Do you have pets??



  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    I used to volunteer for an organisation called Pet Rescue. Took in a number of orphan kittens to bottle feed. Had several successes but then had a string of ones that didn't make it, so gave it up for emotional reasons.

    That rainbow bridge poem is a great comfort! My best cat ever resides in a little urn with the poem beside him. I know it sounds weird, but he really was my best cat ever and although I've had cats since, he was very, very special to me.

    I have one now who's almost like him - except that she's not a cuddly one (unless it's on her terms). But she does talk and play fetch like he used to. The other one, the monster, is much more cuddly and affectionate, so between the two of them, I guess I do have my baby back.
  • brendab
    Thanks Kristen
    I feel as if I know some of these folks better now. I know we are all trying to remove weight & love the support of others in the same situation. To see how many people love animals the way we do in our home is just that much more wonderful. I'm so glad I typed in counting calories to that search engine at the end of January and found this site!!!!! I'm grateful for the support, the friends I've made, & the fine people that love their families & Pets. The Rainbow Poem did indeed make me cry...I've lost a few too & it always Hurts!....
    What a great community to part of..........
    Bren:drinker: 5lbs down !
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thanks Kristen
    I feel as if I know some of these folks better now. I know we are all trying to remove weight & love the support of others in the same situation. To see how many people love animals the way we do in our home is just that much more wonderful. I'm so glad I typed in counting calories to that search engine at the end of January and found this site!!!!! I'm grateful for the support, the friends I've made, & the fine people that love their families & Pets. The Rainbow Poem did indeed make me cry...I've lost a few too & it always Hurts!....
    What a great community to part of..........
    Bren:drinker: 5lbs down !

    Yeah...sometimes it's nice to take a break from talking only about food and exercise!!:bigsmile:

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    On a lighter note: When Patrick (9yr son) wanted a puppy I thought I would get him off that idea by, well, getting a gerbil. And since Gerbils are said to do better in pairs and I always have two cats, well, yeah I did. Just an FYI; when the young clerk says "yes, they are both males" Do NOT believe it!!!! When the first batch was born it was kind of neat and the pet store said they would take the next generation. Why I didn't stop there I don't know. Well, now I have seven gerbils (the pet store has a one time limit I guess) 4 males/3 females and yes, they are separated. di

    HeHe!! This totally happened to us when I was younger living with my parents. My sister and I got two that were both males (yeah right)! We ended up with 38!!!!!!! And....worst part is one of our 4 cats at the time could open up the cage and they would get lose almost every day and we'd come home from school and have to round up all 38 of them. I still can't believe the cats didn't eat any. They just played with them. Only one was ever injured but he still lived. Eventually we got rid of all of them except one. One is a much better number for gerbils!!!!:wink:

  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    We have a ****tier-Nitro will be 2 on Valentines Day.
    Tuesday, she is a rescue German Shepherd. She is also 2.
    We also feed the neighborhood cats so my daughter thinks she has 3 cats.
    And...I have a 37 year old dog named Grant...we have been married for almost 15 years. I am still trying to teach him new tricks.
  • babyhippo
    We have a dog named Hanson.
    I used to have a hamster. But it died. (They don't live very long....about 2-3 years max) They make great pets! Would like to get another one.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    I knew someone who got just one guinea pig - and it turned out to be pregnant! So you never know...