


  • shannahrenee
    shannahrenee Posts: 380
    Try not to feel so defeated. :ohwell: I'm 26 and was single for 3-4 years before I met the most wonderful man just this year. It will happen for you, don't give up.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    what sucks is he likes the exact same stuff i do. He's one of the few who has the same addiction to horror movies as i do. He even got me Robert Englund's autograph and i got to talk to Jason Mewes when he was at a Nightmare On Elm Street convention. He even had robert leave me a voicmail. It was definatly all real too :frown:
    Break up with him. Worhtless guys always want what they can't have. The good ones (there are TONS out there) will find you. I didn't date or anything until I met my husband. And yes, it was online. I left NC to get married, and I've had the best time of my life since than.
    I FORCED him to become friends with my friends, and to call my dad and mom on a regular basis. My fam and friends LOVE him.
    You are young and have all kinds of time. Dump him, before he dumps you and go find someone worthty of your goddess like personality!! :flowerforyou:

    BTW..He's Just Not That Into You? Best book EVER!!!!
  • BillieS
    BillieS Posts: 42 Member
    I always told my kids to "enjoy being single, you have the rest of your life to be married". I totally agree with tabsoda's reply. I would also add "Choose to rise...Don't Settle...and go for your dreams!!! And most of all let God lead you in everything you do". Believe me, having someone in your life does not mean you will not be lonely. I was married for 25 years to my late husband and for many years of that marriage I was lonely. Being lonely in a marriage is far worse than being lonely as a single. Develop a good group of friends to hang with. I am married again and for the past 11 years, I have never been lonely and I am having the time of my life. Your best predictor for future behavior is past behavior. Remind yourself, you are a good person and deserve a good person - I assure you they are out there if you look in the right places.
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    You are only 21! You have plenty of time to find Mr. Right.
    I try to tell my 22 yr old daughter all the time, you don't HAVE TO HAVE A MAN!!!
    Be proud to be independent and taking care of yourself first!!
    When the time is right he will come along, just quit trying so hard!

  • MaryinBflo
    MaryinBflo Posts: 437 Member
    I'm sorry you are going through this it's tough I know. If it helpe I'm married and sometimes wish I was single! ha ha.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    From a male pespective. "Dump his azz"

    You've known him for a few years. He has made it clear that your not the one and only in his life.

    You've caught his comments on a myspace page and guarentee he's probably talking to many other females that your not aware about.
    As other's said, if you txt him, call him. He'll take that as a sign of "weakness" , msg you and tell you some lies, and some excuses that he misses you, loves you, etc, etc..
    So that he can "pull you back in again".

    Don't take offense, but some men out there like woman that are "easy" or have no self confidence and they will manipulate them to their own selfiishness.

    There's many people who would love to be single, but they are in abusive, (emotional and physical) relationships. Some cant' go out and have fun because of their partner, possibly kids, need babysitters, and don't have money. Not always greener on the other side of the fence.

    Like songbyrdsweet said. Enjoy being single, being selfish and enjoy stuff that you want to do .:flowerforyou:

    Your 21 and have lots of time to meet someone, as the saying goes.. "when you least expect it"
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    She got pregnant and he still stood by her.

    Am I the only one bothered by this? I know it is hard to understand the emotion behind a post but this comes across to me as if she is lucky he stood beside her.

    I know you are young and it doesn't sound to me like you have ever been with a man who is worthy of you and I think you need to work on your self confidence. Some of the advice given by other has been great. You deserve to be with a man who worships you and nothing less is ok. BUT it will take time to find that guy, when the time is right it will happen. In the meantime, don't be in a rush to get into a relationship, instead take this time to work on yourself.

    Also, I think this guy you are talking about is a low life and is playing you. You may have some things in common, but did you stop to think that he may be over exaggerating what you have in common to take advantage of you? He is a player and you need to kick him to the curb, now. I don't care what he says to try to keep you. Actions speak louder than words.

    I hope I am not being too harsh but I am really concerned. Have the confidence to know you deserve more and accept nothing less.Your spouse should make you feel great about yourself, not cause you pain or doubt.

    I found my husband after having been in a bad relationship. I had just been dumped and decided that I was worth more and was going to swear off men for a while. It wasn't long after I stopped looking for love that it found me. How do I know he is the one? The small ways he shows how much I mean to him. One example is that sometimes when I am having a bath, before I get out he warms up a towel for me in the dryer and brings it to me when he hears me pull the drain. He still does stuff like this after 10 years together.

    Good luck. You will find true love, or rather it will find you if you let it :heart:
  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    Well said tab...very well said.
  • Das_Modell
    Das_Modell Posts: 167
    i wish my friend Hansen was still alive. He lived in NY as well and was one of my best friends. He was never ashamed of getting the really nice comments i'd leave on his myspace. We talked pretty much like every night for years. I know he'd def. would hunt Mike down and kick his *kitten*. I even told one of his friends, this girl Jenny he had known for years, about how i felt about him and she was happy that he had known before what happend. I kinda dont like to say what happend exactly cuz people have so many point of views on the subject. I drew a pic of Hansen one day and put in smaller lettering on the side "i love u hansen" . I know that some of u would say he may be the same but he never treated me like Mike has.

    I have a pic of Hansen in my photos on here if anyone wants to see what he looks like :smile: (he's the good guy)
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    two words

    Dump Him
  • Das_Modell
    Das_Modell Posts: 167
    two words

    Dump Him

    i pretty much have. i just hate when i cry so much tho. it gives me a MAJOR migraine. Idky. I actually didn't eat lunch :ohwell: i just had a chewy granola bar like 1hr ago.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    two words

    Dump Him

    i pretty much have. i just hate when i cry so much tho. it gives me a MAJOR migraine. Idky. I actually didn't eat lunch :ohwell: i just had a chewy granola bar like 1hr ago.

    I'm really sorry but the pain will go away in time and you need to find someone that will reciprocate your feelings....you can't force someone to care or love you.....that's never a good idea
    Plus if this Mike character doesn't like you, HIS LOSS...no need to wish violence upon him or anything....move on
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    Choose different men. You deserve better!
  • Das_Modell
    Das_Modell Posts: 167
    thanks everyone :flowerforyou: . right now im focusing on getting my new myspace layout done. i still have a lot to do. I figured that would keep my mind off of it.

    If anyone does wish to add me on myspace my link is http://www.myspace.com/you_are_my_flame if the display name says The Crazy Redhead then you got the right page.
  • injuneer81
    injuneer81 Posts: 122 Member
    The best revenge is to enjoy life.
  • injuneer81
    injuneer81 Posts: 122 Member
    two words

  • injuneer81
    injuneer81 Posts: 122 Member
  • Das_Modell
    Das_Modell Posts: 167

  • injuneer81
    injuneer81 Posts: 122 Member


    Isn't Das Modell (The model) a song by Kraftwerk?
  • Das_Modell
    Das_Modell Posts: 167
    Rammstein :smile:
    i haven't heard of Kraftwerk. Another good german band is The Vision Bleak (except the one song i really like is in english)
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