Weigh 150 lbs, want to BURN 1000 calories per workout!



  • lotushead
    lotushead Posts: 200 Member
    Food for thought. If you are not used to high intensity workouts already you need to start lower. Is there a reason it has to be 1000 calories? Make sure you eat enogh to sustain your workout. I wish you the best.

    I'm not in a hurry. There's no reason other than I want to be capable of doing it. I'm definitely starting out doing what I can until I get better. But while I'm progressing, it's good to have all this info. I'm a lot more savvy with nutrition than I am with fitness. A lot of these suggestions are news for me and I want to have them for reference and for when I want to switch things up. I've worked with trainers and I LOVE having them but it's expensive. I figure you guys are the next best thing :)
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    An accurate HRM is the best thing you can do. Seriously, best motivation EVER for me.
    I'm 5'8, 180 pounds, and workout 5x weekly, burning on average 700-800 calories in the 85 minutes time slot that I have available. 40 minutes running (with walking intervals as my HR dictates), 15 minutes biking (cool down time), 35 minutes weight lifting. If childcare would watch my kidlets for two hours, I'm sure I could hit 1000 easy peasy.
  • tbushjr
    tbushjr Posts: 6
    Ride a road bike. I'm 179 and just did 2 hours of riding for 40 miles and I burned 2198. On my 18 mile / 1 hour week day ride I burn 1100. So if you need to burn fast I like doing this. Good luck
  • lotushead
    lotushead Posts: 200 Member
    Ride a road bike. I'm 179 and just did 2 hours of riding for 40 miles and I burned 2198. On my 18 mile / 1 hour week day ride I burn 1100. So if you need to burn fast I like doing this. Good luck
    I want to invest in a bike. It is on my list :)
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Yeah when i run I listen to house music.. swedish house mafia.. lmfao, avicii, the like.. lol :\

    but thanks!

    And 4-600 on the 2nd month workouts? hm
    Wow! When I did Insanity I would burn 400-600 and my heart rate was usually in the 170s!
    I'm about 163 now and 5'6", it takes me at least 100 minutes to burn 1000 calories usually. I burn the most just getting on the elliptical and turning up the resistance. It sounds a little boring, but if you have some good music to listen to (especially if it has a faster beat bc it will get you going faster without you even realizing it) it's not too bad.
    I forgot that the second month was way harder, both times I tried Insanity I quit after 2 and 4 weeks!
  • shaydon80
    shaydon80 Posts: 138 Member
    Didn't read all the responses but have you tried kettlebells?
  • brittanidigby
    brittanidigby Posts: 247 Member
    You should get your heart rate up before any exercise. It'll help you burn more. I run down my hallway back and forth like 5 times before anything and I have burns this high everyday. lol
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    Hi! I'm 153 lbs, I use the elliptical and put it on the MAX resistance and then go as fast as I can. I can burn 1000 calories in around an an hour and a half of that according to the machine... not sure how accurate it is lol but my weightloss has been going steady so :drinker:

    And running.... I burn a little over 100 calories a mile... so ten miles?
  • temp666777
    temp666777 Posts: 169
    Burning calories is a total waste of time.

    All that matters is your calorie deficit each day.

    Simply, eat less.

    If you exercise more, you'll simply eat relatively more. Exercise is a total waste of time for pure fat loss - if that's your aim.


    Now, do no exercise for two weeks.


    I guarantee the deficit will be GREATER when you do NOT exercise.

    When you exercise, your body wants to and does eat more. It's that simple.
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    Burning calories is a total waste of time.

    All that matters is your calorie deficit each day.

    Simply, eat less.

    If you exercise more, you'll simply eat relatively more. Exercise is a total waste of time for pure fat loss - if that's your aim.


    Now, do no exercise for two weeks.


    I guarantee the deficit will be GREATER when you do NOT exercise.

    When you exercise, your body wants to and does eat more. It's that simple.

    Is this the only thing you ever post? You like the attention don't you?
  • sunshine45356
    sunshine45356 Posts: 78 Member
    You might want to check out Polar HRM Ft 60.
  • skybird455
    skybird455 Posts: 172 Member
    I would do P90X or HIIT (high intensity interval training).
  • skybird455
    skybird455 Posts: 172 Member
    Alright people, I am learning this is no easy task for someone my weight. I worked out (moderately) for 2 hours yesterday and burned 600 calories. I'm just starting up my workouts again (been a while) but I know I eventually want to be able to burn 1,000 cals per workout.

    Give me as many suggestions as you can think of for ways to accomplish this :)

    Again, I'm 5'8'' and 150 lbs. I want to tone up so yes I'm open to weight training, but try to be specific with what exercises I should do exactly if you suggest going that route. Right now I'm not very fit, running at 6mph for 10 minutes makes my head want to explode from all the pounding and my lungs hurt. I want to get up there though!!!

    just curious why not cut calories AND burn alot? 1000 a day it really alot for your weight and height. You could equal it out, cut 500 in cal burn 500 in cal to = 1000.

    I know thats not what you asked, but really it would take less time, and might not make you so crazy :0) Just a suggestion
  • suzzann666
    suzzann666 Posts: 334 Member
    I run intervals on the treadmill and that really gets the heart rate up there, but when i'm feeling a bit lazy or sore i walk at about 3.3 mph on the highest incline the treadmill can go. this actually gets my heart rate up just as high as running intervals

    tae kwon do is also a huge calorie burner
  • mickey4u3
    mickey4u3 Posts: 6 Member
    WELL.... I don't excerise except for chasing kids up and down stairs..I am 70+ Been on 1200 calories a day for a month and have lost 7 lbs. If I excerised to burn 1000 calories a day they would have to send me to treatment for eating disorders.
  • Barribomb
    Barribomb Posts: 284 Member
    This is a great thread, been looking for ways to get bigger burns! So informative!
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    Burning calories is a total waste of time.

    All that matters is your calorie deficit each day.

    Simply, eat less.

    If you exercise more, you'll simply eat relatively more. Exercise is a total waste of time for pure fat loss - if that's your aim.


    Now, do no exercise for two weeks.


    I guarantee the deficit will be GREATER when you do NOT exercise.

    When you exercise, your body wants to and does eat more. It's that simple.

    What if what matters to me is that I am both strong and skinny? Notice I put strong first, skinny second. Personally, when I get to my target weight, I want it to be with a BFP that puts me in the athletic range. I don't ever expect to have a six-pack, since my target BFP is somewhere around 22%, but I like that I can do push ups off the floor and not break a sweat! Calorie deficits are great, but depending on how high your daily deficit is, your body will tap into your lean body mass to compensate for the fact that it is much more work for the body to burn fat than utilize the lean mass. So even with the deficit, exercise is still necessary if you want to preserve your lean body mass.

    So to break it down...

    Calorie deficit = fat burn = lean mass burn. Strength training = lean mass build = higher metabolism = needing to eat more food to support that metabolism.

    Also, I don't know about you, but I like to eat. Putting my body in a state where it can support eating more = a good thing.

    To top it all off, OP isn't asking about deficit advice. She is asking about what exercises would be good for burning 1000 calories.

    OP, I burn ~ 100 calories per 10 minutes of running with walk intervals. When I am sustained running, I burn about 1000 calories in 75 minutes. This is outside, not on the treadmill for both. I have significantly lower burns on the treadmill. (Around 130 calories per 15 minutes.)
  • br2012
    br2012 Posts: 52 Member
    That's an awful lot of calories burned per workout. I remember reading Michael Phelps burns 1000 calories an hour in his workouts. I think the only way you are going to get there is by doing ANY exercise for a long time each day. Double maybe triple class sessions? running 2-3 hours a day? Are you prepared to keep that up? Slow and steady wins the race. Practical diet and practical exercise each and every day as a lifestyle. It's going to be hard. If it were easy, everyone would do it.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Why you trying to burn so much? way too much extra food to have to eat.

    I mean I can understand some high intensity cardio for 30-45 min (but even that you can't burn much more than 300-500 calories)

    You won't make exceptional cardio gains by overtaxing your body that way. All burning 1000 calories in one work out is going to do is completely wear you out to a point that you will eventually get burned out and most likely give up exercise all together.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    my guess with intervals (max HIIT), if you reallly push yourself, you can get 1000 cals in 75 minutes or so

    lol, if you were doing HIIT right you're not doing it for 75min