Weigh 150 lbs, want to BURN 1000 calories per workout!

lotushead Posts: 200 Member
Alright people, I am learning this is no easy task for someone my weight. I worked out (moderately) for 2 hours yesterday and burned 600 calories. I'm just starting up my workouts again (been a while) but I know I eventually want to be able to burn 1,000 cals per workout.

Give me as many suggestions as you can think of for ways to accomplish this :)

Again, I'm 5'8'' and 150 lbs. I want to tone up so yes I'm open to weight training, but try to be specific with what exercises I should do exactly if you suggest going that route. Right now I'm not very fit, running at 6mph for 10 minutes makes my head want to explode from all the pounding and my lungs hurt. I want to get up there though!!!


  • delco714
    delco714 Posts: 229
    i'm 168 and i burn 1000 a workout (max insanity or weights/cardio days that go for 55-60 mins).. that's when my heart rate is usually over 165 the entire time (my peak aerobic zone)

    so, i cant really imagine you burning that much in an hour just because of weight alone.. unless your heart rate was in the 180s the entire time.. which is not safe nor is it as effective as intervals where your HR dips below peak zone and comes right back up!
  • lotushead
    lotushead Posts: 200 Member
    Oh yes, intervals! I'm going to try that but I want an accurate HRM to assist me with the timing and what not. I'd rather do interval training outside than at the gym :p
    I'm not restricting myself to an hour to get the 1000 calories burned. I'm fine with 2 hours :)
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    I burn about 10 calories/hour when I run outside.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    HIIT will give an increased calorie burn. Also try Cybex arc trainer, Precor 100i AMT, stairmaster maybe able to give you higher burn rates but you will need to do a couple of hours on them. Also try a spin class.
  • lotushead
    lotushead Posts: 200 Member
    I burn about 10 calories/hour when I run outside.

    I'm assuming you meant to say minute? lol
  • lotushead
    lotushead Posts: 200 Member
    HIIT will give an increased calorie burn. Also try Cybex arc trainer, Precor 100i AMT, stairmaster maybe able to give you higher burn rates but you will need to do a couple of hours on them. Also try a spin class.

    I'll have to look up HIIT, Cybex, and Precor... not familiar with any of that. Thank you for the info!
  • delco714
    delco714 Posts: 229
    my guess with intervals (max HIIT), if you reallly push yourself, you can get 1000 cals in 75 minutes or so
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    I go to a very high impact Zumba class, and per my HRM I burn at least 900cal/hr, usually over 1000. I keep my HR in the 150 - 160's range the entire hour, which is 88-92% of max for me. Most Zumba classes I've been to before finding the current one I attend would burn only 4-500 calories, but they were slow compared to the one I now attend.
  • delco714
    delco714 Posts: 229
    I go to a very high impact Zumba class, and per my HRM I burn at least 900cal/hr, usually over 1000. I keep my HR in the 150 - 160's range the entire hour, which is 88-92% of max for me. Most Zumba classes I've been to before finding the current one I attend would burn only 4-500 calories, but they were slow compared to the one I now attend.

    exactly! you're 55yo according to your profile and the max HR is based on age, so naturally, your peak aerobic will be lower than her's since she's younger! But, it's still YOUR peak, so youre still kicking *kitten* with that exercise!
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Assuming you want your workouts to be about two hours, you want to pick an activity that is 7 METs to get a 1000 Calorie burn from your workouts. Or if you want your workouts to only last 1 hour, then you need to up the intensity to 14 METs to get a 1000 calorie burn. Here's a METs compendium so you can find an exercise that you like at the right MET level. http://prevention.sph.sc.edu/tools/docs/documents_compendium.pdf
  • lotushead
    lotushead Posts: 200 Member
    Wow so much to learn for me. Thanks everyone. Going to look into all these suggestions in the upcoming days :)
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    i'm 168 and i burn 1000 a workout (max insanity or weights/cardio days that go for 55-60 mins).. that's when my heart rate is usually over 165 the entire time (my peak aerobic zone)

    so, i cant really imagine you burning that much in an hour just because of weight alone.. unless your heart rate was in the 180s the entire time.. which is not safe nor is it as effective as intervals where your HR dips below peak zone and comes right back up!
    Wow! When I did Insanity I would burn 400-600 and my heart rate was usually in the 170s!
    I'm about 163 now and 5'6", it takes me at least 100 minutes to burn 1000 calories usually. I burn the most just getting on the elliptical and turning up the resistance. It sounds a little boring, but if you have some good music to listen to (especially if it has a faster beat bc it will get you going faster without you even realizing it) it's not too bad.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,425 Member
    I'm 5'9 and 138 ish and on Wednesday I burned 1,030 calories by doing weights for 30 minutes and 110 minutes of spinning (double classes). Look up HIIT and tabata drills. If I do some of that before a spin class my spin burn will be much higher. You're definitely looking at 2 hours though to get that high of a burn with your weight.
  • lotushead
    lotushead Posts: 200 Member
    i'm 168 and i burn 1000 a workout (max insanity or weights/cardio days that go for 55-60 mins).. that's when my heart rate is usually over 165 the entire time (my peak aerobic zone)

    so, i cant really imagine you burning that much in an hour just because of weight alone.. unless your heart rate was in the 180s the entire time.. which is not safe nor is it as effective as intervals where your HR dips below peak zone and comes right back up!
    Wow! When I did Insanity I would burn 400-600 and my heart rate was usually in the 170s!
    I'm about 163 now and 5'6", it takes me at least 100 minutes to burn 1000 calories usually. I burn the most just getting on the elliptical and turning up the resistance. It sounds a little boring, but if you have some good music to listen to (especially if it has a faster beat bc it will get you going faster without you even realizing it) it's not too bad.

    Ahh yes it can be done on the elliptical. My attention span is so short, after 10 minutes on anything I am BORED. lol I think the high intensity interval training thing might be a good thing for me. I asked the staff at my gym how to work the elliptical to get the most out of it and they showed me how to program it so I WILL try the elliptical or add it in like you recommended, honey sprinkle :)
  • lotushead
    lotushead Posts: 200 Member
    I'm 5'9 and 138 ish and on Wednesday I burned 1,030 calories by doing weights for 30 minutes and 110 minutes of spinning (double classes). Look up HIIT and tabata drills. If I do some of that before a spin class my spin burn will be much higher. You're definitely looking at 2 hours though to get that high of a burn with your weight.

    Thank you.
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    Food for thought. If you are not used to high intensity workouts already you need to start lower. Is there a reason it has to be 1000 calories? Make sure you eat enogh to sustain your workout. I wish you the best.
  • cherlouise007
    Hi, I usually find to burn about 1000 cals or more - I have to run about 14 miles. And that's on hilly terrain as well as on the flat. It takes a couple of hours, but well worth the effort
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    Kickboxing maybe a good option too. I have not done it but it should keep your attention longer than 10 mins lol
  • delco714
    delco714 Posts: 229
    Yeah when i run I listen to house music.. swedish house mafia.. lmfao, avicii, the like.. lol :\

    but thanks!

    And 4-600 on the 2nd month workouts? hm
    Wow! When I did Insanity I would burn 400-600 and my heart rate was usually in the 170s!
    I'm about 163 now and 5'6", it takes me at least 100 minutes to burn 1000 calories usually. I burn the most just getting on the elliptical and turning up the resistance. It sounds a little boring, but if you have some good music to listen to (especially if it has a faster beat bc it will get you going faster without you even realizing it) it's not too bad.
  • AlexzKT
    AlexzKT Posts: 131 Member
    I'm about 150lbs and I aim for at least 1000 calories eat workout (I try to burn 5000 calories a week and work out for at least 10 hours... so you can see that burning more calories takes more time). Definitely HIIT (high intensity interval training) works! So an example would be walking at a decent pace for 2-3 minutes and then running full out (as hard as you can) for one minute. Lifting really heavy weights works, too. My trainer has me doing every muscle group (biceps, triceps, shoulders, legs, back, chest) in a circuit. The weights you chose for each muscle group should allow you to get 15 reps (which is what you're aiming for), but those last 5 or so should be pretty tough. Then you repeat the entire circuit (so you end up working out each muscle group twice, with 15 reps each time). If you're not sure what sort of workouts you can do for each muscle group, just google it and you'll find TONS and TONS. Basically, you really want to keep your heart rate up the entire time! If you have a gym membership, check out what sort of classes they offer. I do classes at my gym that burn 500-600 calories in a hour, and sometimes I'll just do two of them back to back.

    You can add me if you like to see what I'm doing - since it sounds like we're about the same size (: