Who were you in high school??



  • cyn4him
    cyn4him Posts: 83 Member
    Somewhere between nerd/goth/punk. I smoked in the bathroom...drank peach schnaps... wrote on walls... wore only black... but got great grades!

    We would have got along great in high school.

    Ok...... add me into your little clique too... that about sums me up. Lol
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I was the girl who didn't hang with the popular crowd, but talked to a few of them. (not friends) I knew everybody. I hung out with the druggies/music/skater people. I went to local concerts. Didn't really date people because the guys who actually liked me never had the balls to approach me....(I learned this years later) Then again, I met my boyfriend (now) my sophomore year in high school...he had graduated a year before. I've been with my boyfriend for 9 years so far. :)
  • Llyrian
    Llyrian Posts: 99 Member
    I went to an arts school. I was the goth girl that slept through first period because I was out clubbing the night before with my older friends, but still got along with everyone who treated me with respect as opposed to the jerks who'd harass me because I wore black and dyed my hair. My school life was half arts and history classes and the other half was.. well, it was Glee. I was still a chubby girl back then and really only felt like I was appreciated when I was performing.

    Am I still that girl now twenty years later? A good part of me still is and always will be. I still dress predominantly in red and black though my style's changed with the times. I still love performing. I just don't write angsty poetry anymore. ;)
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I was a bit of everything. Military school, big time nerd, skipped school alot. In our school attendance was taken once a day so basically you can skip the rest of the day. I was in the school band.

    I think the only thing I didn't do in high school was participate in the whole "gossip circle" that most kids get into. Now that I look back...I was weird as hell.
    DAMNCHARLIE Posts: 569
    I was the chic w/ too much eyeliner in all black, back in my day it wasn't called Goth, it was more like "vampire" or "witch" they called me.:laugh:
  • Cwilbanks12105
    Cwilbanks12105 Posts: 99 Member
    I was the "badass", that was my opinion of myself anyways lol. Smoked in the bathrooms, brought liquor to school in water bottles, did drugs, got into fights, could've cared less about anything and anyone (but still managed to get honor roll lol I took pride in being an intelligent stoner). If I was half as cool as I thought I was back then I could have built myself an igloo.
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    Catholic school, honor roll, grunge chick, worked in a science museum, shopped at thrift stores, listened to weird music, and was apparently that mysterious, cool chick roaming the halls and art rooms, in combat boots.
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    Chess club, lettered in Track and Field, AP student, wall flower, 5 proms, not popular or unpopular, .... you tell me cuz i sure and the heck don't know.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Stoner, Rocker, Partier.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Nerdy goth girl. I always had classic novels in my book bag, was straight edge...still am for the most part. One of very few vegetarians, president of STEP (students for environmental protection), in karate club, and yet took all male sports classes.

    I didn't fit in anywhere. I got picked on by some but I had way too many friends on the football team for anyone to be too stupid towards me. Listened to lots of metal, classical, and Celtic music.

    Volunteered at the Humane Society, a local nursing home, and the library...shelving books.

    Basically.....the goody goody that always felt the need to blend into the background or to be overlooked.

    I have not changed.
  • theleftie
    theleftie Posts: 366
    5' 7". 140lbs. Stoner jock. Zero idea how to talk to girls.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I was on the fringe. I was really shy and quiet but totally different once i warmed up. The good girl with super strict parents who occasionally smoked skipped school or drank, but still behaved for the most part. Totally insecure and no idea who i was. I was a cheerleader (no one that knows me now would EVER guess that or believe it) but not in the "in" crowd. I had friends in almost every social group, from goth to jock. I would talk to anyone who was nice. My main group was just the normal, in the middle pack.

    Edited to add - looking back, I was so worried about fitting in. I really regret not just being what I wanted. All of those people who knew who they were back then and didn't care about being part of the crowd seem to be the most successful now.

    I am very different from the girl I was. Night and day.
  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    Shy, geeky, socially awkward brainiac.

    I was a sci-fi/fantasy geek back when it wasn't cool. I was terrified of guys but wanted a boyfriend so bad. I lost weight and was thin in high school (and cute), but I still felt like a fat person and got treated like one. I got better (but still love sci-fi and fantasy).