What do YOU do when you're sore?



  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    i usually walk around all day telling everyone how sore i am , lol

    Ha, too funny!

    And, yes, I do that too. :0)

    Made me LOL...

    I was sore and my legs ached before I dieted, now they do cos I diet.... I feel better with the second one though :wink:
  • SemiChaud
    SemiChaud Posts: 20 Member
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    then there's the thought that you need to work through it, albeit at a lower intensity...which is what I have been doing. I also increase stretching.

    This is what I do. I might do a different exercise than what made the muscle(s) sore, but I will still work them.
  • katmont
    katmont Posts: 32 Member
    I use muscle milk after i workout with weights and i dont have any soreness at all
  • athensguy
    athensguy Posts: 550
    If it's delayed onset muscle soreness, there doesn't appear to be any reason to alter your workouts unless you are unable to keep your form. No need to take any supplements or what not. It does not appear to be caused by lactic acid, but rather by eccentric contractions. You also become resistant to DOMS resulting from a particular motion, so you will not get as sore in the future.

    Immediate Onset Soreness should dissipate relatively quickly and not affect your next workout.

    If you feel like you have pulled a muscle or connective tissue, you should seek medical advice.
  • rhenneberry
    rhenneberry Posts: 20
    I use a foam roller to help recover quicker from those types of workouts. Also try mixing in yoga, it has helped me stay flexible when I am doing weigh training.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    foam roll
    contrast showers
    and reduced intensity blood work. If i have an intense workout on monday and my tris are feeling sore, I'll do light pushdowns the next day.
    After squats or deadlifts, I'll drag a sled the next day.

    Workout to recover.
  • VMarkV
    VMarkV Posts: 522 Member
    I also do something similar to foam rolling but use a hard medicine ball instead to roll out knots in my back and legs. You just roll over the sore area on a medicine ball in a circular motion, clockwise and counterclockwise, up and down, whatever motion
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    Rest is really important, but I tend to plan my workouts so I have two heavy days in the middle of a few medium intensity days. Since I am currently training for a triathlon, I plan swims at the beginning and end of my training week. I find that after running a long run, the next day I am not sore, but my muscles might be tight, so I swim. I tend to have DOMS (delayed onset muscle syndrome) which means I would get sore two days after. If I swim the day after a hard work out then I am never sore. By the last day of the week (day 5 or 6), I can't expect a great workout because my muscles are tired, but the swim helps repair the muscles. Then I take a day off, and the first day back my swim is awesome.

    All that to say...take at least ONE day off a week, if not two, but plan light to medium intensity workouts the day after a hard work out.
  • bigbef
    bigbef Posts: 8
    I tend to work through it gently. If it's causing pain rather than just general soreness, it can sometimes be a good idea to stop and examine how badly it hurts.
    If I find I'm really sore, I have a hot bath and stretch whilst in there, and then another stretch before bed. I try not to give in to the soreness, unless it's causing me to lose form and risk injury. Sometimes this does mean taking my workout at a slightly lower intensity, to allow the soreness to dissipate before cranking it back up later on in the workout.
  • drapisking
    drapisking Posts: 73 Member
    I do a low intensity day and spend some time in compression gear, seems to help considerably.
  • mkbledsoe
    mkbledsoe Posts: 132
    take some ibuprofen and keep working out regularly. If I am really hurting though, yoga works wonders.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I stretch a lot and massage my muscles a lot. Sometimes I wish I was sore because it makes stretching and massaging feel SO good lol.

    I don't really do anything different exercise-wise, though. I will still run if I'm sore, but I take days off in between strength training anyway. I will still do strength the day after that though but it's usually a different area of my body so it's not an issue.
  • Sunshine_and_Puppies
    I bask in the awesomeness of my soreness and keep on working hard. I alternate days so I'm not usually sore still by the time I get back to that muscle group and if I am I just push through it.