losing weight faster without exercising ?



  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    oh and one more thing.
    i had an ED for the past two years...can this be a reason that i'm losing weight slower?

    slower metabolism is a possible hangover from that, yes.
  • awetherell
    awetherell Posts: 62 Member
    First off, your health and fitness is not a sprint. Don't worry about the scale showing a lower number, taking longer this time than a previous time. The primary concept to get the head wrapped around is to get fit in a sustainable way.

    If you are exercising this time and consuming more calories to replenish the added deficit caused by said exercise, you are actually retaining muscle tissue. Just so there is no confusion, that is a good thing.

    Previously, when in a caloric deficit and not exercising, your body was shedding both fat and muscle tissue to compensate for the reduced calories. Muscle has a higher biological cost than fat due to it consumes more calories just to sit there. If you aren't using it, the body will get rid of it because it is too expensive to keep.

    So yeah. if you are exercising this time, the scale will change more slowly. It is very logical and healthier.

    Keep in mind it is about being a more fit you, not a number or a clothing size or looking like someone else. Also keep in mind "fit" encompasses the whole package: weight, body composition, cardiovascular conditioning, strength, balance, etc.

    I think this is a great answer - definitely something to remember. Also I think we can safely say that this chap know's what he's talking about considering his results! The way you are losing weight now, more slowly and steadily, will produce a much more effective and lasting result - although I know as much as anyone how tempting it is to get rid of it all as quickly as possible! Exercising regularly is so good for your body, even if it takes longer, it will be worth it!