Pre and post workout nutrition



  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    For the most part I just eat because I'm hungry, but, since I'm eating before I go to the gym anyway, I try to get complex carbohydrates and sugars. Since I am going to drink coffee anyway, I do it at the same time as my pre-workout snack/meal, which is about an hour or two before I go to the gym. I go to the gym before dinner, because I know I'm going to be hungry afterwards. On the flip side, before I got out of shape, back when I was in the army, I did PT while fasted and I didn't like that one bit. This is all just my personal preference and I don't do it to get any special results. You should do what makes you feel good. If eating while fasted, like me, makes you feel like you're going to puke, don't do it just because somebody said that somebody said that you'll get better results or something if you're just trying to get in shape to be healthy. If you were a professional athelete or training for the olympics, it might be a different story.

    And don't eat just because I said so if you like to work out fasted either. I forgot to add that in there.
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    I used to have a whey shaker 30 mn before and a slice of gingerbread, but frankly I was not really able sometimes to control the portions, and I trained bloated sometimes.
    Now I have my lunch (around 100g of CHO) and I train 5 hours later, fasted. I never found myself really tired, only days I wasn't having enough carbs at lunch.

    After the workout, I wait 1 hour sometimes and eat 70% of my daily intake, which includes all the nutrients.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    a douche is deleting people for idiotic reason. You have no idea wtf is going on. Oh sorry about my spelling, i am pretty buzzed, sorry if that offends you.

    Seriously, this is the freaking Internet. Honestly, why do you care that much about someone removing you from their friends list no matter the reason? I've removed people because excessive text speak drives me nuts, we're each here to have our own experiences make what we want out of it. You want to argue macro/micro nutrient timing, this is the thread to do it. You want to hash out *kitten* with joe and sidesteel, make a new thread.

    No, sidesteel was being "CONDESCENDING" towards me. His famous word. This is what started all this. here is my question, why do you care? I don't know you, you say "you just want to argue" it seems like you're the one that wants to, popping out of the blue and just getting involved. This reminds me of "middle school"

    I'm sorry, maybe today (now that your not drinking) you can see that you applied bits of Jet's convo with you to me. I only care in so far that the op is looking for answers to a question and your derailment is not helpful.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Ridiculously over complicated, and quite honestly, ineffective.