely learn alot from you.

    I found jumping jack very difficult for me. am out of breath and my boobs jumping up and down, it hurt my chest.
    and the second one, push up. Is it okay if I modify with wall push up?
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    I found jumping jack very difficult for me. am out of breath and my boobs jumping up and down, it hurt my chest.

    If you do a search, you will find posts that might help you find solutions for more breast support. The other stuff takes time to build stamina but this is something you can work on for a more immediate impact on comfort during your exercises.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    I know she says do not stop but if I haven't mentioned this before, one thing that has helped me out a lot is making sure I stay properly hydrated before, DURING, and after. I'm not in general a big water guru but I find it helps lessen the heat exhaustion. I also make sure my fan is turned on, I have properly foot wear, my HRM, bra support, good flexible workout clothes, my best shoes and a mat for my knees during floor exercises. I line up those water bottles in an easily accessible place and drink either when she is talking or when I absolutely can't keep up. I try to march in place too to keep moving but I will stop if I am heaving and needing to regain breath support.

    Another super helpful tip is learning how to do the yoga breathing. I forget what it is called but you can google. I find that the better my breathing is, the more I can keep going with cardio endurance.

    None of that is anything I researched. Just stuff that has helped me along the way.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    MODIFY. I know what you mean, it's nasty, but modify till you can do your own version and then add changes as it gets easier.
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    Thank you for all your replies. It's nice to know you experiences w/ jm 30 days shred. I definitely learn alot from you.

    I found jumping jack very difficult for me. am out of breath and my boobs jumping up and down, it hurt my chest.
    and the second one, push up. Is it okay if I modify with wall push up?

    I'd suggest looking into finding some better support, but if you have to, maybe do as many jumping jacks as you can then just walk in place or something and slowly work your way up to doing all jumping jacks. And go ahead and do wall pushups. Eventually you can start doing knee pushups then full pushups. :) Just do whatever you have to do to get the workout done without standing still. Sometimes that means just walking in place but at least you haven't stopped moving.
  • lengirl75
    lengirl75 Posts: 153 Member
    30 Day Shred, at level 1 is easily attainable for someone 100lbs over-weight. Will you be able to keep up? Probably not, but you go at your own pace, press pause, take a break when you need it.
    ^^^^^ This!
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    I started out with the Extreme Makeover workout with Chris Powell, they are specifically geared towards the obese and morbidly obese.
  • Timkoetta
    Timkoetta Posts: 70 Member
    I have found that its ok if it seems too hard for you. Just do the best you can and even if you are not moving as fast or jumping as high or taking a lot of breaks...it doesnt matter. If you work your best you are getting a good work out and THAT is what matters. Stick with it and you will be surprised in how much better you do in a month, or even a week.

    Listen to your body though, if you are hurting yourself it is not good. Ease up a bit and stick with it.

  • Monda
    Monda Posts: 271 Member
    I did Day 3 of the shred today. I weigh 224 and yes it is hard but I am determined to do it. I can tell you that it will get easier. Tell your mind to get out of your body way. You can do it. Even if you can only do the first circuit for the first few days. It will get easier. Don't give up!!
  • karen0214
    karen0214 Posts: 120 Member
    Thank you for all your replies. It's nice to know you experiences w/ jm 30 days shred. I definitely learn alot from you.

    I found jumping jack very difficult for me. am out of breath and my boobs jumping up and down, it hurt my chest.
    and the second one, push up. Is it okay if I modify with wall push up?

    Hang in there and just keep trying. Everyone else has already given great advice, so I won't repeat. But I do have one suggestion for push-ups. Try the big exercise ball. You can find it at Wal-Mart or sporting goods stores. That is THE ONLY way I can do any push-ups. Yes, they are wimpy pushups compared to regular ones, but very sufficient until you get enough strength and lose more weight. It's also great for doing crunches and having your lower back supported.