What would you do if you earned $10,000 per month?



  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    i've heard people in the army get around 15k bi-weekly
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    i've heard people in the army get around 15k bi-weekly
    Unless the person you heard that from was a very high ranking officer and that included benefits and housing, you heard wrong.
  • tinksmommy2006
    I would fix my roof...buy my husband his dream truck, put a *kitten* ton of it into savings/school accounts for my kids...and then I would take the easy way out and buy my self a better body! then ya'll get mad and say that's taking the easy way out and you will never maintain if you don't do it first...and to you i say i have maintained a 50 lb loss with in a 5 pound range with hypothyroidism for 6 months now so i think i can manage :tongue: ! lmao then new clothes, for us all, i am tired of walmart crap...lol and maybe a new car for me...then pretty much just save it all for when hubby decides to retire so we can travel...he would still work...he has adhd....he cant stop moving...lol
  • tinksmommy2006
    i've heard people in the army get around 15k bi-weekly
    Unless the person you heard that from was a very high ranking officer and that included benefits and housing, you heard wrong.
    You herd WAY wrong...lol
  • bmmarti3
    bmmarti3 Posts: 53 Member
    i've heard people in the army get around 15k bi-weekly

    Yeah, his name is Rich Ellerson. It's Ken Niumatalolo in the Navy and Troy Calhoun in the Airforce... No one else makes anything close.

    Those are the highest paid people in the military.
  • tinksmommy2006
    For all the folks expressing how hard it is to live on as little as $10,000 a month, I get that certain areas are quite expensive. I just hope that you remember that most of the people in your expensive place to live do not make as much money as you do. I wonder how they make it if you are "barely able to survive".

    The US Median income declined to about $26K per year in 2011. Sure, one person. So $52K per year for a two-earner family. Half of what is "just getting by" for some.

    Just something to think about.
    WOW 1700 on unemployment??!!??!!!!!! what I wouldn't give to see hubs bring that home when he is laid off....we have 3 kids and he only brings home just over 1000 a month on it
    I live in New England so not exactly a low cost of living area. I was making a little over 2k a month before I got laid off in August. Right now I'm robbing Peter to pay Paul until something falls in my lap. I take in about 1700 a month on unemployment, and every month its a shuffle the cards to pay the bills and not get my car repossessed, not lose my house etc. Working my *kitten* to find another job. 10k a month would go far in my household.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Depending on where you live, that kind of income gets torn through pretty quickly. My fiancee and I make over that and we aren't rolling in dough or anything.
  • lsan1125
    lsan1125 Posts: 20
    I would start by paying off debt and have all bills up to date or somewhat prepaid. I would save everything I don't absolutely need to spend and then go on a much needed vacation.
  • briggsy13
    briggsy13 Posts: 161 Member
    We would keep living life as we are. Except my dh wouldn't have to work away from home like he does now. He could be local so we see him every day like we should. It would allow us the little extra to fix up our house the way we want that we don't have the extra for now. It wouldn't be living the high life but would certainly be a nice addition to our life!!
  • lsan1125
    lsan1125 Posts: 20
    Two chicks at the same time....I figure if I made that much I could probably hook that up

    gotta love Office Space!
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    i meant 15k twice a month now twice a week lol
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    I would start by paying off my debt and my husband's debt. Than I would start saving up for a large downpayment on a house, for a truck for my husband and a small truck for me, as well as retirement. It would take about 10 years before I was settled and only had to save for retirement and big purchases.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I'm seeing some ridiculous answers here.

    People saying that they would hire a personal chef, live in nanny, etc etc.

    It seems people are viewing 120k a year as winning the lottery. Believe me, once you have the big house, the car payment, the kids, the lifestyle you want... your 10k a month isn't going to be left over to hire personal assistants.

    I find it hard to believe that people don't realize what these luxuries actually cost.

    I'm very happy with my 1,400 square foot house 30 minutes outside of Boston. A larger house in my area is around $535,000 though...so a larger mortgage. We got 3 houses for the price of 1 (one we rent out, one we built ourselves).

    I guess that rules out that you are from Needham then, LOL

  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    It seems people are viewing 120k a year as winning the lottery

    Wait, 10k a month is before taxes? I thought it was after taxes...
  • lour441
    lour441 Posts: 543 Member
    It doesn't go as far as you would think. Wife and 4 kids eat it up quick.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    i meant 15k twice a month now twice a week lol
    I knew what you meant. I think everyone else did too. You still heard wrong unless you are talking very high ranking officer with all benefits included. An O-10 (highest possible rank) with over 20 years in the military gets just over $15,000/month. Once a month. You can see military pay here: http://militarypay.defense.gov/pay/BASIC/docs/Active Duty Tables/2012 Basic Pay Table - Active uncapped.pdf It's all public records.
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    First I would pay off all my debt (student loans, credit cards, and my truck payment)
    Then I would buy a nice 3-4 bedroom house, probably in the same town I live in now.
    I would help my Aunt find a good place to live, so that her daughter doesn't feel like she needs to take care of her and hold herself back. (my aunt has some mental issues and I know my cousin feels obligated to care for her even though she's only 15) I would also help my parents pay off their house, so they could actually keep it and not have to worry about moving.
    After all that, I would set up college funds for my nieces and nephews, and then for my own kids whenever I have them.
  • JadedSouls
    JadedSouls Posts: 136 Member
    After all the monthly bills are paid, I'd still a $8500 a month to play with..

    I should put a grand a month away for my son's university tuition coming in 2 years, maybe a grand in an RRSP ..

    I'd get my first brand new car (always bought used) ..

    Travel a bit more (once I get a passport)..

    Move to a bigger place (am in a 2br apartment now)

    Donate to Big Brothers/Big Sisters every month as it helped my son immensely

    Donate to the local Food Bank and help other needy people

    I'm not sure what else..
  • theleftie
    theleftie Posts: 366
    I would need a second job.
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    Don't ever have children...

    Pay $3000 in taxes
    Pay $2000 for a mortgage
    Pay $1000 in utilities and maintenance
    Pay $1000 to feed the family
    Pay $1000 to keep the cars running, insured, and gassed up
    Pay $1000 in tuition and retirement
    Pay $999 in medical expenses
    Spend $1 on myself