When did you decide to start losing weight?

I don't remember exactly when my breaking point was but I've kind of not been doing so well the past few weeks (even though I've lost 17 pounds total). I can tell I've lost weight in my face but I just saw a picture that was taken of me yesterday and I'm mortified!!! Makes me want to kick my butt into gear and lose more weight cause I am going to be in a lot of pictures at the end of the month and if I look like that I'm gonna cry!!

So what was your breaking point?


  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member
  • joshis_bunny
    I didn't decide, my body did. I fell really sick and lost 15kgs in 3 weeks. Since then I have gone through hell trying to get myself to a goal weight. Doing this triggered an eating disorder which I have pushed out of my system but have to live with for the rest of my life. Now I am happy in going to the gym and changing what I eat to try and get that even balance and start losing weight the healthier way.
  • Karrie262
    Karrie262 Posts: 152 Member
    When I put on a pair of jeans and they ripped open along the seam! I cried and felt so ashamed and mortified. Ever since then I have pushed myself hard to never rip a pair of jeans again :)
  • TXRobinD
    TXRobinD Posts: 15 Member
    My point was when we booked a trip to Hawai for this summer and I did not want to look like a balloon in a swim suit. Plus, over the last year my husband lost about 35 lbs so I had to start keeping up with him. At this point I still have not talked about all of this with my outside family and friends. Obviously my family knows but so far no one else has noticed the weight lose yet. I am interested to see how long it takes before people really notice.
  • BigMike915
    BigMike915 Posts: 112 Member
    March, 2011. I had just had enough, and it was time for a change.
  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member
    I didn't decide, my body did. I fell really sick and lost 15kgs in 3 weeks. Since then I have gone through hell trying to get myself to a goal weight. Doing this triggered an eating disorder which I have pushed out of my system but have to live with for the rest of my life. Now I am happy in going to the gym and changing what I eat to try and get that even balance and start losing weight the healthier way.

    Well good for you for getting on the right track, sure that wasn't easy but worth it!!
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    I decided to start losing weight dozens of times . . . always "falling off the wagon" and having to start over again.
    Atkins, Weight Watchers, Cabbage soup diet, Deal a Meal (showing my age now lol) are all part of my past.

    What made the difference this last time? I lost both of my parents within 3 months of each other- my dad to cancer in Nov 2007 and my mom to an aneurysm the following February. They were both 66 - too young.

    In 2009, I joined a gym that had recently opened a block from work. I vowed to workout 3 days a week over my lunch hour.
    I kept up with my vow, knowing that exercising was healthy- and I wanted to live longer than my parents- not wanting my
    kids to go through what I and my siblings did. After a few weeks, working out became a habit - it didnt feel like a chore so much. In fact, it felt weird when i wasnt exercising . . I ended up going over my lunch hour everyday. While I did feel better and had more energy, the scale was not showing results, I decided to try a trainer. He not only fine tuned my workout plan, he devised a diet plan and with his help and expertise I lost 25lbs in 6 months(fall 2010) and to date have kept it off.

    I started working out because I know it was good for me. I kept working out because it became a habit. Now I exercise because I actually enjoy it! I've completed two 5K's, an indorr triathalon, and will run my first WarriorDash this Sat.

    For me the key is patience and trust. Slow, doable changes you can stick with and trust in the process is what yielded results for me. Good Luck to you!
  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member
    I decided to start losing weight dozens of times . . . always "falling off the wagon" and having to start over again.
    Atkins, Weight Watchers, Cabbage soup diet, Deal a Meal (showing my age now lol) are all part of my past.

    What made the difference this last time? I lost both of my parents within 3 months of each other- my dad to cancer in Nov 2007 and my mom to an aneurysm the following February. They were both 66 - too young.

    In 2009, I joined a gym that had recently opened a block from work. I vowed to workout 3 days a week over my lunch hour.
    I kept up with my vow, knowing that exercising was healthy- and I wanted to live longer than my parents- not wanting my
    kids to go through what I and my siblings did. After a few weeks, working out became a habit - it didnt feel like a chore so much. In fact, it felt weird when i wasnt exercising . . I ended up going over my lunch hour everyday. While I did feel better and had more energy, the scale was not showing results, I decided to try a trainer. He not only fine tuned my workout plan, he devised a diet plan and with his help and expertise I lost 25lbs in 6 months(fall 2010) and to date have kept it off.

    I started working out because I know it was good for me. I kept working out because it became a habit. Now I exercise because I actually enjoy it! I've completed two 5K's, an indorr triathalon, and will run my first WarriorDash this Sat.

    For me the key is patience and trust. Slow, doable changes you can stick with and trust in the process is what yielded results for me. Good Luck to you!

    Wow, good for you!!!
  • equinescrapper
    I lost 55 lbs a few years ago. Then I had my daughter, gained weight and also gained after delivery. She is 2 years old and we really would like to give her a sibling this fall. I knew it took me a year to lose the weight before so I started trying to lose again last year. It's been long, slow and frustrating progress. At this point, I'm going to be happy with having lost anything before we get pregnant again. But it's also about me knowing how to eat this next time around, so I don't gain too much and can lose it afterwards.
  • chudsandwich
    chudsandwich Posts: 2 Member
    I hadn't weighed myself for a couple of years, and I knew that I had gained weight. I was hiding from the scale. Unfortunately (actually: fortunately) I had to go to the doctor because of a sore throat - the scale said 408. I knew I was at my heaviest, but I never thought I broke the 400 mark. I spent about a month in denial, and then joined a gym. I'm currently at 372.
  • nannanorem
    nannanorem Posts: 98 Member
    I decided to loose weight and get into shape when I went to my chiropractor with back and leg pain. She told me that my hamstrings were tight and that they were pulling on my lower back muscles. She attempted to "stretch" my legs and I cried from the pain :sad: , that's when I said "enough is enough!" She told me about MFP and I have been here since then. I went back 5 weeks later and told her I was using MFP and she said that was good because I needed to loose weight to help with my menopausal symptoms. :huh: Willing to give anything a try for that! :wink:
  • yuliyax
    yuliyax Posts: 288
    When I saw a really unflattering photo of myself from the party ( I thought I looked great before I saw it ) Plus the break of 1.5 year unhealthy and horrible relationship during which I gained nearly 70 pounds.
  • thriftycupl
    thriftycupl Posts: 310 Member
    Right before the holidays. I knew if I could get through the holidays, I could really do. Plus, I like really challenging myself. It's worked out pretty well so far.
  • madmex569
    madmex569 Posts: 49
    A lot of things made me decide i had enough. I was heavier than i ever had been in my life. Felt like crud. Looked the same. I took my daughters to the school father/daughter dance and had to buy bigger dress shirt and pants. My youngest just had a communion party and i felt so much better back in clothes i hadn't worn for couple years. My next goal is to go to beach and pool back in shape. A month or so i have to get that done. I found that setting goals for certain dates have really kept me going good
  • nannanorem
    nannanorem Posts: 98 Member
    I hadn't weighed myself for a couple of years, and I knew that I had gained weight. I was hiding from the scale. Unfortunately (actually: fortunately) I had to go to the doctor because of a sore throat - the scale said 408. I knew I was at my heaviest, but I never thought I broke the 400 mark. I spent about a month in denial, and then joined a gym. I'm currently at 372.

    Good for you! Your doing great! Keep up the good work :smile:
  • frootcat
    frootcat Posts: 194 Member
    I can't say I really decided, it just sort of happened. Of course I knew I was overweight, unhealthy, and unhappy for a long time, and I had tried to lose weight before. But this time... I had just been spending a lot of time online, reading about healthy foods, about organics and grass fed beef, free range chicken, GMOs, homesteading... all that kind of stuff. What I bought slowly started to change, and then I started paying more attention to portion sizes, and then one day I just felt like exercising.

    Now I play around a bit with my daughter's Wii, I bought a Groupon for a local yoga studio, I skim through craigslist for used exercise equipment (I'd like an elliptical next, to go with the treadmill already in the basement). I'm thinking about putting down matted flooring in the area where I exercise and thinking about painting the walls nearby. I bought some adjustable 40 lb barbells, and I have a small wishlist going on Amazon for the next time I get a spending urge (I'm really quite cheap, hehe).

    I'm prone to falling into 'hobbies' with all the positive points of obsession, and it certainly appears that health and fitness is the next one up. :)
  • AsaraFuriosa
    AsaraFuriosa Posts: 293 Member
    A couple things started getting open my nerves about myself. Like how went I laid down I had trouble breathing, my knees really started to hurt so I was borrowing foot stools at work, my Fibromyalgia started getting out of hand with the pain. Then my breaking point was when the biggest size I'd ever worn (24) had to be unbuttoned after eating and so did my giant lounge pants, when my sister and I were going through our mother's clothes after she died and my sister wanted to give away some clothes I wanted because ' You are never going to fit that' then Bravo's Bethany Frankle and her ' Skinny Girl' line, and then MTV's 'I use to be fat' began to air and I watched these determined kids fight so hard to change their lives just to be happy with themselves because it's what they've always wanted..... that was it for me, all of it building up.

    I'm happy to say this was all pre MFP, I've now lost 74lbs, I'm in a size 16 (I was an 18 my freshman year of high school) and at my goal party I'm gonna be serving some Skinny Girl Margaritas!!
  • Beatlegirl66
    Beatlegirl66 Posts: 68 Member
    After I saw the box of Eminmen's donuts in the trash and realized that I had ate that entire box of chocolate donuts the night before and I was really out of control. I needed to make some sort of a change in my eating and weight. That was between Christmas and New Years this past year.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    When i renewed my driver's license and a fat, sad old man was looking back at me when I looked at the photo. Since that day, I've lost 44 lbs and am stronger and faster than I ever have been.

    And happier :)
  • zen_mama
    zen_mama Posts: 51
    When I realized I was going to be seeing my ex-husband and wife number 2 in June after not seeing them for a year. Great motivation to lose 20 pounds before summer and then keep plowing through the rest of the weight. Probably a shallow reason (because I want to make sure I look better than the new Mrs.), but it was the motivation I needed to get my *kitten* moving.